Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You're all probably wondering

So as the tittle says you guys are wondering what I'm doing back here after having one of my infamous freak out sessions then storming off for the bajillinth time. Well I guess there's no real easy way to say this so I will just say it. I had some serious problems, I found myself struggling everyday to not make the littlest things freak me out and drive me into fits of rage and depression. It really wasn't my most proud moment in my life. But I got help, I saw a doctor and got treated for my condition. I've been putting this off since all the regret I felt when I did the thing I did when I was unstable. But then I realized that this is the internet and you guys are all pretty decent people. So why should I care?

I had some tough times and I'm all better now. Can I promise I won't ever have a relapse in my condition? No I can not, but I can promise that if I do it won't be on here. You guys are a good crowd and if you are all willing I hope we can put everything behind us and start a new beginning and just have fun telling stories.

And to [member="Tefka"] I can not begin to describe to you how sorry I am when I was like that. When I was drinking my problems away or snapping at the smallest thing. I'm sorry Tef, I can only hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I said to you. Serviceman to serviceman I'm honored to have been on your amazing site. On the chance that you don't accept my apology, I understand. For the rest of you, I'm just happy to be here and to roleplay with you all. Have fun out there :)
I don't believe we've had the opportunity to meet, but I want to congratulate you for achieving what you have and hope for you the best. I think everyone can share my sentiment that we're glad to have you back.

tl;dr: Welcome back! Here, have hugs and kisses, we love you!
Glad to see you back man! And it's good to hear you got the help you needed. It's amazing what talking to a professional (and a few* pills) can do when it's needed. Lord knows how much better I got after those appointments.
Vanessa Nach Seele's writer says hi, by the way.

*few meaning 'a dozen or so' in my case

Either way, welcome back~~~
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Thank you, it means a lot to me to hear that from you.

[member="Lily Rose"]

I heard about what happened to Hasjo. -sniffles- it seems just like yesterday I had him kidnapped and tortured ;(

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
We haven't met but I'm happy that you've gotten depression and rage out of your life :) I'm sure everyone can forgive for you need to experience something like that to know.

Anyways, welcome back and if you want to RP, just send me a pm. I'll be more than happy to RP. :D


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