Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Never Know Who You'll Meet

Lok Maxus

Need moar non-Force-using female Zabraks!
Location: Genassa cantina

[member="Amelia Sorenn"]

Lok had decided that, of the planets she'd been to, Genassa was one she wasn't too fond of. Oh, it wasn't the temperature, or the people, or anything like that.

It was the damned cuisine. Seriously. The Zabrak girl had only spent a couple of days on here, but she already felt that if she had to go another day without red meat, she'd be driven to madness. The local M'shinn did a decent job of trying to feed everyone, but sometimes fish just didn't cut it.

So it was that she sat here, picking at her filet and anxiously counting the hours until her shuttle was in and she could find a place with real meat.
She had been wondering the same thing for much of her stay there, and that was simply, to be blunt; what the karking hell was she doing on this world? There was little if nothing of true worth or value, though she found herself sitting in some dingy cantina, hiding in the back booth as her eyes slowly pierced through the thin veil of smoke that billowed around and formed a haze. Sitting to the side of her on the table was an empty plate, a few bones sprinkled across it with the fork resting on top.
Slowly bringing the small cup to her lips and drawing upon the liquid within, she took notice of an unusual sight. Her eyes falling upon a young woman, a zabrak that appeared to be mulling a few thoughts to herself. It was just as likely she could have been complaining about the food; The woman though couldn't fault her for that, it was less than substantial when it came to taste and appearance. She wasn't even sure that it was actual fish and not just some aquatic being that had been unlucky enough to be fish like.
For a moment he mind pulled away from the thoughts as to why she was there, looking for some worth that could be used by the Templars. The idea of having moss growing on her form though was not an appealing one, causing her to push that possibility of keeping the Templar's in good health out of her mind. Though it had slowly crawled back into place when she thought of the Progenitors and Hospitallers. They were more than likely capable enough of finding some use for the moss; it was just the matter of acquiring some and ensuring that it survived the entire ordeal.
These thoughts though were pushed away once more as she took another long draw upon the cup in her hand. The last of the liquid slipping pass her lips, her eyes never removing themselves from the young woman. Silently she placed the cup back down on the table before she leaned back, watching and waiting.
[member="Lok Rekali"]​

Lok Maxus

Need moar non-Force-using female Zabraks!
[member="Amelia Sorenn"]

It wasn't long before the other woman's watch was noticed.

Lol had aimed to force another bite of the fish down her gullet when a little prickly sensation travelled between her shoulder blades. It was part of that warning system most sentients had, whether or not they were Force Sensitive - the feeling that they were being watched.

Setting her fork down, Lok's green eyes swept the place until it landed on the human woman, who watched her with steady eyes. The Zabrak, in return, quirked an eyebrow and turned back around.

She stared at her plate, thinking. Who was that woman? Why was she staring at Lok? Did she not like Zabraks? Or perhaps Lok resembled someone she knew? The last one might be possible - her father met a lot of individuals when he was still a spacer.

Well, there's only one way to find out! With that thought, Lok grabbed her cup and her bag, stood up, and plopped in the seat across from the stranger. Setting her bag on the floor and her cup on the table, the young woman propped her face up with her hands, elbows resting on the table top.

Giving a grin, the Zabrak wasted no breath. "Say, can I help you with anything?"
It was a bold enough action for the young woman, one which forced her to raise a single hand once her words were finally spoken. The two armor clad figures that had been flanking the sides of the both were quick on the draw, their hands already upon the hilts of their blades before she stopped them. Her head motioning with a simple nod as the two slowly turned back to their original positions. Their backs to the walls that flanked the booth she was sitting at. Without a word she crossed one leg over the other, her hand coming down to rest upon her knee whilst her free hand lift up her cup once more.
Taking another long drink, her eyes never left the young woman who had so eagerly and audaciously place herself within the booth with her. Slowly she took her time to savior the liquid before parting the cup from her lips as it once more came to rest upon the table. Bringing her free hand back to rest upon her knee as well, she took a moment to carefully look over the woman and figure out her own intentions. A soft smirk slowly crossing her lips as the noise of the cantina continued to abound around them and throughout the structure.
"That would depend entirely upon the notion that I would require aid of some kind in the first place."
She spoke, her eyes having remained upon the young woman the entire time, though now she shifted in her seat enough so that she now faced her. Leaning back in her seat, she brought her hands up slowly, slipping them from where they had sat upon her knee. Slowly slipping them across the table before she brought her arms up. With her elbows resting upon the table, her hands steppled her fingers together while her chin came to rest against her thumbs.
[member="Lok Rekali"]​

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