Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You might know my Brother....

Hey there! Kind of the long lost and hidden brother of Morna *same writer* I have been wanting to make a character like this for a long time and have not had the resources to do so for a while. (mainly thinking up of a story and finding the right photo) SO now that I am here, I would like to have some fun!

Connor Harrison

Welcome to the Chaos! Hope you have a good time here and find your way in the galaxy! :)


Well-Known Member
Dante Imura is the name of my new character, he's going to be an Earth/Water Shaper. Just need to decide how they're related.


Well-Known Member uncle. I want to be an uncle for Morna/Nick, that cool? Also, it says that Nick is half human half shaper, which parent was the shaper? @[member="Nickolas Imura"]

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