Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You'll Never Find Another Jedi Like Mine (Gherron Vael)

Nefertari had just revealled that the fighters of Akala were in the galaxy of the Yuuzhan Vong when she noticed that the most important Jedi to her was nowhere to be seen.
The countess took off in the direction of where she had seen [member="Gherron Vael"] last. They had been together for a while, and Akala had been felled.

Please be safe, my love she thought. Gherron had always protected Nefertari, now it was time that she returned the favor.
Gherron woke up, laying on his back. Looking around, he found himself back where he'd started, back in the Coruscant hangar where he'd originally started his journey to reach the Netherworld. He remembered the last stroke of the blade that killed Akala, and after that was blackness. Upon further inspection of the area around him, he noticed a portal, the one he must have fell through at that moment. Immediately after getting up, he felt a terrible headache as the force returned to him in full, and the pain from his wound settled in. Where was Nef?

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Nefertari came to the place where she had last seen her favorite jedi; yet Gherron was nowhere to be seen.
A rather obvious portal was there, could that possibly lead to him? Her love's force signature was beckoning towards it.
"*sigh* I can't, something doesn't feel right about it..."
But then the words her sister had said before leaving with the rest of the Jedi spirits returned to her mind
"Don't you have some gorgeous blonde you need to get back to?"
What was Nef thinking?! If Gherron had gone through the portal, she would probably be fine. Besides, fear led to the dark side.
"Well, here goes nothing..."
Nef leapt through the portal, a few minutes went by and she saw something coming into view. It looked like a hangar.
What happened then? Well, Nefertari wasn't quite sure. All she knew was Gherron's arms were wrapped around her. Tightly.
Nef returned his embrace and savored the moment for a bit.
"Gherron, love, there is something I desire to ask you"

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Almost as soon as the words left his lips, Gherron heard the sound of another body coming through the portal. Turning around, his face turned to one of pure joy as he beheld his love. Running forward, he embraced her in a tight hug, not wanting to let go. So much had happened in the Netherworld, but now she was safe in his arms once again. They had both lived to tell the tale. When she pulled away, she spoke of wanting to ask him something. Smiling, he nodded. "Sure Nef, go ahead."

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]

(OOC: Sorry it took so long :( )
(OOC: Don't worry too much about it! :))

Nefertari felt a bit strange, and slightly nervous asking this question. She had asked Nathan before, and he had wound up dead.
The Countess paused a moment, seeing a look of pure joy on her love's face.
No, Gherron would not suffer the same fate.
"Well..." Nef began "I've loved you for quite some time now, and you have been there to protect me. Now...I want to be there to protect you..forever."
Sure this wasn't exactly traditional, but somebody had to ask. Nefertari hugged her love again
"Will you make me your bride, Gherron?"

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron listened as Nef recalled how he was always there to protect her, and a smile came to his face. Of course he would always be there for her, as he loved her more than anything. However, her question startled him. He'd thought of asking her before, but had never had the chance. Now that she was asking him... His smile turned wider as he nodded, kissing her sweetly. "I will. No doubt about it."

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
Gherron kissed Nef sweetly as he accepted her proposal. She returned it, Nefertari was in a state of bliss.
"Thank you...I love you so much. I'll be a wife you can be proud of"
Nef only really cared about Gherron at that moment. It was as though things were all coming together.

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron maintained his smile, wrapping an arm around Nef. "And i'll do my best to be a good husband." The idea actually both excited and scared him. He was still fairly young; twenty-five. He was in his prime, and he had hoped to have a bigger life of adventure, as the rogue inside him refused to die. However, with Nef as his wife, he realized he would likely still have the adventure that he wanted. Action always followed Jedi, no matter where they went. With two of them, it was bound to show up. "We've gotta make some arrangements now. There's a lot of people i'd want to be there."

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
"You go right ahead. The more friends we have there, the happier it will be for us."
Of course they would probably welcome the Jedi. Nef's padawans were coming, no doubt about that.
Should she invite Mit? Nef knew he and Gherron didn't like each other much, but thought it would be sweet if Mit gave her away.
It was just then that Nefertari realized how few friends she had outside the Order. Everyone else she knew was long gone.

Nef embraced Gherron, he was warm and she felt safe with him.

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron nodded, already compiling a list of people he wanted to invite. There'd be Josh, of course. His old master. He looked to the man like an older brother. They'd been through a lot together, and he knew it was right. He'd invite Rael as well. The kaleesh had been his own padawan for a time, and in that time they'd become great friends, even sharing a mental bond together. He considered the idea of inviting Nala, but wasn't sure how that would go, considering their past. They'd had something once, but then the kaminoan had just disappeared out of nowhere. He was grateful for her help in forging his current songsteel plate armor, though, a feat he couldn't have accomplished himself at the time. There was no doubt he'd invite his friends Vulpesen and Xander, two men that had taken pivotal roles in his life as friends and mentors, Xander even going as far as to adopt him into his extended family. His hands went to the carved tusk pendant on his neck. A gift from the Jedi master from the last time they'd went to the Ilum caves. That was the first time his wound had troubled him so much, when he let loose his rage on a creature that had attacked them. He still had yet to tell Nef about the encounter, and wasn't sure if he should or not.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]
A thought came to Nefertari
"Is there a special place you would like to wed?"
Nef thought over the experiences she and Gherron had had together. Swimming, crystal gathering, the time she had piloted the two of them out of a meteor storm...she still had the drawing her love had done of her.
"Gherron, Iwas wondering, do you still draw?"

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron had been lost in thought, and so he was a little jarred when Nef's voice penetrated his thoughts. "Oh. Um... I'm actually not sure yet. I'll give it some thought." In fact, he had already come up with a potential idea. Crystalsong. He'd been to the planet quite a few times now, and it always had surprises in store. The planet as a whole was beautiful. And if the Order of the Grey were still set up there, he could call it in as a favor from his friends Vulpesen and Alex. He was sure the two would help him out. When Nef asked him about drawing, he had to think for a bit. "Actually, I don't think I have in a while. I've had so much to do recently that I haven't had any time for myself."

[member="Nefertari Sovint"]

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