Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your greatest desire....

Well-Known Member
Hey, that was my line first mister!

But more seriously, Jhar's truest most unobtainable desire is to be free of his unpayable debt to his Former God Darth Vader, and his debt to himself after his self proclomation of his godliness.

Essentially, his most unobtainable Goal is simply to be free, even as he continues to bind himself to pointless debts which hold no meaning.
There is little in the mind of this gigantuan monster, that he doesn't desire. He desire's pleasure, and money, and power, and security, and land, and people, life, animals, plants, planets, the very air you breathe. He yearns for it all to be his, but this is not his fault. As all his life, in a subconsious endeavor, this Head of the Dark Lords of the Sith, is trully the Lord and Master of Gluttony.

He might remind some of the fabled Darth Nihilius, and although Voracitos could be seen by an ignorant many, as a close match to this ancient Dark Lord, this Pillar of Knowledge is actually quite adept at the Knowledge of history, and thus would easily deduct that Nihilius was a Slave to his power.

No, the Godly form of Voracitos in his unreachable and ultimate capacity would be an even stronger, and far more deadly thing than domain over Hunger.... for hunger craves only to be full, Gluttony cares not when it is full, and thus has no end. If Voracitos became this unreachable Goal, he would care not for what he devoured upon the surface of a world, for Force Sensitivity would be a feable matter in the concerns of this mindless Open Maw, ripping through the force to consume the souls of trillions. Darth Voracitos would be a sustained, and controlled wound in the force, continually eating away at every living creature in existence all at once, by his mere presence.

This of course, is a subconsious goal that shall never be achieved... hopefully that is...

Kaveh Garshasp

Not gonna lie, I think it would be interesting if Darth Voracitos Transferred is essence into a younger, and more muscley body and how he would take his new form mentally.

I think Gobar just wants to continue flying as a pirate, however he also wants to die a peaceful death, leaving the legacy of his piracy to the stars.

Thadd Zarr

My character hates the Hutt's. he struggles with balancing the force, not slipping into the dark side.., but thats Made difficult when his hate against the Hutt's is sooo great. If he could round all the Hutt's up, gut them, and burn what was left he would.. He views them as a plague in the galaxy, like a cockroach infestation.... Due to his history with them...
I hate order....... I hate governments that take control of a system, bringing them under thier order... We should all be free, our own gods, masters, and lords.... The republic.. the empire.., the protectorate.... They shall all burn by my hand.... And I will especially kill @[member="Thadd Zarr"]. ... for hating my brethren ...

Darren Onyx

Onyx doesn't really have any real personal goals. I mean he wanted to turn from bad to good and has already done that, for the most part. So other then that, he really wants to have a good positive outlook on his life. Like look back and say "I did good."

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