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Private Black Marsh Files: You Promised me Heaven then Put me Through Hell [Complete]


Location: Fondor - Alliance Military Base
Objective: Start Investigation
Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Kat needed to get to Corellia. Katarine had always liked Corellia due to all the time she spent at the Corellian enclave as a child. Of course it had changed since then, but some small part of it still felt like home to her. Today was not about happy home comings however. There was a serial killer loose on the streets of Corellia and it was Kat's job as a Jedi Investigator to track them down. This was a task she was no stranger to, but it did require a certain amount of proficiency with vehicles that Kat just did not have. Today she would be working with a marine who according to his records was proficient in piloting and other forms of transport. That would serve her well.

She was waiting inside the hangar for the man to appear so the two of them could leave for Corellia and begin the investigation.

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Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Tarw had given the assignment of assisting a Jedi Master in the investigation of a serial killer on Corellia. It was his second time working with a Jedi Master and he was curious to see how this one would differ from Valery Noble. Curious to see how the Jedi worked in criminal investigations as well. He decided to not wear his armour so that they would not stand out as blatantly when investigating. He walked down to the meeting point and spotted the Jedi Master who was waiting for him and he tilted his head. He recognised her. There was something about her that seemed really familiar and was bugging his mind. Where had he seen her before?

Then it clicked.

"We were stranded on that island together!" Tarw stated without context and realised he just blurted out something that his mind had been figuring it out. It was embarrassing and he could feel his cheek blush since he was feeling a little stupid in how he introduced himself.

He extended his hand, "hey, sorry I just remembered that where I had met you before and it surprised me. I am the one assigned to assist you on the criminal investigation."


Location: Fondor - Alliance Military Base
Objective: Start Investigation
Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

"We were stranded on that island together!"

Katarine blinked and then smiled as she recognized Tarw.

"Oh that's right. I'm glad we made it out of that one."

That had been a rough time but she was glad to see he was doing well and hopefully all the other survivors were well on their way back to a normal life too.

"hey, sorry I just remembered that where I had met you before and it surprised me. I am the one assigned to assist you on the criminal investigation."

"No need to apologize. I'm glad we get the chance to work together in an official capacity. Let's go in a briefing room and I can give you details."

They traveled a short distance to a glass room that had a large polished table in the center.

"Want some coffee or anything? How have you been anyway? Since the crash?"

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Nodding his head, he was glad that they had been able to get out of there and was back to his usual life. He was pleased that he had been able to grab his weapons and armour from the world once he had been able to grab a ship to fly back. It was an intense introduction and he hadn't gotten to spend much time together, Tarw shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, yeah should be nice to get to see you in action in a more professional setting." He smiled warmly, his eyes looking over her, being a bit clearer in his checking her out but didn't push forward too much.

Sitting down at a chair, he leaned back and looked over to Katarine, switching to a more professional mindset, "this going to take awhile? I'll take a coffee if we're going to be here more than 20 minutes." Tarw chuckled, he wasn't sure how long that the Jedi Master had planned to talk and go over the briefing but he wanted to give her as much space as she needed.


Location: Fondor - Alliance Military Base
Objective: Brief on Case
Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine chuckled about the getting to see her in action. "Well in a perfect world this will be easy and we won't have to see either of us in action but realistically I think we are both going to have to step up."

She got him a cup of coffee from the pot in the briefing room and sat it down in front of him. She also grabbed herself a bottle of water. She wasn't sure how long this was going to take to be honest. Usually these briefings could be well brief or they could be very complex. She had never done an investigation with him before so she wasn't sure what he would need.

"So we are headed to Corellia, specifically Kor Vella. In the pat two months five bodies have turned up there. Now for a city of this size that amount of deaths is sadly not out of the norm, especially when we take into account gang violence. The issue however is all five bodies were discovered..."

She hesitated for a second. Sometimes she forgot that not everyone did police work on a daily basis like she did and thus they weren't used to grizzly details. She stared at him for a moment, as if sizing him up, and decided to break the news. It would at least help him decide if he wanted to skip this assignment.

"All five bodies were discovered with their brains missing. The decapitated heads were left beside the body but the top portion of the skull, and the brain, have yet to be found. This is what we call a signature, meaning the same person likely killed these five victims and is either doing something with the brains or keeping them as a trophy. We need to figure out whats going on there and to do that I require a pilot to get me there, a person to help with protection once we start the investigation, and likely someone who can operate vehicles around the city. Its not my strength but I don't want to go in with a full team. I think it will be easier to investigate if we are a small operation."

She paused and watched him, waiting for his questions or his decision that she was a nutjob to go after a brain snatching psychopath and he wanted no part of it.

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Making notes, Tarw wrote down about the fact that the bodies all had their brains removed. It was a strange link for the murderer, he was wondering what could be the reason for it. "Anzati... They consume the brains of their victims right? I know they rarely consume the whole thing, but could this be a feral Anzat?" Tarw asked as he pondered aloud.

