Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yo Ho a Pitates Life

[member="Cadan Tazi"]


Two Pelta-class Transport Frigates exit hyperspace just outside the Ascension System, they carried IFF transmitters labeling them as the Silks Transit and the Destitute. They were transports for the Trade Conglomerate, and carried Phrik and other assorted metals to refinory stations across the Mara Corridor. The UTC board was promised safe passage across the Corridor, but they would need to cross smaller Tradelanes to get there from Sullust. The board didn't want to spend more money on the protection so sent them with only fighter escort for refueling and minor docking.

This however made them venerable and Vistroy Jaster Awaud made his case that they needed more protection. It was a loosing fight and the transports were mostly unguarded.

Captain Solusy
Commander aboard the Silk Transit

"Sir, engineering say there's a problem and the planets gravity was farther then we expected, we need to head farther out to enter Hyperspace." Said the Nav Officer.

"Weird, Star Charts say this is where the gravity well ends," said captain Solusy, he quickly shook his head, "XO, heading 1.23 by 23.56 by 0, get me the kark out of this system."

"Roger that captain, Helmsmen, heading 1.23 by 23.56 by 0." Yelled the XO from his posistion next to the captain.

"Heading 1.23 by 23.56 by 0, aye aye."

The Pelta Class was the current model in high use by the Trade Conglomerate, cheap, out of date, and parts were very common. The Pelta also didn't have weapons to repel boarding and no hanger bays for fighter. Thus the fighter were stored in cargo pods specific you designed to transport multiple fighter at once.

They headed away from the planet and placed their tears to the planet and the planets moons.
Cadan had been preying on poor defenseless ships in this area for a while now. He was in his Crusader Class Corvette and had another one with him for back up. When he saw the Silk Transit and the Destitute arrive a wolfish grin spread across his face.

Cadan quickly looked to his second in command. "Open up comms to the ship." The pirate nodded and began to open up a line.

"Greetings Cap'n. This is Cap'n Cadan Tazi 'ere. I'll give you one chance, either surrender your goods, or we kill all ya crew and take it." Short and simple, just the way Cadan liked to keep things.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Air sprays from the air lock connection into the vacuum of space disconnecting from the corvette. The D15 mantis patrol craft spins off speeding towards the transport frigate's, its flickering engine illuminating the dreary devoid of space.

"This is Tiali, I'm ready for what you need Cadan." holding the com link open for the response "R9, ready the weapons. and the air lock systems."

Tiali continues speeding towards the frigate's awaiting Cadan's response.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

"Sir, we just got a transmission from an unknown ship, they are ordering us to release our cargo or we will be killed." Stated the Coms Officer.

The XO looked over to the battle map, "Captain, their Corvettes, the four fighter squadrons won't be enough to fight them off."

The captain looked over to his crew, they had families and so did he. This was suppose to be a routine flight through protected space, how did they know where they were. None the less, he wasn't going to risk his crew for useless trinkets and metals. "XO, cut the engines and tell the fighters to stand down." Soulsy saied.

The XO stood quietly for a second, then with a nod and a defeated look on his face he moved over to the Coms Officer and nodded.

He turned in his seat and radioed the Pirates, "We will comply, engines are being shut off and Conglomerate Guards are standing down."

Just as he finished a distress signal light up from the other transport, they didn't get the message that they were surrendering. Any ships within a small jump would be able to respond to the distress call.
Luckily neither Corvettes picked up the distress call. "We shall be boarding. Prepare to meet us." As Cadan spoke his corvette began to dock into the other ships.

"Be ready for anything." Cadan told the boarding crew. He also openned a comm to the other corvette. "Make sure they don't try anything."

The second corvette's weapons came online but maintain inactive.

Cadan's corvette began to swing round and was preparing to dock. Cadan made his way down to the docking tube ready to take action.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Thraxis"]
The ships conjoined and hissed as the airlock a gripped one another. As the door opened to the Airlocks where the ships were conjoined, the Pirates from [member="Cadan Tazi"] group were meet Corporate Police officer. They were unarmed and on their knees, they didn't much like this, but knew if they resisted, their friends would be killed.

[member="Tiali Orazio"] Group were meet the same way, but also meet by dock workers who were just in the hallway when the order to stand down was given.

Both officers gave the leading pirates a map of the ship.
Cadan opened a comm to Tiali as the people surrender. "No need, they 'ave given up." He said with a short bark of laughter.

Cadan looked around the assembled crew. "Your Cap'n doesn't trust you as warriors. And he is right to do so. You are all weak." He spat the last words towards the closest crew.

Cadan took the map from the officers. Then bent down to be eye level with him. "You're gonna take me to the valuables." The tone in Cadan's voice showed that there would be no discussion about this.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]

The troopers didn't appreciate this, he was about to say something before the Post Commander walk down the hall to the Cadan. He carried the same armor, but his shoulder pads were bright red. He carried no weapons and moved by himself, crew members moved out of his way as he approached.

