Shadow Hand
Khar Shian
The Citadel of Naga Sadow, Domain of [member="Darth Vitium"]...
"In the eyes of the Sith Order I call the Lords to Khar Shian to bear witness. I challenge you, Darth Vitium. I challenge you to a fight to the death, for everything you have and hold dear. But most of all, for the right to exist in my world."
Present Day...
Days passed after the foreboding challenge spread across the channels of all Lords of the Sith who would accept the holographic message from none other then Darth Prazutis, the Goliath of Panatha. In the eyes of the Sith Order he challenged Darth Vitium, and in days time regardless of who showed up or not the Destroyer was coming to Khar Shian. There was no deception or false truths in his challenge, no room for misinterpretation. There was only one word that rang through the air:
Two would fight on grounds sacred to Sith beliefs and only one would stand victorious, only one would stand the Conqueror. But a time prior Darth Vitium arrived on Panatha, daring to invoke the God-Kings ire by a duel, which she fought to a standstill with no clear victor. In the months since the Destroyer watched from the shadows as Silara Kuhn ran the Sith name through the mud associating with the likes of [member="Aria Vale"]. Silara constantly held herself as the Queen of the Pack, yet she was nothing more then the lowly dregs she detested.
Today that would end.
In the outskirts of the great ruined citadel of Naga Sadow bathed in the moons eternal darkness they would fight. A raised set of stable, flat cliffs would act as the viewing platform of the various Sith Lords who would assemble to watch the great fight of the death. They'd understand the scale of what was to come, none who assembled would interfere.
High in space orbiting the moon a set of ships descended into the atmosphere, the massive hulls of dark battleships bathed in the light of the far moon. Their darkened hulls bore the symbol of the great cerulean phoenix. This only meant one thing:
The Zambranos have come.
[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Ferox"] | [member="Darth Voracitos"] | [member="Velok the Younger"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Anaya Fen"] |