Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yet Another Smuggler


Davi's Writer Account
What can we say, we're multiplying like womp rats on hormone boosters.

Anyway, hello, all! I've been lurking about for a few weeks, watching how the site operates and brainstorming character stuff, but late last night I took the plunge and finally posted up my character. I am a huge star wars fan who also happens to love to write. I did a lot of forum RP in high school, but kinda fizzled out in college. I just graduated, so I'm hoping that means I have time to get back to the fun stuff in-between job stuff.

Very much looking forward to writing with you all!

ever too many smugglers around. Just stay off of my turf!

Seriously, though, Welcome to Chaos and like [member="Cryax Bane"] said, always ask if you need anything, someone can help you.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos! Glad to have you here.

Just shout if you have any questions, and be sure to have fun out there!


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