Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Are Cordially Invited... [Ask]

If you are tagged in this thread, then my character Alicia Drey has sent you a letter as part of her plans to host the Gathering on Sojourn, of which you have been invited too. If you are a viewing member of the public not tagged but wish to send Alicia a letter then please send me a PM and I will get back to you ASAP.

| [member="Mrrew"] | [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] | [member="Roth Tillian "]| [member="Katagiri Ike"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] |

Chandrila, Hanna City
Upper District, DataTech

Alicia Drey found herself in the back office of the DataTech store. The Upper District store served for the more illustrious customers and had little reports of attempts of shiplifting and abuse of customer or employee in comparison to the two stores found in the Lower Districts. There was one memorable incident involving a criminal called Broorn Sabor, but that had been easily rectified. It had even been this store that one of the people she was about to write too had first heard of Chandrila DataTech and intended to invest.

Since the opening of the Upper District store, the rented quarters for Chandrila DataTech had it's lease removed. Now, the Upper District store served as her base of operations until she expanded further into the progression of the company. They would require their own headquarters in Hanna City, where DataTech's products would be delivered and then unloaded towards the retail stores across Hanna City and to other cities and towns across Chandrila, when they expanded next.

She began to write...

To Mr. Mrrew, Mr. Tillian, Miss. Pallopides, Miss. Ike, Miss. Ike, (Sent individually)

Hello board member/shareholder. Following your inquires into Chandrila DataTech after it entered the stock market for shares, I am pleased to officially inform you in writing that your purchases have been accepted. You may find the members of the board below, their positions and percentage of stock in the company.

Katagiri Ike (Board member) 5%
Ayumi Pallopdies (Board member) 14%
Mrrew (Board member) 5%
Matsu Ike (Board member) 5.7%
Alicia Drey (CEO) 70.15%

Roth Tillian (Shareholder) 0.15%

Mr. Roth Tillian is a shareholder and does not hold a stake in the company big enough to hold board membership.

The first board meeting is set to be hosted in my retreat on Sojourn. "The Fort" as it is nicknamed can be found on a mountain ridge overlooking the vast forests of Sojourn and is maintained by my own personal servants. The venue for our board meeting will be occurring after an event I am calling the Gathering. You have been cordially invited to attend the Gathering as guests to my retreat alongside several other corporations, where it is my intention for Chandrila DataTech to convene, meet and discuss business with other members of the galactic market.

This also serves as a chance for all of us to make contacts in business, get to know one another and participate in a unique event with some of the galaxies most influential and powerful figures. Events include a venture into the Sojourn forests to participate in a hunt, which Sojourn was once called the "Hunters moon"; a dinner with the board and other guests attending the Gathering; and a party following the dinner, where you will have a chance to sit down and socialize with other guests in a more personal environment.

I look forward to your participation in the Gathering and getting to know you better as we look to expand Chandrila DataTech across Hanna City and beyond.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
| [member="Enigma"] |

Hello, my love.

Everything to do with Chandrila DataTech is going as expected. Three stores have been opened inside Hanna City. One can be found in it's Upper District whilst two have been opened in the Lower Districts. Following the opening of our retailers, I have moved away from the rented quarters we were using to set up the company and have moved into the back office of the Upper District store. The company has released three new hardware products. I have enclosed a Lenoi I datapad, Core I computer and Raxor I commlink for your use and review. You may find the Chon software installed onto each handset. I hope you like them.

Since the creation of DataTech, I have put the company on the stock market. Thirty percent of it's shares were made available for public purchase out of our hundred percent stake. We still retain 70.15% of our stake following the investments made by the below. I have enclosed their majority stakes in the company, their positions and names. Of course, the 70.15% that I retain as Alicia Drey belong to you.

