Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Snake
His poor sense of directions was what brought him here to this mystical place in the Galaxy. Wouldn’t say Cularin had the best connection to the Force, but it certainly was amongst planets with that raw connection. The Zabrak could feel it even before turbulence when entering its atmosphere. It didn’t side with the Light or Dark, making it an optimal place for those no matter their spectrums to sit amongst the trees and strengthen themselves in the Force.

But Aekru was not here to meditate and develop his skills in the Force. He didn’t know what it was or just couldn’t describe it, but he was drawn here for prey. If not guided here, he’d stop be wondering the abyss of space until his feet touched the terrain of another planet. Was it the Force or his guts? Or maybe both?

To hell with philosophies and religions, he was not a monk to evaluate these questions for an almighty answer. Though he did have answer for what he sought for was here.

”Lead me to what I seek.”

He gave full confidence to himself and perhaps the Force. He avoided the large settlements of Cularin as what he looked for was not in the urban environment. No, what he sought for was one to hide themselves in the bounties of nature and practice their disgusting magic. He had studied them and most of the time he always found them sheltering themselves in a planet’s nature.

The Zabrak walked between the trees of the beautiful rain forest that made up Cularin, hoping to find his prey. What exactly he was looking for? Why nothing more or less than a witch of Dathomir. A group of people he despised with a passion, and his hatred could perhaps be detected by the witch if there was any. Malice and cruel vengeance were odors that a Force User could get a whiff of, it was what led one to the first steps in the Dark Side of the Force.

He has no desire to become a pawn to that side of the Force. He was much rather occupied in how he was to terminate this fiend that he swore to destroy in every sister of Dathomir.

[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]
Location: Cularin
Tag: [member="Aekru"]​

It had been weeks of preparation... Reading the stolen tomes she'd acquired, collecting those who would be needed to enact on their plan... [member="Seren"] had been endlessly patient with her as she'd gone about preparing; once he'd understood what she was about, he'd seemed all too willing to allow her the time and resources to get things together however she saw fit. What had once been a rough hewn depression in a hillside had been converted into a stage for a ritual that would cost the lives of dozens. Those lives had also been collected - though doubtless they'd know it yet. Locals, those who had been hard pressed for work and heeded the siren's call to join the pair deep within the forests. The rear of the cave housed them now... No cages required after what the white witch had done to their minds. Vessels for their mistress' will now... Nothing more.

The apparition had seen in the mind of her paramour, the coming of a champion. One who would challenge what they aimed to build, and one whom she had conquered in his past. A Zabrak who would find her existence so offensive that he would allow himself to be put in harms way just to attempt to destroy her. Normally such a thing would not have worried the fair skinned creature - but this was a gift. One that she would see put to good use.

She's chosen something special for the occasion, a gown of black satin, a high collar and lace gloves... The entire ensemble against the pale tones of her flesh and hair was entirely out of place in the lush green of Cularin, formal in a world that was wild. She'd elected not to adorn herself with any makeup, the dark brush of her lashes against her cheeks stark enough not to require the enhancement. Despite the opulent attire that was likely stifling in the humidity that the planet was known for, the wraith seemed at ease as she strode between the trees, the soft murmur of the fabric of her skirts along the underbrush and roots the only sound she made.

What she'd seen in his mind had been crystalline - a clearing, midday, the sun warmed grass blowing gently in the breeze... So much blood. Beautiful, simple, perfect. She'd seen the clearing before, she'd even landed her ship there a handful of times when she'd wanted to enjoy a walk back to the home she'd built for herself. As she reached the edge of the treeline, one lace-clad hand rested against the trunk of a tree and she paused, luminous brown eyes scanning the opposite bank of trees, spotting movement. There.

Her voice lifted through the calm silence that had settled in the trees around them, her tone calm and even as she called to the man who had come to hunt her. "Welcome to Cularin, child... I don't suppose you'd like to speak before you end my life?"

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