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Private Your Court Date: Rulonom Laboor

Location: Palace of Justice, Senate District, Coruscant
Tag: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

The courtroom was a busy with legal experts and functionaries as the highest profile case of the season was scheduled to take place in mere moments. The stately, sterile, interior echoed with the sounds of footfalls and whispers. The prosecution had already arrived and had began to set out their myriad of data slates and veiled evidence on the large, high tech, workstation. Of course the defense had access to the same infrastructure as the prosecution.

At the center of it all was the imposing, looming, serpentine figure of the infamous Sssar Taszzn. The Filithar's head turned this way and that as he used motion detected holograms to look over the profile of the accused. He had seen these types before. Rare it was indeed that such a storied, accused, criminal would be caught by the Alliance's judicial forces and their allies "Your Honor" a legal droid shambled up towards the platform "The appointed hour has arrived." Sssar did avert his studying eyes from the projection even as he spoke to the droid "Yessss, go ahead then. We will sssstart." he hissed. The hissing, like the whispers, echoed around the cavernous courtroom.

The functionaries and officers of the court hushed themselves as they heard Sssar speak, the only sounds to continue were their steps towards their positions. Sssar looked down towards the master-at-arms who was dressed in the manner of a Senate Guard, the human looked up towards Sssar then towards the large double doors of the entry. He spoke into a subvocal microphone and then the doors slowly opened to reveal the defendant who would be escorted by a group of Federal Marshals and any legal team he'd deigned to bring with him.

"All those not entitled to the privilege of the court shall vacate the chamber." announced the master-at-arms in a booming voice formally withdrawing the public status of the room - though all the professionals had already gained permission to be here. Mainstream press and some smaller holonet outlets included "The most honorable Adjudicator Sssar Tasznn of the Ministry of Justice of the Galactic Alliance presiding." as the accused and his entourage finally made their way to the Defense table master-at-arms wrapped up his legally mandated formalities "The trial of the Galactic Alliance versus Rulonom Laborr has begun."

Sssar looked down from his lofty position towards the prosecution with a cold leer "Motionsss from the prossssecution?" he hissed loudly "Yes, your Honor. The Galactic Alliance moves to charge the defendant, Rulonom Laborr, with the following." the prosecutor adjusted her glasses as she lifted a data slate from the table before her "Armed rebellion against the Galactic Alliance, the illegal detention of agents of the Galactic Alliance, torture of Galactic Alliance citizens, aiding and abetting enemies of the Galactic Alliance in the form of the New Imperial Order and the Empire of the Lost, embezzlement of a dozen Galactic Alliance systems, and the illegal exercise of private military functions under the pretenses of the Common Soldier Act." Sssar's gaze turned with equal severity towards Rulonom Laborr "How doesss the the defensssse plead?"


// LOCATION //: The High Court Room
// OBJECTIVE //: Defend Against Charges
// TAGS //:
Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn


An interesting development....

Those were the private thoughts of Laborr as the delegation moved down the winding corridors of High Court Building accompanied by an army of no less than 30 legal advisors and attorneys that would assist him in defeating these false charges brought against him by the Alliance High Courts. He had certainly heard rumors and even seen open hostility against
megacorporation's and their representatives within the Alliance Senate while still the Senator of Skako but to weaponize the legal system in an attempt to drive them out altogether was downright treacherous and the highest level of treason. There was every legal right available to him to refuse to honor the warrant given to him by the Alliance Marshals and the other Law Enforcement Agencies when they came to arrest him for crimes against the Galactic Alliance.

Such crimes were merely business
opportunities at the time and some of these charges were conducted under the administration of Director Gat Tambor. Entering into the High Court Room followed by the arresting Alliance Marshals there were hushed tones as armored googles settled on the presiding judge. He should have known that the Judge of all people possible was going to be Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn , a former senator like himself and a sinister snake whose judgements were often clouded by humanistic thinking and a high sense of justice. There was little use in requesting a retrial by a different judge as the criminal process was already moving ahead.

"The Defense Pleads not Guilty to all Charges" came the voice of the Skakoan after confirming with his legal advisors that this farse was good for public relations between the Federation and the Galactic Alliance.



Location: Palace of Justice, Senate District, Coruscant
Tag: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

"The defensssse plead of Not Guilty hassss been heard. The prossssecution will pressssent evidence of the defendant'ssss crimessss at thissss time." Sssar looked towards the prosecutor and gave her a nod to go-ahead. The woman held up a dataslate while looking towards the defense "Your honor, at this time, the Alliance submits to evidence the reports of the illegally detained Alliance Marshals detailing their imprisonment when attempting to carry out their lawfully mandated duties in arresting the subversive Ruling Body of Skako." a protocol droid shambled over towards the prosecutions table and took the data slate from her, then shambled over towards the Filithar. The data pad was held up as Sssar dipped his head down and turned his head to one side so he could read the text across the screen to verify the contents. After several seconds of quiet Sssar hissed "Very well. The evidence will indexed. Continue." after that the protocol droid waddled towards one of the massive tables where court employees were busy documenting the proceedings. The slate placed inside of a slot, moments later the information was available to both the prosecution's table and the defenses' table.