Katagiri Ike (Board member) 5%
Ayumi Pallopdies (Board member) 14%
Mrrew (Board member) 5%
Matsu Ike (Board member) 5.7%
Alicia Drey (CEO) 70.15%

Roth Tillian (Shareholder) 0.15%

Roth Tillian serves as a shareholder after investing into fifteen shares, giving him a 0.15% share of the company. He can be easily brought out if necessary. He, alongside Ayumi Pallopides, have contact to rebellion cells on Coruscant. I do not know much about this but I en devour to find out at the event I am hosting at our retreat on Sojourn.

"The Fort" was constructed not long after our meeting on Sojourn with our subordinates and will serve as the base for more Gatherings. It is a stone structure that contains quarters for guests, a kitchen, dinning hall, bedroom for us on the floors above and several towers that overlook the Sojourn forest. It is a near replica of the same structure we found recorded in Hugo Damask's recordings. I intend to replica Plagueis's Gatherings in the same manner he had done. Through the use of Chandrila DataTech and other businesses, we will influence galactic events for our own devices.

There is also a hidden vault that contains several WESTAR series pistols and rifles, as well as my Lightsaber when I am impersonating Alicia Drey. It has also several thousand hard credits in a safe. The access code for the safe is 0768. It is also where I intend to hide the Sith Abattar, the datacron passed to me by the Mandalorian Northstar and other artifacts I may come across during my travels. They will remain hidden to any Force-sensitives that may come and visit "the Fort" due to my abilities, which I have thanks to your training. I could not have done this without your teaching or guidance.

As I mentioned, there will be an event that I will be hosting in and around "the Fort" where members of DataTech's board will be invited to attend alongside several members of corporations across the galaxy. As I said, I intend to replicate the Gatherings Plagueis hosted here hundreds years ago and influence these men, women and aliens to our own devices through the use of business, wealth, influence and power. I also intend to make progress on locating and then bringing an Otherspace into our possession via the people that I and you will be meeting, if you decide to attend.

In my next communique I will list who responded to my hails and the individuals that will be attending the Gathering. As of yet I have not received word at the writing of this letter.

With all my love,
| [member="Christian Slade"] |

Hello Christian.

It has been a while since we last spoke to each other. I still remember the night we spent together vividly. Since that time together in the White Diamond I have made several ventures back to Coruscant Undercity, but I am yet to bump into you. Curious. Have you vacated Coruscant due to the One Sith that occupy it? If so, where are you now? I would be extremely interested in meeting with you again and having a drink. I'd also like to take this opportunity for your assistance on Dromund Kaas. Although the New Order was not successful, your efforts were appreciated. It was only during the blindness of Vulcanus, the Graug who led the New Order at the time, that denied us our victory.

Other than this I write to you hoping that you are well. I should also take this moment to explain that I am hosting an event in my retreat on the hunters moon Sojourn. Some interesting figures, if my intentions work properly, shall be attending and I could do with your charm and wisdom. I'd also like to bring you into my plans and hope to work together beyond breaking the backs of common criminals that dared to stand against the Kingpin of the Underworld.

With love,
Alicia x
| [member="Grimm"] |

To Mr. Starcrest,

Hello Alex. I hope that this letter finds you in vibrant health. Thank you for the lunch on Spira. I enjoyed the beaches and lush terrain there; and you've provided a place for my to visit on holiday. I'd also like to take this moment for your business with Chandrila DataTech and your attendance to our store opening in Hanna City's Upper District. I apologize for the incident that occurred there, but these things happen in retail. Rest assured that the culprit was arrested, detained and sentenced to prison for threatening my employee, customers and yourself with his antics.

I am hosting an event in my retreat on Sojourn. The Gathering will host members of my board, those shareholders that hold a majority stake in Chandrila DataTech and the people that Republic of Starcrest will be working with in the future. Other members of other corporations will also be attending, giving you an opportunity to make more contacts in business and perhaps even conducting a little. There will be a bit of hunting in the forest, giving credit to Sojourn's status as "the Hunters moon", dinner in my dinning hall and a part afterwards.

