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Approved NPC Yjome Shande

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Pictured: Darya Shande (left) and Yjome Shande (right)
  • Intent: To create one of two bodyguards/priestesses/attendants.
  • Image Credit: Midjourney
  • Role: Wake/Darth Nwul's adoptive daughter. Functionally a bodyguard and attendant in the service of her sith 'master'. Acts in the role of priestess on occasion.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Age: 15
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Rattataki
  • Appearance: Athletic but generally average teenager of her species. White skin, black tattoos, no hair.
  • Name: Yjome Shande
  • Loyalties: Wake Nayne
  • Wealth: Impoverished* all of their possessions and luxuries come from Wake.
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills:
    • Pilot (Skilled)
    • Mechanic (Skilled)
    • Martial Artist (Talented)
    • Full-Spectrum Emotion Force Training
      • Wake has trained Yjome in how to use all of her emotions, positive and negative, to draw on the dark side. She can draw up her powers more quickly, with more potency, and possesses more 'stamina' than the average practitioner of her level. She is also less likely to lose control to anger and rage.
  • Languages: Ashlan, Sith, Basic
  • Personality: Bellicose, generally hostile to strangers and suspicious of others.
  • Weapon of Choice: Self-constructed Sith Lightsaber, standard bled crystal, standard hilt.
  • Combat Function: Serves as a guardian in conjunction with her sister. Predominantly a melee fighter that engages in quick and coreographed attacks and maneuvers. Focuses on protecting Wake from harm.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Knows most standard force powers, pull, push, telekinesis, senses. Also knows several sith and dark-side related powers including electrical force abilities, powers to inflict mental wounds, and various grips and crushing powers.
    • Was taught Pyrokinesis by Wake Nayne
  • Skilled hand to hand combatant and force user. Hard to separate from her sister.
  • Possesses a near telepathic connection to her sister.
  • Is fanatically loyal to her master and will use that fanaticism to channel the dark side.
  • Quick to anger.
  • Overprotective of her sister and can find herself emotionally struck if something should happen to her.
  • Not used to operating alone.
Yjome Shande was one of two siblings who were raised by their father, Sher Shande, a Ashlan Guardian of the catacombs beneath Korriban's surface. A twisted man, he intentionally let his force-talented daughters go without proper training to keep them weak. His intentions for them when they reached adulthood were less than pleasant. Sher was murdered and consumed by Wake Nayne during the Scouring of Korriban where he learned that Sher had hidden his daughters in a hallway and of the man's wicked thoughts. Sensing opportunity, Wake tracked down the girls and brought them in under his wing, initially manipulating them into staying close by but eventually luring them to fall to the dark side. He now oversees their training.

Yjome herself grew up very protective of her sister. Far more aggressive than her sibling, she was the first to distrust Wake but also the first to embrace his teachings. She is fanatically loyal to her father and sees herself more as a devoted priestess than a daughter. She greatly enjoys the luxuries that Wake showers them with and ruthlessly protects what's hers.
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