NAME: Ynnead Longeye
FACTION: Kaeshana Confederation
SPECIES: Eldorai
AGE: 64
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.82 meters
WEIGHT: 71 kilograms
EYES: Grey
HAIR: White
SKIN: Grey
+ Force Sensitive: He can use the Force.
+ Fleet of Foot: As an Eldorai, his small frame allows him to move around with a swiftness bulkier races could not.
+ Sixshooter: While his training in the Force is limited, and what he has been able to do has been mostly passive in nature, he's found several interesting uses for the Force - one of which allows him to 'see' down the barrel of a rifle or similar weapon, improving accuracy.
- Sticks and Stones: As an Eldorai, he's not as physically strong or hardy as other races, meaning in close combat he can be overpowered fairly easy.
- Supremacy: Seriously, you're a lesser being.
- Boys Have Cooties: Despite the current trend on his home planet of somewhat improving the lives of males, he was still raised during a time of oppression. This has lead to bouts of depression, deep social anxieties around women - although he covers it up as best he can by being overly courteous - as well as leaving him generally uneducated comparatively. Try big words. He won't understand you. Mostly because he never learned Basic.
Tall for a male, but not as tall as many of the females of his species, Ynnead is little different from the rest of his kin. He's relatively frail compared to most of the galaxy, leaving him slight in height and weight. His white hair is kept short to allow him to keep it easily inside his helmet, and his purple eyes glow bright with natural curiosity.
The major difference from most Eldorai is his grey skin, the result of a number of skin problems as a child.
Born and raised on Kaeshana, Ynnead was, as with most Force Sensitives, taken from his family at a young age. As he grew, and his powers became apparent, he was funneled into a military unit. As the Eldorai take their most powerful Force Users and turn them into weapons, his passive abilities were viewed as invaluable tools of war.
Specifically, during training, he was given a variety of weapons to test out; mostly to see what he would be able to use should his Force Powers drain him to the point of needing to rely on a sidearm or other similar device. However, when he picked up a heavy rifle and drilled targets at just about any range.
It turns out that when they'd been trying to teach him basic marksmanship and explained the need to aim precisely, he'd applied his powers to the ability to do that exact thing. By turning his minds eye so he could 'see' down the barrel, he achieved almost surgical precision on every shot.
Due to the concentration required in this, however, he would need a heavy weapon and long range. It was hard to maintain concentration in a melee, after all. But rather than hide as a sniper, he decided to become a support gunner in the first male/female unit in Eldorai history. He does have aspirations, however, of becoming a master swordsman.