Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your Favorite type of stories to role play

So, there are lots of different types of stories; pew pew, emotional, character-based, plot-driven, satire, the list is endless.

So the question is what is your favorite type of story to write? I personally character-based stories. Stories where we get to understand what the character thinks, feels, their thinking processes, and so on. I like it when we explore what it means to be human, how we change and what we do. I like it when characters change, even in small ways through the course of a thread. I think that gaining character and an object makes dev threads more fun but also more meaningful. Like a hero who climbs a mountain and struggles, chaining in the end when they reach their goal.

So, what about you? What do you like? Feel free to share, and no hating on each other in this thread. Keep it civil, its all a matter of opinions.
James Justice said:
... emotional, character-based, plot-driven, ...
I love fleeting, absolutely love it. I love commanding anything in large scale battles. But PvP is the most boring thing to me, and I purely, for the most part, like building characters, building relationships, and critically growing. I will even do un-needed roleplays like in CHAOS where they are absolutely unnecessary, but ... growth. I like showing physical growth and development.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="James Justice"]

Character/plot driven/emotional threads are the ones for me. I love rp's that make me think, gives me goosebumps, surprises me and makes me eager to post a lot. And yes, I post a Been here for 11 months now and I've had a bunch of threads that have thrilled me and ticked all the boxes. Some have been abandoned though, which is sad as some were so well written! There are some great writers here and I can't wait to see what else is out there for my character's future. I never plan it out, I just wing

These are the best 'choose your own adventure' stories ever :) It makes sneaking online at work well worth it ;)

One thing that I don't like is when people try to force others into threads without even having the common courtesy of asking them first, especially when it's a fight or something. People can be super busy with life and other threads and don't have the time to be forced into anything that they don't wish to be a part of. I always ask before I write up a thread, and there's plenty of others that do the same with me. It's much appreciated. At times I wish there was an ignore button for those that don't rp with courtesy for their fellow
I guess I'm a bit of a stereotypical Australian, as 'Australians love a good underdog'

But damn I do love some good underdogs stories, some runt of the litter who unexpectedly rises to the top. Just about all of my characters, Lysle of the Hydian Way started out with scratch all, the Black Suns laughed at him and thought he wouldn't amount to anything - Yet Lysle ended up creating a vast criminal empire and crushed the Black Suns before he faded away. Then I've got other characters Like Hasjo Hallu (Darth Vidar) and Julian Valentine who began as underdogs before rising to the top in their respective careers.
Personally, I enjoy starting at the bottom.

I don't mean the average, I mean like way at the bottom. Overwhelmed and under-prepared. From the ashes of those situations I feel like the best characters can be made, and one truly sees where one stands as a writer.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
I'm going to have to agree (or at least mostly agree) with [member="James Justice"].

I want to see who's in the thread with me. I want to know what they are thinking and why. I like getting to explore the light and dark of my character and those she hangs with. Sure plot is important but what's a plot without CHARACTERS to drive it forward.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
I like my stories to be very emotional and have some depth to them. But I also hate it when it's overly gritty and dark, in my opinion I see too much dark gritty stories and while that's all dandy I like to put a lot of humor into my writing for honest human reactions and emotion.
[member="Sean AilĂ­n"]
[member="Julian Valentine"]

It has been really fun for me to write James's rise. He actually started out with a rusty blaster pistol and a hunking junk freighter and not a tin cred to his name. Now look at him! :D
A lot of introspection. The more humble, gritty, and 'real', the better. I'd rather pour all of my time into developing my character than, for example, their skillset. I'd rather have a ridiculously fleshed out Apprentice than a roughly thrown together Master. It's why I start 90% of my characters out as children without any real S/W... So that they'll properly develop overtime. I also love finding one significant other (be that romantic, friendship, subservient, etc) to roleplay with and develop alongside. I cannot stand big threads (invasions, dominions, etc) as they feel rushed, have timelines, and don't really allow for a personal journey. (Well, they can do but as I say I personally always feel rushed in such threads)

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