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Private You Scratch My Back...

Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Location: Office in Moff Council wing of Imperial Complex, Lianna City, Lianna
Equipment: See Bio
Entourage: N/A
Tags: Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion
Dialogue Key: ”Galactic Basic” | <<Telepathic Communication>>


Former Moff Teckla Tane had sent a message to Moff Bastion to meet her at a tapcaf near the newly purchased IE Tower. As Teckla finished changing from her robes into something a bit more appropriate for a public meeting, her sister and a few hired laborers were finishing up packing her belongings to relocate to her new offices. The surprises and ever-rotating door of new interested parties of the meeting to discuss how the Empire was going to move forward had cemented her move out of politics. It was a dizzying array of people who could end up allies or enemies depending upon the flip of a coin. Teckla was determined to build The Quasesitorum into what the Sith and Jedi could never be. Bringers of order not dependent on the Force as some sort of spiritual guide. To do that however, she would need to get out into the galaxy. She couldn’t be bogged down by the minutia of the Imperial day to day. And for that she needed to leave the Moff Council, and this building.

”I thought that Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss was your guy on the Moff Council,” Dextra Tane called from the office into the small changing area that Teckla had connected to it. ”Why meet with Moff Bastion? He’s got no clout in this Empire. He is damned attractive though…is that it? You shouldn’t use your power to get dates…” Dextra giggled as she continued the packing.

”Moff Von Strauss is my successor. A strong stable man who has plans to keep the Empire safe. He will hold the territory with clever grace and he will be another voice of sanity in the chaos of what is sure to be going on with people coming out of the woodworks to fill the ‘power vacuum’ left in the wake of the Emperor’s death,” Teckla responded making the last shifts and pulls of her dress to hang properly. ”Moff Bastion seems like he has a bit more interest in the intrigue of politics. He also needs territory, which I can help provide. And if in return he makes sure I am informed of the Council rumor mill, that’s a good trade off.” Teckla gave herself one last look in the mirror and then stepped out into the office. ”And you’re the only one that thinks when two attractive beings are in close proximity it has to get physical…”

”Oh yeah, that’s the cut that politicians wear to an innocuous meeting of trading favors,” Dextra continued the ribbing. ”Have a good date.”

Teckla rolled her eyes at her younger, more free spirited sister, shook her head and took her leave to the designated meeting place.


Dextra’s teasing was not entirely without merit. Teckla of course recognized that Moff Bastion was an attractive man. But so was Maldor, so were other men Teckla had worked with in her career. If the new Moff was distracted in her show of a little bit of skin, Teckla would know she had an advantage to use. In the end even a hardened General, Darkside Forcer and political game player enjoyed having a relaxing meal and looking good doing so. That was the true reason for choosing the dress.

Teckla arrived at the tapcaf first and was shown to a table for two on the patio. As she sat she looked out at the building across the way. Workers were putting up the logo of Intergalactic Exports. A fictitious company that would be used by Dexta’s agents as cover. Most of the very tall building was leased out to other companies. The top ten levels were reserved for them. Five for Dextra’s Obscurers and the very top five would be the official headquarters of the Imperial Crusaders. Things were coming into form. Now Teckla needed to see what the price of eyes and ears on the Moff Council would be.
Bastion strode down the hallway his mind spinning with possibilities. The introduction into the Empire of the Lost had been a sudden one and immediately after him having been introduced the Emperor died. Bastion had been thrust into a position of uncertainty at a time of uncertainty. Surprisingly enough so far the Emperors sudden death hadn't caused the upheaval an Emperor's death could cause. Bastion was still waiting cautiously for the sudden shifts in power as Moff's, the new Empress or in this case the Grandmaster might rise and fall. Bastion had little doubt that this meeting would help determine his own place in the Empire's new structure.

Bastion knew little enough of the Grandmaster to give him an advantage a fact which irritated him somewhat. As a sabaac player sitting down at a fresh table with a fresh hand it would have helped if he had some information on the players sitting across from him. What he did know was intriguing. At one point she had been a Moff. Apparently she had decided becoming Grandmaster of a Force Organisation was more appealing.

