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You Wanted To Invest Aswell? [Mrrew]

| [member="Mrrew"] |

Presumably, Mrrew had done his research on Chandrila DataTech before deciding to invest in the Tier Two company. After all, that was what any skilled businessman did on the prospect of putting their hard earned cash into a project such as the one being nurtured and developed in Hanna City. Founded by another businesswoman by the name of Alicia Drey, DataTech was a technological company that had just released three new products: the Lenoi I, a new top of the range datapad; the Raxor I, a new top of the range commlink; and the Core I, a new top of the range computer. Chandrila DataTech was also the developer of the Chon and the online store that came free with the aforementioned products or were available to buy and download on other datapads, commlinks or computers. Native to Chandrila, Alicia had lived in Hanna City all her life, according to her records; and had graduated from the Hanna City university at the top of her class in hardware and software development.

But that was just the tip of a very large ice berg. Unknowingly, Alicia Drey was Darth Ayra, the one time hidden Dark Chancellor of the recently defunct New Order in the outer rim; and the secret investor and contact in the Coruscant Liberation Front founded by [member="Solan Charr"], who was rumored among the rebellious curs to have ties to the One Sith they sought to usurp.

Due to this, Ayra knew who Mrrew was and in a way, her possible business partner didn't have a clue to who Alicia Drey really was. The chosen location for their meeting would be Sojourn.


Alicia stood at one of the spires of the building that overlooked the moon's vast forests. The building itself was empty, save for the servants that worked there. The majority of them were students from the same university she had attended as an adolescent teenager, who were gaining some work experience during their holidays. Others were more permanent residents that came from all across the galaxy, who were looking to find a nice, quiet life. Alicia provided that bliss in return for their service and credits. All parties were happy with their arrangements.

It would not be one of the servants waiting for Mrrew when he arrived at the fort. Serj Sularis would be the one to guide him into the fort to meet with his contact. Turning away from the spire, the Sith Lord undressed from the dark garments she wore and into plain, yet sophisticated clothes for the meeting that was about to take place.
Mrrew glanced out the viewport of his freighter, watching as the moon got larger and larger under him. Ironic that the place the meeting was directed to be on was called the Hunter's Moon. The Togorian watched as the large building came in to view through the viewports, looking around it to the beautiful view of the forests, and waterfall. Interesting place.

Soon, the sleek freighter landed outside the interestingly built building, and it's ramp slowly lowered to let Mrrew step out. He sniffed the air a few times, before walking on to the main doors of the building, admiring the castle-like establishment. To his suprise, an odd looking alien with an elongated head opened the door, and beckoned him in. After getting over his iinnitial suprise, Mrrew followed him, looking over the various hallways as they went on. He was suprised that they wanted to meet him in person, he thought at most they would've wanted his contact information, or something. He should have read the fine print. Hopefully, this would all be worth it; if the company became one of the massive multi-trillion credit operations that practically owned the galaxy.

The Togorian stepped in to the meeting spire behind Seri, ducking under the doorway as he entered. He glanced around the room for a moment, before letting his gaze settle on the girl he'd been sent to meet. He assumed this was the CEO of this new Datatech company. Mrrew nodded, and stepped over, reaching out a massive clawed hand to shake hers. That's what you're supposed to do, right?

"You're [member="Alicia Drey"], then?"
| [member="Mrrew"] |

The Muun lowered himself into a seat nearest to Alicia. They found themselves in a room, with a table that stretched half way across it. Obviously, it was used to at least thirty people dining on it. But today, it found itself with pieces of paper, an Lenoi I and an Core I positioned atop of it, with Alicia sat on a throne like seat at it's end. Another two seats were made available for Mrrew to settle himself in, although observing the huge man that he was, she doubted that he would fit into them.

Whatever he was.

"Mr Mrrew." She offered her hand and shook his Lightsaber, making sure that her hand didn't fit inside his own in fear that he would break it or something. "Welcome to Sojourn. I'd say take a seat, but I do not think those ones will suit your size."

She turned her attention to a servant boy. "Please find a seat suitable for our guest."
"Yes madam," he replied before moving away to find one.

So as to not make things awkward, Alicia turned her gaze to her new contact in order to create small talk until one was found for him. "I trust your trip went well? Find your way here okay?"
Mrrew glanced around the huge dining hall in suprise. Did they really need all this just for a meeting? And all these papers... The Togorian frowned as he glanced over the piles of contracts, documents, and such. He hoped they wouldn't have to go through all of those...

