Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello! I'm going to keep it brief. My name's Eli, but people usually know me as tree on these sorts of sites. I've rp'd before on some sites but I wouldn't call myself a veteran, I only started in march 2015. Nice to meet you all, I look forward to talking with you guys and starting some RP. Best place to talk to me would be via skype, I'm almost always on xD So if you want it then just shoot me a PM or something. Feel free to ask me any questions or whatever.


Anyway, it is nice to see a steady flow of new members! However, I believe if I want to get you on my good side (not like it actually matters, but I enjoy having a healthy amount of allies), I should probably relate somehow... Yes, yes, it seems that is how humans tend to forge a friendship.

So! To the relating part! I'm also a relatively new roleplayer! That makes two of us!

If you ever want to write with me (don't see why you'd want to write with a maniac), throw a message my way.

- Lambda

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun and just shout if you need help at anytime.


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