Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps



Age37 Galactic Standard Years
SpeciesZelosian-Human hybrid
Height1.524 Meters
Weight 61.235 Kilograms
Force SensitiveYes


Long, red hair. Emerald green eyes. Fare skin. Wears a variety of outfits, usually displaying vegetation or dark aura.


Dark magic embued blade. ID9 Seeker Droid, nicknamed "Seek"


Being trained in ways of magic and the dark side yet upholding traditional morals, Ygra users her dark side abilities in the name of peace and balance. While others see her abilities and skills as "evil", she understands them as tools that depend upon the user; an argument she makes for the Force and magic as a whole.

Always wanting to learn more, Ygra remains curious as she is optimistic. Despite the surface nature of a person/thing, she seeks to understand it regardless. At times her curiosity may be her undoing.

Has an innate fear of fire. Does not like long space travel flights, as she worries about being trapped/lost/dying in space.


Trained in both armed and unarmed combat; mainly with blades.

Highly adept mind in the ways of the dark side and schools of magik.

Known abilities include:

  • Wielding Ichor
  • Necromancy
  • Force Drain/Healing
  • Voodoo
  • Illusions/Hallucinations (Easier to conjure on lesser minds and weak wills)
  • Control/Connection to vegetation
  • Minor Force Lightning


Zelosian trait of being totally blind in the dark.

Twice as flammable as other species due to vegetative nature.

Hindered by extreme hot or cold environments, even when wearing proper gear.


When the child was born on Zelos II, her father had long since abounded her mother. Living in the slums, and fear for her child's future, the Zelosian woman desperately sought a way to save her daughter. In desperation, she looked to her sister, Iga, who had turned to a coven of witches that carried the ways of the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Sensing the child's connection to the Force, Iga took the child to raise among her coven; the cost was that her sister would never see her child again.

The Zelosian's final gift to her daughter was a name: Ygra.

Growing up with the coven on the planet Felucia, Ygra was trained to connect with the darker side of the Force and learn the ways of magik. Through time and patience, she was able to become a gifted spellcaster. At times Ygra would wander the wilds of the jungle planet, encountering wildlife and "communing" with the vegetation; Iga deducing this was due to her Zelosian heritage. Over time, Iga saw Ygra's potential rising.

When she was seventeen, fate diverted Ygra's path when the coven was attacked by pirate raiders. Despite their magiks, the witches would not fully defend against their superior firepower. All but Ygra were slain as she was forced to run under the order of Iga. Her aunt had sent word to an old friend where the young witch could be found before her death, offering her a final chance as did her mother before.

For over a day Ygra wandered Felucia's wilds until Iga's friend found her. The old man called himself "Selmyst", who was accompanied by her ID9 droid named "Seek". Despite being blind and feeble, Ygra sensed great power from the old man and agreed to come back to his home on Naboo.


After she settled into her new home, Selmyst revealed his connection to Iga and the witches. In his youth he trained with the Sith as a sorcerer. Like her, he had a keen mind in the ways of the mysterious aspects of the Force. His original name was long forgotten, taking the title of "Darth Selmyst" once he'd proven himself. Unlike his peers, however, Selmyst had seen the dark side not as a weapon of rule but a tool for the betterment of the galaxy. His was exiled from his order back to his home world, and his continued experimentation with Sith sorcerery cost him his sight and much of his strength. With his time growing ever shorter, Selmyst sought another he could pass his teachings to. Ygra, hesitant at first, was further convinced by her new master's words and began her studies.

In little over a year, Ygra became a full trained spellcaster in the deeper ways of the dark side yet never strayed from Master Selmyst's teachings. His final test was a battle between the two, Selmyst unleashing his full might against Ygra despite her attempts to simply subdue him. (Selmyst warning he would steal her life essence to keep himself alive long enough to find another if she failed.) In the end, Ygra's cunning allowed her victory, and in his dying breath, Selmyst congratulated her.

"May the darkness…. protect your steps…." was his final words to her.

After burying Selmyst, Ygra, now taking Seek as her own, Ygra left Naboo with the intent to carry out her master's teachings. To seek out further knowledge in the Force and the nature of the galaxy itself. And bring balance even with the dark side as her ally.

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