Yetari Sellix
The Traveling Doctor

NAME: Yetari Sellix
FACTION: None as of yet
RANK: None as of yet
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 156 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR (Head): Combed back jet-black hair with a few strands of grey throughout from stress
HAIR (Face): clean shaven
SKIN: light skin (some would describe as almost pale-looking at times)
Build and Features: Has a lithe build with some light muscle from activity. Yetari has a scar going from the bottom of his left eye that goes horizontally to the bottom of his ear, where the bottom of the lobe has been cut off, as well as other scars on various spots of the left side of his body from the aftermath of an explosion and shrapnel. He usually wears whatever is comfortable, but Yetari is never without his silver promise ring, the only thing he has to remind him of his loss.
Personality: Before the incident he was a kind, thoughtful, and sociable person that most enjoyed being around, unless the topic was Jedi, Sith, and/or the force. Afterwards he lost most of his happy personality, but still has a kind enough heart to help those in need when he sees them. He's become more of a quiet loner and will openly state as much, but deep down he is always glad for at least someone to talk to. There are times when his old personality will shine through, but they are quite rare as of late for obvious reasons.
{+} He is a medical doctor of decent skill, forged through years of training, education, and a desire to help people. Because of the war he had received some basic combat medic training, and now that he usually has to work outside of a hospital he is used to doing things with as little equipment as he can possibly use.
{+} Yetari is no genius, but he is smart enough that he has been able to get out of most trouble.
{+/-} Being sensitive to the force has helped him in some fortunate ways, but being untrained in it makes things difficult at times. His determination to ignore it also can be a detriment, since he is still angry at his father and the Jedi for what he sees as their failures.
{-} He has a very gloomy disposition as of now, which drives some people away, and can be a bit indignant to Jedi. This makes him very few friends/allies and sometimes makes him even refuse help.
{-} Is not a very good fighter or very athletic. This may change slightly over time, but for the most part he relies on his brains to deal with a threat.
BIOGRAPHY: Yetari was born on Coruscant to a star-dock worker mother and a former Jedi father, who left their family when Yetari was still a baby to seek out something he had in one of his visions. As he grew his mother would tell him stories of his adventurous Jedi father, trying to make Yetari understand that there was a reason his father left, but the young boy held onto a deep resentment that to this day has become even stronger. He would continue showing his distaste for his father and the Jedi by ignoring the signs that his mother said proved he had the ability to use the force as well, instead choosing to excel in his studies and become a medical doctor before later settling down to have a family.
With his wife Tulia and his daughter Junix he lived a decent life, until the invasion of Coruscant by the One Sith. It was during this event that he lost his mother, wife, and child when they sought refuge in the Jedi temple and it was destroyed, while learning that his ability to heal could only go so far as many more people died either under his care or all around him. After being dragged to safety Yetari healed as many survivors as he felt he was able, then jumped on the first transport he could to get as far away from the planet as possible. Now he has damned himself to an existence of constant travel, self-pity, and blaming the force for his problems. Not knowing what else to do, Yetari sells his healing skills to whomever can pay and sometimes lends aid for free to those who can't.
-One DL-18 Blaster pistol he acquired in his travels. Is not the best shot with it, but he knows it's better to have a weapon and not need it than to need it and not have one.
Among the Dead of Boz Pit {In Progress}
The House Call {In Progress}