Mrrew shook hands with [member="Alicia Drey"], and nodded, glancing at the little seats that sat at the end of the table, and then glanced to the young servant boy as he ran off. She had her own servants? Maybe this company was going to do even better then he thought, if it's CEO was already that rich... He returned his attention to the girl as she spoke, and nodded along.

"Yes, yes, everything went fine... I'm glad you sent coordinates, though, Couldn't find the place on any starmaps..."

The Togrian glanced nervously at the papers, before looking back to Alicia.

"Shall we begin?"
| [member="Mrrew"] |

"I believe we can now." The servant boy returned accompanied by three larger adults. The seat was perfect for Mrrew's size, indicating that perhaps another person of his stature had once ventured to Sojourn as well. It was either that or Alicia Drey was well prepared for anyone, which was a good indicator regardless.

When Mrrew lowered himself into his seat, Alicia gestured to the Muun. "This is Serj Sularis, a representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. He and by extension, the clan, are shareholders in Chandrila DataTech. They have taken an active interest in your own in regards to your proposal to invest in DataTech as well."

Her eyes lowered briefly to the Lenoi I. Picking it up, she read aloud. "You've expressed an interest in buying one thousand, four hundred and thirty five shares for a cool twenty point one hundred k. That's a lot of credits and a lot of interest into a relatively small firm."

She lowered the device, before lifting her eyes back up to Mrrew. "You coming to Sojourn and meeting me in person tells me your interest in genuine. But I am interested as into why you're so interested in DataTech? Where did you get the money to make such an investment? What is your line of business?"
Mrrew lowered himself in to the giant chair, and glanced between the two on the other side of the table from him. His eyebrows raised in suprised as he heard that the man with the elongated head was from the IBC. The banking clan was involved? This company really was going to be more influencial then he even imagined. He was also suprised with the bombardment of questions [member="Alicia Drey"] gave him. He couldn't very well just say 'It was a better way to spend my credits then buying another Ke-Ni snugglebuddy droid'... Well, that wasn't the only reason anymore, anyway. This company could definitly become very sucessful. That means a lot of credits. That means alot of Ke-Ni snugglebuddy droids. Or, hopefully, he'd buy something more useful... So, he awnsered her questions, doing his best to sound more like a buisnessman then someone who bought the stocks on a whim.

"The company has a lot of potential, potential to make a lot of credits, and expand across sectors. There isin't many major companies like this one, so there is very little competition, and your products will obviously be popular. There's no reason that it would quickly expand, and make a fortune. Obviously, i'd like in on the fortune. As for the other question, I run a company dealing in... exotic animals, so to speak. It's an excellent supply of credits."

The Togorian glanced back between the two, hoping to make a good impression. If he secured these stocks, he could make millions of credits without lifting a finger.
| [member="Mrrew"] |

"Hm." Alicia turned away to think a moment. A time passed in which Serj Sularis researched the company that Mrrew spoke about. She would learn about it from the Muun later. Her words were chosen carefully. "Due to the fact that I do not know much about you or your company, I can offer you the following proposal."

"DataTech can offer you five percent of it's shares, which would cost seven thousand and fourteen standard credits; and will reserve the ten percent shares that you inquired about. Based on your introduction to the companies board, we can reconvene at a later date where we can arrange for your full fifteen percent share as an investor."
The Togorian glanced over at the Muun with a frown, then back over to [member="Alicia Drey"]. Hadn't his company been doing well? He'd gotten a contract with another company, as well as plenty of job contracts, already! But still, 5% was definiatly better then nothing. And once his company got more sucessful, he could always inquire about the other 10%... 5% alone in a company backed by the Banging Guild would definiatly be worth it. So the Togorian glanced up from his thoughts to Alicia, and nodded.

"We have a deal."
| [member="Mrrew"] |

"Excellent. Welcome to Chandrila DataTech, Mrrew." The details of their deal were finalized in paper. Well, that was the saying. Other than the personal notes that Alicia Drey kept, contracts in that day and age were not made on ordinary sheets made out of trees. No, their contract was sealed on the Lenoi I situated between them and made available for public records on Chandrila and Muunilinst to make it official. Mrrew was named alongside @Ayumi Pallopidies, [member="Roth Tillian "]and Alicia Drey as a shareholder of the company, alongside the InterGalactic Banking Clan.

When Serj Sularis parted ways, to set course for his homeworld, Alicia entertained her new business partner with dinner. A feast was made for them to enjoy, before they too parted ways; Mrrew for parts unknown to Alicia Drey, whilst she remained behind on Sojourn.


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