The Admiralty
The Harem Ship
Nice Ship.
Distortion, the space-time continuum deciding to twist itself in two knots and then throw itself from a ravine in protest and there wasn’t even a towel in sight. But that’s how things went these days, one moment there was no one, the other there was a guy sitting on the bed of Alec’s chamber of distraught pleasure, otherwise known as the Captain’s Quarters. Not a special guy all things considered, fairly non-descript really. It was almost difficult to focus on him, too real. His beard seemed more beardy, his hair more hairy, even his eyes seemed more… eye-y.
Was that a thing? Well, it seemed to be a thing right now, so better strap in and get on with it. The fact that he wasn’t even using quotations marks anymore when talking would only underline the sheer pompous nature, or maybe the man really didn’t care anymore.
About a multitude of things, really.
At least she hadn’t scratched the Chrysalide on her way out, right?
I am in need of your services, miss Rekali. No, not those services. We can have that dinner another time.
A hand that definitely had more of a hand-y texture scratched the outlines of his bearded chin and simply waited with a disarming grin.
The balls on this guy.