The Messenger
An odd reddish glow illuminated the planet that was sat before the Retribution-Class Star Destroyer Sieger’s Wrath, creating a feeling that this planet had a reputation to live up to it’s name. Yet he was not afraid of a name, nor anything that lay in store for that matter. He had no time for fear.
“The planets geo-thermal activity is as predicted.” Admiral Deesat, an ageing yet well presented First Order officer stated from Belis’ left. “I’ll have the landing craft prepared.”
“Very well.” Belis’ voice was muffled by his mask, the artificial voice emitter within changing it to something deeper. “Have my shuttle prepared as well. I will be joining this mission.” He turned and allowed his cape to flow across the floor before making his way down the gantry towards the rear of the bridge.
“Of course.” Deesat answered turning back to his own position at the display. “As you wish.”
All in all there were ten craft that departed Sieger’s Wrath, four were the newly designed TIE/FO style fighters, escorts for the five transports that carried within them a platoon each of the First Order’s specialist shock troopers. The last was Belis’ own shuttle, a dedicated command ship designed perfectly for this sort of operation. It was crewed by several officers and pilots who knew their jobs; Get Belis to the surface.
“Saber Two key in approach vector four.” Lieutenant Commander Anette Lyse, the point pilot of the shuttle could be heard saying as she addressed the angle of the shuttle and assured that the rest of the landing party followed suit. “Engage atmospheric protocols.” A pause as the dull redness continued to grow ever large. “Prepare for orbital release.” The shuttle shook as atmosphere took hold of the ship and Belis felt the speed increase as it did. A thick layer of sulphate cloud blocking any view of the planet.
“Run scans Lieutenant Commander.” The Knight of Ren said as he took in the thick white cloud that had not been visible from orbit.
“Of course Sir.” She hit a button on the centre console and the display sparked to life. Several small areas of life could be seen on the planets surface, nothing too substantial.
“There.” Belis pointed at the map. “That is our target.” He stood and moved towards the rear of the shuttle as Anette Lyse brought the ship around and relayed co-ordinates to the rest of the flight party.