"Keep you comments to yourself pirate scum," the commander stated, "he works for his pay, the cargo is one deck below us, we follow what you say and then leave this ship."

The rest of the police officers were angrily grinding there teeth. They didn't like bowing on both knees before pirates, but knew this was the only way to get out of this alive.
Cadan shook his head. He knew that the commander had to prove himself strong, otherwise he would lose the trust of his crew.

A rag tag bunch of pirates slowly began to walk out of the docking tube after hearing of the surrender. They were thirsty for loot.

"Cap'n is it?" Cadan asked as he walked closed to the man. "Us lovely group of people." The pirate swept his arm around to show his crew behind him. "We ain't no scum, we's just people looking for a good loot."

"Sounds fair. You follow what I says and then we leave." Cadan made a shooing gesture to the Commander to move.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

The commander moved tword Caden, "This loot you are looking for is on deck below, the manifest of the ship is mostly metals," he took a second to seas from his data pad, "Phrik, Durasteel, and other assorted ores."

The two ships were nearly the same, most of the Cargo Bays were filled with the Phrik. This was from the Conglomerate Capital as they were selling them to many refineries across the Mara Corridor.

Dock workers appeared from the mess hall in uniform and no weapons, "These workers will help you load all that you can carry, then you will leave this ship and the other with now injury to the crew." said the Post Commander.
Cadan nodded, all in all this seemed fair, he wouldn't have to lose any of his crew in a fire fight and the cargo was going to be loaded. "You got yourself a deal Cap'n." The pirate began to move towards the dock workers. "You lot is gonna help me load some ores."

Before Cadan left, he order the doors of the docking tube to be shut and his pirate crew to keep guard of the ships crew.

Cadan and two of his crew made their way down to the cargo bay along with the dock workers assuming they followed.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

There was no resistance from any of the crew, they were scared as they never traveled this far out into the galaxy. UTC cargo vessels were mostly operating in or around the Unknow Region, not a lot of pirates out there. Only the combats units of the UTC had any combat exsperiance so this was rare and indeed new to the crew.

The dock workers follows and didn't say a word, they approved several large cargo bays that carried the ores. Much of the ship was changed for automated loading and unloading. The only think the workers were for was to turn it on and do the precision work the machine couldn't do.

They all went to their stations as one of the Foreman walked up to Cadan, "Where do you want the ore loaded?"
Cadan licked his lips as he saw the amounts of ores. "I can hold 3,500 tons on me ship. So take it to the cargo bay on mine."

He knew that he wouldn't be able to take anymore on his ship from the second vessel, so he planned to order the his second ship to collect the next amount of ores.

" 'Ow much ores are on this ship?" Cadan asked the Foreman.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

The foreman was not happy taking orders from the pirate, but he also had a wife to get home to. He looked through his Datapad, "This ships been modified to carry just over 4,000 tons of cargo, the manifest says this ship is topped and the other is 98% full, so about 900 creates of Phrik in both and 1,000 creates of Durasteel here and 800 on the other, is that what you were looking for?"

The crew started to have the hover droids move the supplies around for the Pirates. They took a lift that shoot right next to the entrance where the Pirates crew boarded. From there the Pirates took the droids into the ship and brough it back without the creates.
A wolfish grin spread over Cadan's face. "Exactly what I was looking for."

Cadan would somewhat over see the transport of the ores from this ship to his, making sarcastic or mean comments to men who didn't work hard enough, both the dock workers and his crew alike.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

The foreman just scoffed and proceeded to work with his crew in moving the cargo.

Later on after half the cargo was loaded, the Post Commander approched Cadan to speak about the posistion they were in, "Are my people to be detained or are we free to roam our own ship?"
Cadan nodded. "Yes, all of you can." The pirate eyes searched the crew for the youngest looking worker, when he found him he walked over to him. "Except this young lad." Cadan moved to 'help' the crew member to his feet.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

As Cadan put his hands on the young worker some of the officers started to get up and almost went for their weapons. That was when the Post Ocmmander put out his hand. He knew that at least half of them would be injured or killed before they got some of the Pirates.

The Commander spoke, "What do you think you are doing, you promised none of the Crew would be taken or inured, are you goin back on your word?" The Commander was grinding his teeth under his helmet.
Cadan's men were also a bit jumpy, their hands never leaving the hilts of their weapons. They saw the movements of the opposing crew and some began to raise theirs, until a order was hissed at them from Cadan.

"This boy will be used for insurance." Cadan said as he continue to try and get the man. "If any of your crew misbehave, I put a hole in this one's 'ead." Cadan was trying to play with the Commander's moral's. Although if something did go wrong Cadan would have no problem with injuring the worker.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

The commander got his men to stand down, "I understand, but if my workers are injured by you or your crew, you will be loading this metal onto your ship alone."

He took his guards and moved them all into one location as the workers and crew went back to work with checking the ship. The many crew wore diffrent colored suits, but Cadan could notice that only the Red suited workers were moving the Ore and Metals. This probably meant that the Reds were dock workers of some sort.

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