The following report was scathing in the characterization of the inhumane treatment of the Federal Marshals and their internment at the Skakoan labor camp.

"Thank you, Your Honor, this report outlines the gross mistreatment of sworn peace officers of the Galactic Alliance who had been charged by the Alliance with apprehending the subversive Ruling Body who's ties to the Trade Federation are well known to the people of the Alliance. The Trade Federation of which the defendant is a long-time member of personally." she folded her hands on the table while looking towards Rulonom and his legal team, pausing to see if they would object to her statements.


// LOCATION //: The High Court Room
// OBJECTIVE //: Defend Against Charges
// TAGS //:
Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn


The Skakoan glanced behind armored googles as the first piece of evidence was presented to the High Court by the prosecutor. The evidence seemed to detail the matter of the Skako Incident where Alliance Marshals had been assigned by the Galactic Alliance to capture and detain the Skakoan Elders for going dark as it were. They had failed in their task and had been rightfully detained by the Skakoan Authorities for crimes against the planetary government. It was irresponsible for the prosecutor to present such evidence against him personally when the Elders were the one's responsible.

"Objection, Your Honor. The evidence provided to the court by the prosecutor is clearly intended for another court case against the Skakoan Elders. As I am not a member of such planetary body, it would be irresponsible for the court to use such evidence against me in proving my guilt." The objection was made after speaking with his various legal advisors and strategists. They directed him to come to such conclusion by stating that the evidence was against the Skakoan Elders, the Planetary Government and to which he was not a member of at the time the Alliance Marshals were captured and detained.



Location: Palace of Justice, Senate District, Coruscant
Tag: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

Sssar looked towards Rulonom as he had made a salient point about the relevance of the evidence being offered up by the prosecution, the Filithar turned his attention towards the prosecutor as she interjected "Your Honor, this evidence is critical to establishing a link between the defendant and the co-conspirators. Our next entry of evidence will establish a concrete link between this evidence and that the defendant aided-and-abetted the illegal detainment and torture of the Alliance's operatives." the woman's face was stern and self-assured.

For several moments Sssar silently deliberated to himself about the Objection "Very well. Objection over-ruled; however" Sssar gave the prosecutor a scathing glower "Ssshould thisss next entry fail to essstablisssh the connection you claim, both will be thrown out." he had made his call and the prosecutor seemed reserved but also relieved "Thank you, Your Honor. The Alliance enters the following report from the Strategic Intelliegence Agency. A classified listening post intercepted a communication from the lawfully observed Elders of Skako. This evidence coincides with the Ministry of Transportation's logs of a hyperspace beacon relay of a shuttle craft leaving the planet and heading towards a known planetoid where the S.I.A. believes the defendant was instructed to flee to evade the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces." the woman turned her attention from Sssar towards Rulonom "Our analysts believe without a shadow-of-a-doubt that Rulonom Laborr was in contact with these criminals, knew of their involvement, and in an act of conspiracy did not alert Alliance authorities to their whereabouts or his intended location in order to obstruct efforts in their capture and undermine the integrity of the Galactic Alliance."

Sssar's posture showed that he was intently combing through the information then looked towards the defense's table awaiting Rulonom's rebuke of the new evidence.


The Trade Federation's Director was far from satisfied when the Presiding Judge overruled the objection, despite the fact that the first piece of evidence presented in court had no clear connection to him, regardless of how they tried to manipulate the situation.

However, the Judge did issue a warning that the evidence would be dismissed if the next piece presented was not substantial enough. This did provide the defense with some flexibility to challenge the new evidence.

Engaged in a conversation with the legal team seated beside him, he sought to strategize the next course of action to establish his innocence, even though he had committed these crimes without any hesitation. The Neimioidian Lawyer took the initiative and urged the Director to highlight the fact that the Alliance had a strict law prohibiting unauthorized surveillance on its citizens, which could lead to legal consequences.

Following suit, the Muun Lawyer suggested disputing the shuttle identification, emphasizing that the Trade Federation possessed numerous similar shuttles, thus failing to establish a direct link between the Director and the specific craft.

"The Defense would like to cross-examine this piece of evidence. The Report provided by the Strategic Intelligence Agency includes a crime of its own, by establishing a surveillance operation on a sovereign planetary body without written authority from this court or the senate has directly violated alliance law. The second paragraph presented
identifies a shuttle craft, although there is no solid evidence that anyone was on board said shuttle craft when it left orbit."

Although the cross-examination was rather long winded, he hoped that the SIA had committed
a crime themselves in establishing a classified post without the authority of the highest body within the Alliance.
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