Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction You Were Found Wanting | Empire of the Lost


S T A T E M E N T:

The Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau was found dead this morning in her apartment located in the Capital City upon the planet Lianna. Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was 31 years of age at the time of her death, and a recent appointment to the premiere role within the Empire of the Lost's security and intelligence branch. Her death coincides with the escalating conflict between the Empire and the Sith Order vassal state colloquially known to some as the Sith Holy Worlds and the formation of the Tingle Arm Coalition upon the planet Lothal which has seen the recently annexed system fall out of Imperial hands and into the stewardship of this rapidly rising rebellion.

Director Drey was recently tried and acquitted in a closed court by His Imperial Majesty and Ruler Of All Imperial Kind Velran Kilran Velran Kilran for acts of sedition and treason following the Siege of Tion which saw the destruction of the planet Tion as the Sith made their first strike against the Empire following the Battle of Felucia. During her time as the head of the New Imperial Security Bureau Director Drey was the founder and creator of the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats: an intelligence asset designed by the late Director that was leaked following the conclusion of the Fall of Tion. The DSDT Initiative is thought to be surveying over thirty star systems located across the Empire of the Lost leading to increased scrutiny and debate among Imperial circles regarding the current administration acting under the rule of Emperor Kilran following his succession and subsequent elevation to Ruler Of All Imperial Kind after the assassination of Aculia Voland: founder of the Empire of the Lost and speculated to have been the victim of an assassination by the hand of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and his Tsis'Kaar.

There was no will discovered in the aftermath of the late Director's death. The circumstances of her death have yet to be determined but media outlets located within the Imperium speculate that Director Drey is the latest victim of the Tsis'Kaar.

Thank you for giving me another chance.
The past five months have been fun.


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