"Though... Removing the head. That seems to not fit their style. It seems odd to be taking the heads. How long was the time period between the kills?" There was a risk that this was something that was progressing, someone who was getting bolder as they continued to escape the law. It was concerning and nothing that Katarine had stated deturbed Tarw. He had agreed to help and he was going to stick to his word. He was both a soldier and a Mandalorian, he was a man of honour and of his word.

Without his word, he would be nothing.

Leaning back in his chair, "I can help you for sure, probably best I stick with pistols. Easier to conceal and less likely to draw attention. Taking your Lightsaber or do you have some skill with blasters?" Tarw had known that Valery stated most Jedi had some skill with blasters but he had not been convinced by that. It seemed too unlikely to him personally. However, he would not disbelieve a Jedi if they stated that they were.



Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

She was glad to see his mind jumped right into deduction mode. It would make him a better investigator. He started to talk about the Anzati, which she had not considered. That might be worth looking into.

“The timeline has been increasing. First it was a month between kills and now only two weeks. The killer is accelerating and may spree if we don’t act quickly.”

She was happy to see he wasn’t objected to the mission.

“I will be taking a lightsaber and a blaster though I assure you that you have more skill with the latter than I.”

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

With the timeline increasing, this was definitely someone who was getting bolder and felt emboldened due to the fact they had not been caught yet. This was not going to be easy but definitely an important mission.

"Understood." Tarw stated, "a Lightsaber will draw attention but that might not be a bad thing. Depending on the ego and reasoning of these killings, they could try attempting to kill people under our noses if they think they are too good for even a Jedi to catch them." Arrogance would lead to sloppy errors that would definitely get them caught.

Sipping the caf, Tarw breathed in deeply, "do you have any ideas where it might be best to start our investigation?" He asked, respecting the fact that the Jedi was the one in command of the mission.



Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

“I think the best place to start is with the medical examiner. The bodies might have more information on them such as what weapon was used. We can stop there and then we will need to check in with the local authorities as a courtesy. They know the Alliance was called in but sometimes local cops don’t like us sniffing in their backyard. We try to keep relations up or we burn too many bridges.”

She sighed, remembering some of the cops she had worked with that had been less than pleased with her being on a case.

“Then I think our best bet is to visit the latest crime scene and learn who the victims are. They may be connected.”

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Nodding his head, "sounds like a good place to start." There were likely connections or calling cards that the killer would have to help them in figuring out how and why they were selecting targets. "For the local authority problems, I can help handle there. People like cops tend to respect and listen to soldiers, we are less mysterious and weird as Jedi in their mind." He didn't necessarily thing that way but he wanted to extend his skills and abilities to help in whatever manner he could.

"When do you wish to leave? I can get a ship running and off in a couple hours unless you got your own ship that I can pilot?" Tarw would need the time to locate an Alliance vessel that would be acceptable and not too tight a squeeze for them both to fit in and get to Corellia.



Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine had not considered that a soldier might fit in better with local police but now that he stated it she couldn’t help but agree. Maybe working with the locals would be a lot easier this time around.

“We can leave now. The New Jedi Order has provided a ship for the mission. I’ll show you and you can see id it’s to your liking.”

They left the briefing room and Katarine lead him through the hangar to where the ship was waiting. She glanced at him and wondered if this vehicle would be acceptable.

((You can pick the ship))

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Following Katarine to the hangar of the NJO and looking over the ships, he looked at the ship, a small gunship. Stretching his limps and cracked his neck as he looked over the gunship. "Might be a bit of tight fit. But should get us there quick and means we won't need a full crew piloting it." Tarw mentioned as he stepped towards it, "hopefully you don't mind things being cosy for a bit." Tarw smirked over to the Jedi Master and gave a teasing wink to her to signal he was just joking.

As he headed to the pilot seat, he sat down and started to go over the ship checks before they took off. He flicked the switches and started the engines as he began plotting course to Corellia. Tapping on the comms, "should be an hour or so till we reach Corellia, anything you wanna chat about while we enjoy the view of Hyperspace?" Tarw offered.

He figured that it would be good to get to know one another.

Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

"As long as we get there in one piece cozy is fine." Katarine laughed. Tarw couldn't possible know how much she hated flying. She was an abysmal driver and if it were up to her she would keep her feet on one solid planet for the rest of her life. But the life of a Jedi was a mobile one so here she was.

She got settled in and buckled up and said a quick prayer that they would not crash into a fire ball and then let out a deep breath.

should be an hour or so till we reach Corellia, anything you wanna chat about while we enjoy the view of Hyperspace?

"Sure, tell me about yourself. Do you have a family or any hobbies or just whatever you feel like sharing."

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"No real hobbies at the moment, just spending a lot of time working on my skills and ensuring that I can rise in the ranks of the army." Tarw mentioned, "my parents are both deceased, but my aunts are still alive and well on Coruscant. They raised me during my early teen years till I joined the army." Tarw explained as he thought about his upbringing and the experiences he got from a young life. "They attempted to sway me into becoming a Mandalorian like them but didn't really stick for me."

