
Affiliation: Legion Yun'Do
Manufacturer: [One Sith]
Model: Yorik Pub'rec
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: Yorik Coral, Dovin Basal, Neuroengine, Yorik-vec assault cruiser, Yaret-Kor, Yorik-Trema, Firebreather
Classification: Atmospheric Gunship/Heavy Gunship
Length: 45 meters
Height: 20 meters
Width: 15 meters
- 2 Quad Yaret-Kor - 4 Yaret-Kor, in battery form, along stomach and spine (each equivalent to coralskipper power).
- 3 Dual Yaret-Kor - Two mounted on forward arms, one mounted on tail
- 1 Heavy Yaret-Kor - Forward facing, in mouth, 8 times the power of a standard yaret-kor
- Yorik Coral Claws - Vehicle has thick front facing claws, capable of tearing through hulls or climbing up vertical walls.
- 2 Yaret-Basal (non-canon) - Singularity mine launcher, 500 meter range.
- 2 Side mounted blast bug launchers - require gunners manual control
Squadron Count: N/a
Special Features:
- Sensory organs, from the Yorik-Trema, that allow for tracking of craft (standard sensory suite) along with Sensing Nodule.
- Thick overlapping plates of Yorik-Coral, providing heavy damage resistance, and capable of self-healing
- Dovin Basals, mostly congregated towards rear of vessel
- Anti-laser aerosol, removed and transplanted from the Firebreather
- Cognition Hood piloting
- Bioreactor
- Oggzil - Allows intertechnological communication with Non Yuuzhan Vong craft
- Cargo space of 100 metric tons. Can come as empty space or in the form of Grutchinya hives/pools.
- Countermeasure Grutchin contrails, spliced from Grutchin Carrier
- Commbuzzer array, can be coordinated cognition throne and blazebugs
- Back up energy input for bioreactor, pulling power from ambient energy and solar radiation
- Intake valves, increasing air flow and maneuverability, that resemble gills and filter out microbes within air - for Yaret-Kor nutrition
- Modified Rainbow Qaana - Play the Legion Yun'Do national anthem, improving morale as it strafes.
- Lower stomach filled with Tokhlor tallow
Maneuverability Rating: 10
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 3
Strengths: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
[+] Substantial armament: Given the varying sizes of Yaret-Kor, this gunship boasts a hefty display of firepower, even for it's size class.
Weaknesses: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
[-] Slow: Despite landing in the starfighter class, this vehicle is incapable of keeping up with most of that class.
Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)
Development Thread: If needed
Intent: To provide an updated and less ambiguous form of gunship for the Legion Yun'Do (Yuuzhan Vong)
Who Can Use This: Members of the Legion Yun'Do and members of the One Sith
Primary Source: N/a