It was possible she did so out of duty, but Bastion had seen her play the political game at Emperor Velrans funeral. She played it well. The fact that she had been one of the few non Moff's their illustrated pretty clearly that her current position had in no way diminished her power. In fact Bastion expected it had in fact increased it. She appeared to have handpicked her successor on the Moff Council.

Now she was head of a division of powerful warriors and force users within the Empire. No doubt being one of the few non Moff's at the table also gave her a certain amount of niche. Grandmaster a certain panache. It was however perhaps isolating. The other Moff's new she wasn't one of them which at best made her noticeable at every meeting of importance at worse outnumbered at every turn. Which lead Bastion to wonder what she had in mind for him.

If so Bastion could use that to his advantage. No doubt the Grandmaster saw a new player at the table and wanted to secure said player in her court. Or at the very least assess him for herself. Bastion had no problem using that to advantage, and he could use a powerful ally in his corner. Particularly if he was to gain some territory to his currently floating fleet.

Truthfully Bastion was in a vulnerable position and not only did he know it no doubt the Grandmaster knew it as well. The trick was to gain an ally and not become a vassal. Bastion wasn't opposed to an alliance, but neither did he want to become a servant. He'd let his fleet float if he had to.

Bastion entered the tapcafe and made his way to the patio where the Grandmaster waited. His eyebrow and corners of his lips twitched at the Grandmasters outfit. No doubt calculated to put him off guard and he had to admit it was… distracting. Which he supposed was it's purpose. Nonetheless Bastion forced himself to meet her eye's and gave a shallow bow.

"Grandmaster. Thanks you for the invitation. It's nice to be welcomed so… enthusiastically into the Empire of the Lost." Bastion smiled amused. "I'm afraid I'm rather inappropriately dressed. I didn't know I should be wearing my ceremonial uniform."

Teckla Tane Teckla Tane
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Location: Café looking at IGE Tower, Lianna City, Lianna
Equipment: See Bio
Entourage: N/A
Tags: Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion
Dialogue Key: ”Galactic Basic” | <<Telepathic Communication>>


The newly recognized Moff of the Empire of the Lost expressed his appreciation for the invitation and apologized for his attire. Grandmaster Tane gave a simple nod of her head for the first and then a shake for the second. The apology gave Teckla a chance to look the Moff over, and she gave a bit of a smile at doing so, but quickly returned her thoughts to the matter at hand. ”I am happy that you agreed to join me,” Teckla responded waving for Marcus to take a seat at the table. ”There is absolutely no need to forgive your chosen clothing Moff Bastion…would you mind if I called you Marcus? I had rather hoped this meeting would be informal. Even though there are important matters to discuss.”

Setting the tone of the meeting as friendly, but serious, Teckla continued. ”Even though I have left the Moff Council and my official position within the government, I am going to need to maintain a finger on the pulse of the happenings in politics. My eyes and ears are going to be on the greater galaxy and bringing the promise of Velran Kilran to all of its citizens. As such I will need eyes and ears on the Moff Council, and other happenings inside the Empire’s borders.” Teckla gave a pleasant hum and regarded Marcus for a moment, taking a sip from her drink.

”There are a number of people I would trust with my life on the Council,” Teckla continued almost in a cautionary tone. ”I would expect them to do what is right and necessary for the Empire. If that was not the case I would not have relinquished my position. That said, I’m not sure they are the type that I want doing what I am proposing to you…”

After a brief pause she continued. ”You need allies. You need assets to contribute to the continued expansion of the Empire. And you need a territory to lead.” Teckla took another sip of her drink and then smiled. ”We seem to be in a unique position to help each other. It is my understanding that you held sway over the Yavin system in a previous regime. I would very much like to have my headquarters on Yavin IV. A historical melting pot of Light and Dark. Should you agree to keep me well apprised of what happens on Lianna, I think we could find a close working relationship in the Yavin system, the Gordian Reach and who knows. Maybe reach as far as Bastion…”

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