Your attendance at Sojourn will also be an opportunity to talk a little more into Republic of Starcrest's interest in Chandrila. I remember from our last conversation that you were seeking to build a shipyard above Chandrila. That I cannot assist with and I very much doubt that the authorities will be interested in allowing one to be built. Chandrila is a wealthy world but has nothing on the status of Kuat, for example. I have seen worlds such as Morellia construct orbital shipyards for ship manufacture and have been left in an economic recession, something that I do not wish to bring to my home world.

However, I foresee a business for Republic of Starcrest on Chandrila's surface, specifically in Hanna City and it's other major cities. Have you ever considered manufacturing hovercars, vans, trucks and speeders? This is another industry that Chandrila have taken imports from worlds such as Kuat, as there has never been an attempt for a retailer/manufacturer to begin supply/creation of these types of vehicles for Chandrilians to buy directly. Much like Chandrila DataTech now supplies datapads, computers, commlinks and software to my people directly, rather than receiving imports from other worlds, I could see Republic of Starcrest doing the same for your everyday vehicle.

You could make a killing on the market by investing into this and I would be more than happy to help you do. Of course, we will need to meet and iron our the details together in person; and my event on Sojourn, once it's activities have been settled such as the hunt, the dinner and the party, we can sit down together and discuss.

I look forward to your reply and participation in the Gathering on Sojourn.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
| [member="Sasha Santhe"] |

Dear Miss. Santhe,

Hello. My name is Alicia Drey. I am the CEO of a Tier Three technological retailer on Chandrila that is looking to expand itself beyond my home world. I am writing to you today to invite you to my retreat on Sojourn, to convene with myself and other representatives of my firm to discuss possible contracts into providing new software for your products. We have already signed and entered business with Republic of Starcrest, a minor ship manufacturing corporation in comparison to Santhe Corporation and it's subsidiaries, but evidence to the contrary that my firm, Chandrila DataTech, can provide technology that you can use in your products.

The Gathering, as I am calling it, will be a by annual event I will be hosting in "the Fort" which is the colloquial name given to my retreat. I have invited yourself, members of my board, the CEO of Republic of Starcrest Alex Starcrest and several other representatives and CEO's of other companies, some of which you will have heard of, I am sure.

I am also aware of your current legal battle with Subach-Innes and have information that you may find useful on it's owner. Of course, I cannot disclose the information I retain through a letter without a personal meet and greet. I think you will find the experience on Sojourn, whatever may come of it, beneficial to yourself and Santhe Corporation.

I look forward to your reply.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
To [member="Alicia Drey"],

While I am happy that the offer was extended I must refuse. I am a little tied up at the moment. As for your offer of information about the owner of Subach Innes, I don't care. This isn't some personal vendetta against the owner but rather a legal battle over the First Sale Doctrine which does not protect against alteration on large industrial scale and indemnifies parties for such breaches. Your dirt, which I suspect I already know, doesn't matter.

If you ever wish to travel to Lianna to talk I would be more than happy to, but first I'd like to see you act more like a businesswoman and less like an immature teenage girl.

Sasha Santhe
| [member="Sasha Santhe"] |

To Miss. Santhe,

Thank you for your response. The information I have about Subach-Innes and it's owner was to do with your legal battle, rather than dirt about it's owner. I was merely offering a courtesy, rather than behaving like a 'teenage' girl as you so adequately put it.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
When Mrrew recieved the letter he was initially against going... what was the point of going to a castle filled with people he didn't, and didn't care to, know? But when he read of the hunt... he had made up his mind. If for nothing else, it would give him a chance to advertise the Beast Hunter's Guild, anyway. So Mrrew responded with a very short, and poorly written, letter:

"I'll come when the event begins."


[member="Alicia Drey"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alicia Drey"]

Matsu was surprised when she received the message, her eyes going over it and stopping at one of the stores she finished buying a small box and setting the durindfire crystal in it closed it. Then sealed it away with her letter back sending the delivery by hand.

"Thank you, as promised here is the crystal promised and perhaps I shall come when the event begins."

