It'd been a long while since he last taught anything. Memories of Bastion flashed through his mind, the Sith Academy there, the lessons and Overseers of the Sith Empire teaching the best and brightest. From what he learned after his resurrection, that place was burnt to the ground in the Imperial rebellion and civil war. So much to find out about, to adapt to. One thing that wasn't? Swinging a lightsaber. The old Zabrak stood within one of the vast sparring rooms of Korriban, an idle smile on his face. Hands clasped behind his back. Being alive again was so drastically different from the years spent dead. The warmth of the air, the dryness.
So many sensations to learn about.
"No two Sith will ever fight the same." He spoke aloud now, his gaze shifting to the group of students before him. Oh yes, he left them waiting as he day dreamed. In part to test patience, in part because he wanted to seem the old aloof fool. "There are countless weapons at your disposal, from the Force to a gun. A lightsaber. Which is what we're here for today. Do you have talent with a lightsaber? Is it even worth teaching you? In what way should you be taught?" The Red reached down, idly tapping a weapon rack beside him. On it, Sith Training Sabers, waiting to be selected. Each was identical.
"All good questions. So we're not going to answer those and instead you're going to take one of these and hit each other until I say stop. Should be fun!"
Which, of course, was how he was going to learn what would suit them best. The students all looked at each other, confused as ever, before they'd start to make their way up to collect their training sabers. If all they were doing was messing around, why not? In that messing around though, the hints of how they could fight would be seen. Their habits, if they chose the defensive, if they just swung wildly, if they were methodical. If they had no talent at all.
It'd be clear soon enough. The Red leaned heavily on his cane, smiling wide as he watched on. He'd figure it all out soon enough.