[member="Countess Xyhn"]
Ms. Xyhn wasn't a fool, but then neither was Camellia. Rendili's own quite intricate work was also on the line, and if such were to be abused would also result in similar issues. Rendili Stardrive might not hold the stage, but it was always an important post in the galactic frame. It was a founding shipwright, on a planet that was a part of the formation of the original Republic. They might be behind now, they might have been behind since the Clone Wars so very long ago. They were still respected and renown though, any confidential brokerage on Regal's part could also be problematic. Besides, Camellia had very little interest in what the ship would be used for, and for stealing the technology of someone else. Rather, she wanted to know what was so important to keep things quiet and outsource the work.
She did get the odd feeling that Ms. Xyhn thought real slaves would be involved, she hoped the other woman would not be surprised or disappointed when she just saw a very intricate and carefully woven system of aligning circuitry together. "Of course I am aware, I am simply interested in ensuring you get the most efficient and effective from Rendili Stardrive. My only interest is curiosity, and well made ships interest me the most. You would have to remember as well that Stardrive is on the precipice of returning to its former position in the galaxy, we nearly rival tier four companies again, and we have a history to uphold. I think you don't hold us in high enough regard. We've worked with Kuat and Corellia before, you might recall the Victory Initiative. We've worked with many companies throughout history, and we only seek to produce the best ships we can. It would be best if we saw each other as friends in this endeavor I think." Camellia smiled as she spoke, because she mostly meant it, though perhaps she felt a bit defensive out of pride for Rendili's history. There was no reason to treat people from another company with hostility when they could and were working together. The goal was a better ship, and frankly the Rendili woman was quite aware of the damage to either company that broke a non-disclosure.
Accepting the offered handshake, Camellia would remember to go over the recordings of their talks here and elsewhere. She would need to maintain constant vigil, she didn't want to be crossed, not when she had no intention of sneaking about or causing such mundane corporate problems. She would rather. . . .see competing companies as friendly rivals. "I think that's fine if you wish to keep some of your own unique work under wraps, we do as well. We'll set up the distribution of energy for the reactor to those areas, but it would be impossible to rig the systems together with slaved circuits if they're incompatible. The rest of the standard systems we can rig so that your crew only has to deal with half the effort and tine of operating them. We'll have the reactor put together before bringing it where you need to install, but we'll have to set up the rigged circuits and systems on site, it shouldn't take too long if we keep it simple. Rest assured I have no plans of telling anyone about the ship, I am interested in the design and its purpose, not much else. I simply find myself curious what all this ship of yours will be. I'll be sure to make any of our engineers also sign documents that put them liable of loss of employment and even court trial if they break our own employee agreements and the deal, though in all honesty if explicitly ordered to keep within certain zones and do their work and go there shouldn't be a problem. I will only bring our most reliable and efficient teams though. I want this to succeed a bit as well so you needn't worry, creating the most groundbreaking and breathtaking ships is my passion."
Espionage could go to hell. If she wanted a system or design Rendili would work on developing its own later after hearing about or seeing it. It just didn't suit her to have someone else's work have Rendili's name, it had to be a true Rendili developed brand. Hopefully by the end of this partnership Ms. Xyhn and Regal might see that Rendili works for its own merits, and could be plenty innovative and effective themselves. After all, it was Rendili who had designed a reactor that pushed the envelope, not to mention developed techniques to make a ships vital systems more efficiently rigged together to ease the burden of crewing. Both of which she had managed to get Ms. Xyhn to purchase.