Roth Tillian

Roth studied the message, surprised. He hadn't expected a message from the CEO of the company, even if he meet her briefly. Maybe from someone in public relations. That seemed more normal. But, hey, he'd respond to this. He went to type up a response, and then paused, frowning with concentration. Then he wrote his response.

I would be honored to attend this gathering. I thank you for your invitation. I shall be there.
Roth Tillian

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Roth Tillian "]|

To Mr. Tillian,

Thank you for your response. I look forward to your participation.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.

| [member="Matsu Ike"] |

To Miss. Ike,

Thank you for your response. Your parcel has been received and I would like to personally thank you for the crystal. I am unsure what use it has as I am not Force-sensitive but the sentimental value is appreciated. I look forward to seeing you on Sojourn.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.

| [member="Mrrew"] |

To Mr. Mrrew,

Thank you for your response. I look forward to seeing you on Sojourn.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
| [member="Romeo Sin"] |

To Mr. Sin,

Hello friend. We met on the Hazard Beauty and you helped me acquire an artifact from the ship. We also met for a second not too long afterwards where you transported me and my ship to Gratos 16. Thank you. My name is Alicia Drey and I am the CEO of a Tier Three technological retailer on Chandrila. My affiliation and position as a Sith Lord is secret to the public eye and I have managed to maintain that secret for the most part. It is my sincere hope that as our friendship progresses my position remains the same. I am aware of your recruitment drive on the Hazard Beauty for a crew, one that I think is a good venture to pursue. However, I would ask you to keep my real identity a secret from them. This is to save face when it comes to public relations and because they have not yet earned my trust. To them, I merely a second in command of the Hazard Beauty that runs a company on Chandrila and assists in the Hazard Beauty's operations through my wealth, contacts and influence. This can be evidenced by the fact that it was me who had the ship repaired not long after you commandeered it.

I discovered the identity of the Hazard Beauty's previous owner. Her name is Rave Merrill. She is an extremely powerful Force-sensitive that shouldn't be trifled with. She owns other vessels capable of taking your Scion-class Stealth Corvette out with their superior firepower. She is also invested in the Hazard Beauty, as it was a vault ship that contained other items of a sensitive nature that went missing when I, you and several other unknowns boarded the ship when it emerged in the middle of Protectorate space. I advise caution if you ever encounter the women or her affiliates; and suggest retreat at every encounter. It is the best for the Hazard Beauty, your crew and yourself.

In regards to the Hazard Beauty and it's crew, I invite all of you to my retreat on Sojourn. I am hosting the Gathering, an annual event I intend to host on a regular basis, where my friends, family and affiliates join together to participate in events, enjoy dinner together and party. It will also serve as a gateway to meeting new business contacts and assisting in our own schemes. I am aware that you intend to build on the Hazard Beauty by introducing more ships and more people to create a crew. Did you know the Lords of the Fringe/Fringe Confederate were once an assembly of ships once known as the Vagrant Fleet? I see the same type of potential in your crew and plans, if we can execute them properly. We both know I can help you there.

I look forward to your reply.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.

P.S This transmission was sent with a virus that should corrupt this message in three, two, on...
And then the message went blank on Romeo's device. Hopefully he had a good memory because he wasn't going to get that letter back again.
| [member="Fatty"] |

To The Governor of Filth,

Hello Governor. My name is Alicia Drey. I am the CEO of a technological retailer on Chandrila and the woman you recently entertained to a game of Sabacc in the White Diamond in the depths of Coruscant Undercity. (We can still continue that thread man, this is just introducing other platforms of roleplay :p)

I was so impressed by your girth that I couldn't help but drop you an invitation to my retreat on Sojourn. I am hosting the Gathering, an annual event where members of the business community are personally invited to participate in a hunting event in the Sojourn forests, followed by dinner and socializing afterwards in a party like setting. It serves as an opportunity for my to meet new contacts that have gained my interest and you happen to be one of them.

