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Approved NPC Yohana Vestilude

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  • Age: 34 years old
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
  • Species: Human - Cyborg
  • Appearance: Yohana is a 5 ft 9 inches tall woman, weighing in at 72kg/ 158lbs. She is constantly in her armor, being a cyborg it is fused to her body. She can remove parts of it to make adjustments or repairs, however, not all of her suit can come off. Her suit is designed to be as skin tight as possible for fast movements during combat, with a very dark steel coloration to blend into her surroundings. A piece of long fur is fused to her neck line, to add some of what she calls, "A personal touch," to her outfit. She wears Evelynn's mark of a snake's skull with dripping venomous fangs on her chest as a small badge and a larger one along her back.
  • Weapon of Choice: Hand Held Shotgun, Mono-molecular sword and concussion grenades
  • Combat Function: This assassin specializes in close combat, being able to handle groups of lesser soldiers such as local police officials, citizens and some armored foes. When in combat, she will try to maneuver through and with crowds, until she can get a quick close kill. If she can't get close, she tries to move around them to land surprise attacks or even uses her grenades for devastating effects.
  • High Grade Killer: Yohana can be issued for many assassin styled jobs, being able to neutralize most targets. Her weapons allow her to work in the tightly packed streets of Coruscant.
  • Cybernetic Enhancements: Her cybernetic augmentations enhance her physical abilities, allowing her to lift, push, run, climb, fight and withstand more than the common soldier.
  • Cybernetic dependent: She relies on her cybernetics to function whilst on the job, meaning a well placed EMP could put her temporarily out of commission.
  • Close Only: Her weapons limit her attack style to close to medium range only. She rarely uses other forms of weapons.
Having been born into the lower levels of the criminal underworld of Coruscant, Yohana Vestilude grew up to be an avid fighter and Assassin for Hire. Augmenting her body, she became a quickly rising figure of the industry in the lower floors. Since she had experience in many Assassinations and similar jobs, Evelynn contacted her and offered a job. It was to assassinate a rival Criminal Boss in the area.

Needless to say, Evelynn was pleased with the effort put in. She gave the Hit-Woman a job in her syndicate with high pay to act as her personal Assassin and Guard. To this day, Yohana is rarely seen away from Evelynn's location in the HQ, unless she is taking out another thorn in her boss' side.
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