Disney's Princess
I've decided it's time to change my display name for the summer of 2020 and in the interest of full transparency, and the awesome lulz, I've decided to let the community pick it for me! 
So If you've ever wanted to call me "Capt Coffee Beans", or "Thanks Obama", or "Left Shark Farts McTavish",.. Ah ha! Now is your time to shine. Go forth and suggest my next super-sexy lady-slaying display name of awesome-sauce. Be a savage. Get revenge. Or just slay that never-ending quarantine bedroom boredom that controls your life, and thoughts, and decries an end of eternal sadness for all of us foreverandeverandever save us Shia Labeouf meowwwww. Because...
Glory awaits you!
The most popular choice will be selected next Friday, the 19th, and shall be my display name through August.
So If you've ever wanted to call me "Capt Coffee Beans", or "Thanks Obama", or "Left Shark Farts McTavish",.. Ah ha! Now is your time to shine. Go forth and suggest my next super-sexy lady-slaying display name of awesome-sauce. Be a savage. Get revenge. Or just slay that never-ending quarantine bedroom boredom that controls your life, and thoughts, and decries an end of eternal sadness for all of us foreverandeverandever save us Shia Labeouf meowwwww. Because...
Glory awaits you!
The most popular choice will be selected next Friday, the 19th, and shall be my display name through August.
- Post a suggestion name below
- All suggestion names must be accompanied by a funny gif, or else