Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply You'll Thank Me Later






-Can walk quietly.
-Can hold a wrench.
-Comfortable wielding a pan.
Dislikes caterpillars.

300 credits

2/4 10:00

In front of this poster

Three of these posters had been plastered around the city of Dunard-- a remarkably average city of remarkably average proportions. Beyond the bustle of humanoids living out their daily lives devouring nature for their own pleasure was the wildlife that encircled the city. It was a scenic affair of rolling valleys, reaching mountains, and calm lakes. To M'ii, it really was the perfect planet.

...Spare the fact that she had to use the processed bodies of her distant cousins to advertise for a friend... But what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them. Mostly 'cause they were were already dead. She didn't have enough money for a holo-advert, alright? This was taking all she had.

No further details were given on the posters. The money was moderate at best, but M'ii had complete faith that another kind soul would answer her call. Who didn't like adventure? Oh crap, she forgotten to mention adventure on the postures!

M'ii walked with quick steps between the three streets that held her fliers, the flowers in her hair moving with the wind as she hung tight to the mask that sat over her lips. The planet's advertisement of type 1 atmosphere was a blatant lie! She had witnessed not one but four other factories on way here just this morning. What was breathable about that? The heals of her boots clacked across the pavement as she turned a corner, skidding with excitement as her flier came into view. Was someone under it?

She really hoped so.

This was important business.
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Locus was in a bad situation. Since the mess on Coruscant, he needed to lay low.

This planet seemed to be a good choice, as it turned out, there are a few jobs here and there.

Locus soon noticed a flier. He hasn't seen one in ages! It requested a 'helper', and offered 300 credits, a amount that may or may not be useful later on.

Locus stood there and thought about it. Eh, whats the worst that can happen... but it could also be a trap. He checked the time, noticed that it was really close to the meet-up time, and decided to wait for the employer, and decide whether he will take the job once he meets them.


M'ii stopped short, her expression lighting up at the sight of her very metal volunteer. "Oh great, you came!" She scurried over with quick steps, a half grin linger on her lips.

"I was getting so worried the money wasn't enough. But I said to myself, M'ii, there is nothing more priceless than a good friend. And here you are! ... Not to be assuming we're friends and all, I hardly know you,” she laugh. “It's just, well, for the next hour--" she shoved the credit stick into his chest, a bit naive to the fact that such exchanges should be done after the fact.

"You are."

She rolled back on her heels, fussing fingers through her hair. "You ready-- mask right, ass tight?" She sang.

She hadn't even told him what they were doing. Never mind asked his name.

Locus Flamemaker Locus Flamemaker
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Locus observed the person that just hired him as she showed up in a hurry, and started talking. To his surprise, she didn't even mention what he was supposed to do, or ask him about his equipment.

She also paid him before the job, something that most people didn't do for obvious reasons.

Locus looked at her as she messed with her hair and realized that this may be harder than he expected.

"May I ask what I'm supposed to do?"



"Walk!" She chirped, turning on heel.

"Come on, chop chop, lets go!" And with no further ado, she started on away, confident he would follow.

Did he miss the part about adventure?
Throughout his time as a bounty hunter, Locus never worked for a person that treated him like this. Even the worst of scum gave him some sort of briefing before he moved out.

This person on the other hand, just didn't care. Locus felt a bit offended that he didn't even get a briefing, but it was too late to turn around now.

With a frown on his face, he packed his credits and started following his new boss.

He could already tell he won't like working with her.

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