Years. It had been years, and that is all the one named Pathollex could recall. His memory of the life he once lived was blurred yet clear, distant even. Drugs had taken part in the former Jedi Hunter's life, and so had corrupt politics. One could say that the two went hand-and-hand because of his involvement and uprising within the crime syndicate in Coruscant's underbelly. His alignment with the Force had also bought him a grandiose amount of respect among those who could not deny him; those who did met a quick fate.
Clad in his past and of new creation, his armor resembled that of a raiding warrior. Pieces taken and put together to form an appearance solely for the purpose of intimidation. Wearing trophies, as it were. An Imperial medallion hung from the Sith's neck, slightly rusted and stolen from the corpse of a Lord who had crossed him on a deal long ago. Never try to pull a sneaky one on your dealer.
Hearing the roaring blood-lust of the crowd outside, Zius decided it was time to make a grand debut. He could feel the presence of another who dabbled in the Dark Side of the Force; Sith. That moniker had lost its meaning for Zius some time ago, ever since the last Empire he was a part of crumbled under unfortunate circumstances. Such a shame.
It would seem that the fighting had already begun in the arena, however. The credits gained from this were grand, and it was time to once more demonstrate mercilessness.
Upon entering the pit, a blackened Shadow Trooper's helmet hid the Sith's features, his body clad in plating and cloths all of a rather detailed and decorative fashion yet torn by battle and twisted by deeds unruly and foul. But since Zius was a bit late, none were even paying attention to him. But it wouldn't matter.
With a slowly lifted gauntlet, Zius grabbed one of the Geonosian warriors through the Force and quite literally crushed him with grotesque results. Blood spattering all else around the victim; they all stopped and stared. Some of them knew their fate right then and there, but others would be bold enough to fight the Sith just as if he were a normal man. They were mistaken.
With a freakish burst of speed, the former Jedi Hunter zipped towards a group of warriors and swiped at their mid-riffs causing them to slump to the sand of the already bloodied arena without so much as a scream. Up next was one of the Acklays, a ferocious beast commendable for the deaths of many competitors on Geonosis. Zius admired the creature, but it too would be disposed of.
It howled and charged toward the man with clicks and shrieks, raising one of its pointed appendages in an attempt to impale him with such an admirable tenacity. But within those brief moments, the Sith was able to grab the beast through the Force as well and held it there, watching ti scream and squirm. With his sword arm, he arched it back and cast his lightsaber in a boomerang manner and decapitated the monstrosity. Its body still standing and convulsing haphazardly before collapsing into the dust.
For the moment, none were messing with the Sith. His presence spreading fear as he looked up to where [member="Darth Mephirium"] sat.
He wanted to know why he was here.