I look forward to your reply.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
| [member="Anaya Fen"] |

To Whom it may concern,

Hello. My name is Alicia Drey and I am writing to Apoleia Inc. I am the CEO of a technological retailer on Chandrila. I am inviting representatives of corporations, such as yours, to my retreat on Sojourn to participate in the Gathering, an annual event I host there where guests get to participate in a hunt in the forests of Sojourn, enjoy dinner with one another and then socialize in a party setting. It is my intentions for the Gathering to serve as a platform for business trade to ensue, as well as the creation of contacts and influence in the business world, not only for myself, but for other corporations that are represented.

I am also aware of your recent ad for new employees. I believe I have access to a crew and ship that may assist in your underground operations. I believe that the Gathering can serve as our platform for a discussion in person in regards to Apoleia Inc. I know that Hanna City, where my company currently operates in, is vibrant and your casinos and clubs would be a welcomed addition, provided you had the right backing and influence.

I look forward to your reply.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
Just as it Romeo was out on that very ships she spoke of, he got a transmission from the very woman who had got him to the bridge. The transmission was invite to a 'Gathering'. To what purpose it served he did not know, but he would soon find out.
"Beauty send a reply to the message."
It was already gone but e reply still could be made.

Dear Ms. Drey,

Funny how now I know your full name, but indeed you helped me get to the bridge of this wonderful ship, and I feel I owe you. Even though I find myself poisoned by your kind's very poison, I happily oblige to keeping your secret safe, and I will take it my grave. Thank you very much for the warning, I shall keep a watchful eye on the horizon. I know of this RACE MERRILL, but I was unaware of her power.
As to regarding your offer to be of my crew, I happily accept, as well as your invite to this 'Gathering' I also accept with friendliness.
Is my crew welcomed to come forth with me? Or is this a one date only? If so I have the perfect person to join me.

I hope you are doing well for yourself, as it sounds you had trouble with this Rave character, if you ever need me, please, let me know. Further more, you may also call me Darth Inferno, ever since being hit with this poison, I have deeply fallen to darker paths, and thus have given myself a title to go along with it, though I ask that this be kept secret as well.

Till we see each other again.
Sincerely Yours,
Romeo Sin
Captain of the Hazard Beauty

[member="Alicia Drey"]

Nisha Decrilla

[member="Alicia Drey"]

Dear Alicia,

Thank you very much for your invitation. As CEO of Apoleia Inc I would very much like to attend the Gathering, one can never have too many business friends. I would also like to meet this crew of yours to discuss a potential contract.

I look forward to meeting you.

Lady Apoleia
CEO of Apoleia Inc
| [member="Romeo Sin"] |

Your crew are welcome to join you on Sojourn. In fact, I insist that you bring them.

| [member="Anaya Fen"] |

To Lady. Apoleia,

Thank you for your response. I have arranged for Romeo Sin and his crew to make way to Sojourn to attend the Gathering. They will be there to meet with you to discuss the business that was brought up in my previous letter. I look forward to meeting and enjoying the Gathering with you.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.
| [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] | (Tagged both of your accounts so you would see)

To Mr. Charr,

My name is Alicia Drey. I am the CEO of a technological retailer on Chandrila. I have been made aware of the resistance front you are building on Coruscant. I have placed a virus in with this transmission and it will terminate the contents of this post by the time you have finished reading. I enclose the following points:

  • I have resources, influence and contact with the Coruscant Undercity that I wish to make available to you and your rebellion.
  • I have much hatred for the One Sith. They were responsible for the murder of my husband, who was on Coruscant at the time of their invasion. I am invested in seeing them removed from galactic center.
  • I know that a member of my board, a shareholder that holds a stake in my company, is a member of your rebellion and is using the profits they make from Chandrila DataTech to help fund it, so my company already has ties to your plot.
I am hosting an event on Sojourn known as the Gathering. Several members of corporations, as well as the aforementioned board member of DataTech will be attending alongside their fellow board members. The event will host a hunt in the Sojourn forests, a dinner for all guests and a chance to socialize at the end in a party atmosphere. It is my plan on the second day of the Gathering to begin business with my guests and you would be one of them. Here, we can begin to discuss DataTech's involvement in your rebellion.

