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Yig D'rasil

Yig D'rasil

Force User, Astronomer
AGE: Nearly 2,000 years old (most of that time spent in hibernation); Considered a young adult by his specie's age standards​
HEIGHT: 7' 4"
WEIGHT: 450 Ilbs
SKIN: Green, brown (made mostly from bark and foliage morphed into a natural form)


+ Natural connection with the Force
+ Natural ability to shape-shift body into different forms (all still plant based)
+ Long Lifespan
+/- No need for food but requires sunlight and water often
- Fear of Fire (PTSD)
- Cannot stand colder environments (tends to make him slower and possibly freeze to death)

As a Neti Yig can change himself into any shape he wants; provided there is enough foliage around to help morph his body. His preferred state is a taller, more humanoid shape.


For thousands of years the Neti were thought to be an extinct species, passing on into legend. In truth however there were some that still survived all scattered across the galaxy, hiding in some of the deepest reaches. One such place was the moon of Endor.

Yig D'rasil was one of a few hundred of his kind to find refuge on the tiny, forest satellite. Far away from the sight of the Ewoks or any travelers who wandered to the small planet the Neti thrived and remained peaceful. However their strong connection to the Force was not unknown and those, such as the then ruling Emperor Palpetine, had sensed the strong presence.

Fearing what it could mean if the Neti were to rise against him Palpetine ordered his armies to Endor. He had used the excuse of clearing it as a future construction sight for the second Death Star while also procuring a means of destroying the Neti hiding there. TIE fighters bombed the area where the Neti hid, destroying them all in a fiery blaze. Fearing for his life as he watched his people burn alive Yig could only think of one means of escape. He ran.

Yug had managed to escape far away to the planet known as Ahch-To, a place was great with the Force and home to the Jedi Order; long before even his time. The planet was isolated and strong enough to keep him safe. But during his time of waiting Yig D'rasil began to fear his presence would lure the Darkside to his secluded home. He had but one choice: to hide. Using the Enti means of hibernation Yig took a spot upon one of the many small islands that dotted the planet's surface and rooted himself deep in the ground. He became like a tree himself and slept. Ever since then he has felt the Force on Ahch-To, from the creatures above and below to the ones who had visited. Even now he waits for when the galaxy may be safer for his kind to return.

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