Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private You Were There


Karok Karok had completely countered him. He'd fully intended to cut up the worm for parts, even if he wasn't able to kill the Gen'dai, but Firrerreo had been outplayed. A Sith Sword was supposed to be able to cut anything, much like a lightsaber. But only on the edge. Turning the lighting the Firrerreo had put in his blade into a trap to capture the sword was genius, pure and simple. If the Provost hadn't interrupted, hadn't cut the raid short, the boy knew it was going to end up his loss.

His lightning and his sword were the only things he could've used to win, and he certainly didn't know how to use those sparks properly yet.

So he needed to learn more. He stood in the training hall, dressed mostly in the finery of the First Cohort. Even the mask was worn, if only because it wasn't hard for people to know he was the one behind the raid. Notoriety was important, but so was anonymity. Looking back, it would've been smarter to hide his face. Ah well. Again he raised his hand, unleashing a spark of lightning for his target. And again his fingers blacked.

Firrerreo didn't wince, but he did lift his hand as he started to flex the now charred digits. They healed fairly quick, practically shedding the singed parts. It was worse before, where it'd taken a whole day for his fingers to heal. But he was getting better at not burning himself. Sort of. He let out a sigh before he lowered his hand to let it heal, and raised the other to send another shock. Again his fingertips blackened, but it wasn't as bad. He was getting the hang of it.

For now.

Irina Jesart Irina Jesart
Irina watched the masked boy from the corner of her eye, her anger simmering beneath the surface. Whether it was him or not was neither here nor there, everyone in the First Cohort was culpable for Firrerreo Firrerreo 's part in leadinng the raids. Raids that the lower three cohorts were still being punished for while the precious firsts lapped up their life of luxury.

She wasn't envious of them, she'd lived her whole life in comfort, she understood the sacrifice that was needed in order for her power to grow. It was the injustice of it thay irked her. But then she supposed thay was the point. The weighted wooden sword in her hand itched to it something besides the teaining dummy she was facing, but she resisted the urge, restting her stance and sweeping through the steps her father had taught her, the blade clacking loudlybas it connected with each point with precision and power.

Oh how she missed her sword.

Another flash of light, and her eyes shifted back his way.

"Keep trying, Sparky, if you're lucky enough, you might set fire to something other than your own flesh."


"It's plenty difficult, isn't it?"

Firrerreo chuckled as he looked to the girl. And squinted behind his mask. There was no denying she was familiar, but with so many students Firrerreo couldn't really tell why at first. The realization hit pretty quick though. The rock thrower. There were only two that he knew of that decided to throw rocks of all thnigs, and this was one of them! From the.. Fourth? Third?

He never did care much for keeping track of those below him.

"It's more useful than throwing rocks, at least."

Irina Jesart Irina Jesart
Irina gave a snort of derision and shook her head. His arrogance fitted the uniform he worse, serving only to irk her further. Digging a hand into her pocket she pulled out a few small pebbles.

"Oh, you mean like these ones?" She replied innocently. The smooth stones lay flat on her palm before rising slowly to hover a few inches above her hand. A flick of her wrist and she sent on whizzing past his ear, only to take a wide arc back to her.

It was a deliberate challenge.

"I'm sure your ability to cook your opponent will far surpass the applications of Telekinesis."

Her voice dripped with sarcasm as her hand closed about the pebbles once more.

Firrerreo Firrerreo


Firrerreo flinched.

Without his familiar, he couldn't see it coming back around. Behind his mask he frowned deeply. That was a problem. At the cost of anonymity, he didn't have his defense. From the shadows the white masked bird clawed it's way up to his shoulder, perched as it stared at the girl now. Focused. His eyes when he needed them most.

"What I create does the fighting for me, but I suppose I can't ignore the benefits of Telekinesis. Why didn't you join the raid on the Fifth?"

Irina Jesart Irina Jesart
It was him.

She didn't know any other student in First that made use of familiars and it wasn;t exactly like there were many of them to learn about. She'd disliked the Firrero from the day of the trials, watching him slime his way into an alliance with the naive Viers. It might have served him well to get to where he was, but he would not stay there. Of that much she was certain.

"Because I don't need to take from those who have nothing in order to make myself feel powerful" she replied without missing a beat. "I'd much rather take from those who have everything."

Firrerreo Firrerreo


"Yeah, that's sort of what I figured for a lot of them. The belief that it's better to punch up than down. The moral high ground, right? They'll all work together against those above them now, allying themselves against a common foe. It's smart. Riiight up until they realize this place, the Sith, don't care. Their plights, their alliances. There's no room for them all at the top. There's seven spots, seven of the First. They'll work together until they realize that. Then how many will turn on each other? Most of the dead were killed by their own. Some have figured it out."

It was a ramble this time, but one he did believe. The moment they started to clamber about for the higher ranks, they'd realize not everyone could do so together. Their little groups would have to compete, kill one another, long before they'd have a proper chance at the First Cohort.

"It'll be glorious. And those fuckers tried to poison me, so."

Irina Jesart Irina Jesart
Irina, raised an eyebrow at the ramble, rolling the pebbles between her fingers asshe tried to decide whether she wanted to hit the little git or not.

"Every single one of us came into this knowing that there are only seven spaces at the top. Every alliance we make is to get to one of those seven spaces. There are no delusions of friendship here, only alliances of necessity. Whats the sayng? Keep your firends close, but your enemies closer?"

She gave a snort of laughter.

"Poor application on their part if they failed. Rest assure when I come for you, Firrerreo Firrerreo , I won't fail."

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