As I have mentioned there is a virus in this communique that will terminate this message by the time you have finished reading. I value the privacy of my board members and their affiliation, including my own, but DataTech's involvement must and always shall remain clandestine. Thus far the One Sith are unaware of your presence on Coruscant and whilst I would never resort to threats or think of jepodizing your plans at this time, all of that will change if I find you or a member of your rebellion were responsible for them or third parties becoming aware of my companies involvement. I hope you can understand this.

I look forward to your reply.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.

A message appeared beneath the last line of the letter. Terminating message in three, two, on... and then it was gone, just like she said it would be.
| [member="Azrael"] |

To Mr. Azrael,

Hello Azrael. My name is Alicia Drey. I am the CEO of a technological retailer on Chandrila. I am writing to you today in order to make a request. You see, I am hosting an event on Sojourn that I call the Gathering. It is an annual event that I intend to host on Sojourn on a monthly basis and a man of your skills has come to my attention. With the number of guests that will be attending, I require a real professional to supervise the security of "the Fort". I have enclosed a layout of the building and it's rooms for you to review. (Click the link for this information)

If you choose to accept my proposal then I have enclosed with this letter for you to sign, which bind you to Chandrila DataTech as an affiliate. Here at DataTech we respect the privacy of our guests, affiliates and customers and the Gathering that I am hosting is a gateway to business with the people I have invited. You and your team will be expected to then sign a no disclosure contract where everything and anything you read, see, hear or learn at the Gathering will remain confidential.

Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to review my letter, proposal and contract. I look forward to your reply.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.

To Mr. Azrael,

Hello. Thank you for reading our application for your service. You are being offered a part time contract on behalf of the technological retailer and industrial corporation Chandrila DataTech. You have received permission to extend the contents of this contract to five others that will join you as a security team on Sojourn. Your tasks will involve the security and protection of Alicia Drey, Serj Sularis, Ayumi Pallopides, Matsu Ike, Katagiri Ike, Mrrew and Roth Tillian. The aforementioned are all shareholders in Chandrila DataTech and their security and protection take precedence over everything else.

You will be expected to keep away uninvited guests and will provided with an Interdictine-class Star Destroyer. It's commander is a Chiss man by the name of Malus. He and the crew of the Interdictine will be under your command. Their role will be to maintain a system wide gravity well. They will have orders not to allow you or your team to enter the Interdictine unless I or a member of Chandrila DataTech's board say so; and this will only occur if our lives are in danger. In the event that the lives of the aforementioned and my guests are in danger, then you will be expected to evacuate them to the Interdictine in orbit of Sojourn.

You are authorized to bring with you as many weapons as you like. Please keep in mind that the members of Chandrila DataTech's board, it's affiliates and guests at the Gathering are extremely powerful individuals and any thoughts of holding us to ransom or any intentions of committing crime on Sojourn will be reacted to in kind. Your participation in the event is to keep it's guests protected.

This contract also includes a confidential clause that states anything seen, heard, read or learned about or from are strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed to a third party. Alicia Drey does not count as a third party. Anyone who is not Alicia Drey is to be considered a third party.

Please sign here: ____________ Date: __/__/__

Thank you for your business.

Alicia Drey.
CEO of Chandrila DataTech.[/i]
Well-Known Member
| [member="Alicia Drey"] |

To Ms. Drey

Ahhhh Ms. Drey, I do remember that night fondly. I laugh even now at the amount of money that flowed between us all. A good night indeed, surely to be remember for a long time to come. It was my pleasure as always to meet an eccentric like you... I knew there'd be something worth it in knowing you.

I will keep the pleasantries short and sweet here, and end my most eloquent and flowery language, so that you may receive your answer as soon as possible.

Consider the Governor of Filth in attendance.


Your favorite fat man.
C.E.O. of W.E.M.Co. and Governor of Filth.

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