He leaned back in the seat, "what about yourself? How did you become a Jedi criminal investigator?" Tarw asked, curious to see what experiences the Jedi had and if she had any street life experiences or had a slightly more innocent and naïve life. There was nothing wrong with that life in his views since it meant that she didn't have trauma to unpack.


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Katarine was sorry to hear his parents were gone. He was just a kid in her eyes, barely over the legal age and already lost his parents. It must have been a hard road for him, but at least he did have some family to help support him.

"The Mandalorians are very courageous people. I'm sure your family is proud that you are in the army. "

"what about yourself? How did you become a Jedi criminal investigator?"

"That is an interesting question. I think I just sort of fell into it. At the time I received training there wasn't a lot happening in the core so I was sent to the outer rim where crime had taken over. There just seemed to be a need back then and so I filled it."

She realized it wasn't the most glamorous way to pick a specialty but before Order 66 a lot of Jedi had just ended up where they were needed. The Jedi these days had a lot more freedom that she was used to.

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"They would have preferred me wearing beskar and take the Mandalorian path over becoming a soldier for the Galactic Alliance but they did not outright hate me for the decision nor did they look down at the path. Well they no longer look down at the job." He chuckled deeply, Mandalorians were a fickle bunch and feats of strength and power were the only ways to determine respect and honour, he was attempting to demonstrate he could achieve that with the path he was forging for himself.

He listened to Katarine and nodded his head, "going where one is needed is good work. Better to provide big improvements to a few than no improvements to many." Tarw mentioned, he would rather better the lives of a few than waste time achieving nothing because of dreams far too grand. Especially since small improvements and being a small cog in a machine can have much larger ripples and effects in the grander scheme, without even realising it.

"What do you enjoy in your spare time then?" Tarw asked the Jedi, "gotta blow off steam somehow, right?"


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

Spare time was a fairly new concept to Katarine. Back in the old days Jedi had very little down time. They wore pretty typical clothes , even if she hadn’t because she was always undercover, and did not have many possessions. Now however the Jedi could own homes, get married, have side careers, have children, and enjoyed a wealth of free time. It was all a major adjustment for Kat.

“Well on my last vacation day I went to the beach to swim. That wasn’t too bad. I like to dance too and I might go to a zoo.”

She realized how lame it all sounded but Kat had a pile of vacation days she never used because she just didn’t know what to do with herself.

“Honestly it’s weird to see so many Jedi with hobbies. I met one in a rock band and another who’s a fashion model. The galaxy certainly has changed.”

She chuckled and shook her head. Wow she sounded old.

“What about you? What’s hip for young people to do these days?”

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

Hearing about going to the beach and swimming, Tarw thought that sounded ideal and a perfect get away. He hadn't been swimming or relaxing at a beach front in a long, long time. "Sounds like you spent perfect day out. Dancing is nice, it has been a long time since I went dancing." Tarw chuckled deeply as he knew he would not be the most graceful on the dancefloor if someone was to catch him dancing again.

"I don't think I have been to the zoo ever." He leaned back and thought about it, what animals would one see in a zoo?

Hearing some of the things that Jedi do on the side of being a Force User made him chuckle, "sounds like they enjoy being busy people." He was then asked what he enjoyed to do, what he thought was hip. He chuckled deeply, "I am pretty unhip myself. I tend to just enjoy some drinks, keeping fit and active and just blowing off steam with some pub games with my fellow soldiers."

He tapped on the consoles a couple of times and flicked a few switches, "we are just coming out of hyperspace. Shouldn't be long till we land. I will try finding a platform as close to our destination as possible." Take the reins of the ship, he began moving towards Corellia. Signalling to the city that they were incoming and requiring a landing spot.


Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

“Nothing wrong with spending time with your fellow soldiers. It probably builds a close bond.”

Katarine braced herself for the landing by closing her eyes and breathing deeply. She hated flying and was always relieved when it was over. Thankfully the landing was smooth and they were able to get out of the cramped quarters without any issue.

Kat rented a speeder at the hangar and they had a short wait before the droid brought it over.

“I hope you can fly one of these? I figured It’s the easiest way to get to the medical examiner.”

Location: Fondor
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah

"When you are constantly putting your lives at risk on the front lines and need to make sure you trust the people beside you, building those bonds are crucial." Tarw agreed as he landed as smoothly as he could.

Once out of the ship, he stretched his muscles and loosened his body from any slight stiffness from being in the cramped confines of the ship. "Hope the trip wasn't too rough for you." Tarw was aiming to make a solid good impression with the Jedi, she was someone he knew he needed to respect and being attractive as well made him eager to prove he was as capable as she needed him to be.

Shrugging his shoulders, "speeders and speeder bikes, less flying issue and knowing how to control them when they are going stupidly fast." He chuckled deeply, "at least you avoided getting a speeder bike, would have been a very intimate ride."

He jumped into the driver seat and started testing the controls and flicking the switches. Getting in tune with the vehicle so he could drive it the best he could.

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