Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bipolar Sith. What could go wrong.
I just wanted to inform you that if I don't reply to you it's because I'm gone.
I've been struggling in real life with my mental health issues and it's affecting my ability on the site.
Not that I had any ability in the first place but I've become even worse than ever.

For those I've RPed with I've really enjoyed it. Some of you guys are the best people to do this and I want to stop tarnishing this website with my terrible ideas and writing.

Thanks to the Admins who answered my stupid questions insanely fast.

For those of you that think I'm doing this solely for attention I have words for you that I'm not allowed to display on this website.

For those people that only scroll down and comment without reading the whole thing, long story short.

I suck at this and I'm bringing everybody down with me if I stay.

You have a great community here and I will miss you guys.


Disney's Princess
Healthy, wealthy, and wise. Get well soon. We'll be here if you ever decide to return.

In the meantime. Go forth and triumph. :D

Connor Harrison

[member="Vustia"] I never got the chance to write with you, but I find it hard to see you struggling in RL, and I wish you all the very best to rise above it.

And you should never say you suck at anything - there is no standard here of writer and nobody should make you feel inadequate; I hope this hasn't happened.

Take all the time you need away from here to get yourself in a better place, and hope you make it back should you want to in future.

Take good care of yourself!


Bipolar Sith. What could go wrong.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

The fact you have taken the time and placed effort into this makes me feel better, but I still feel like this would be a better place without me
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

no it wouldn't, every member helps build this community from the biggest admin to the newest member. It is a place to have fun and enjoy a game with like minded people. sure some people take it to seriously and make it all seem more important then makes sense but you are always welcome here. Just have something you can enjoy and if you need to talk with some people.

You've given me a case of the sads. I've only read a few of your posts on a couple your characters, but have not yet had the pleasure of actually writing with you.

Your writing is solid from everything I've seen, but only you can decide if you should stay, leave, and/or return.

You should definitely take some time, rest, recenter, and then decide if you should return.

I'll speak only for myself here, but I, personally, would love to see your grand return to Chaos. We'll do a thread when you're back. I'll hold out hope, personally, that we'll get to mingle and weave a thrilling tale one day.

Rest my friend, and know that I meant every word.

Be well.


Bipolar Sith. What could go wrong.

As you have a character profile picture that is very reminiscent of Naruto I like you.

And these words you speak make me feel like I'm in the wrong for leaving behind people who would want to RP with me.
Go if you think it's important for your own health. If you got things to take care of, go take care of them. We will be waiting here. :)

Do not go if you're leaving because you think your quality of writing is poorer than you want it to be. Actively judging your own writing only makes you a better writer in the end.

Again, if the site is putting stress on you or otherwise not aiding your mental state. Quit. If it it helps, continue despite what you might think of the quality of your writing. :)
Vustia said:
And these words you speak make me feel like I'm in the wrong for leaving behind people who would want to RP with me.
No no no, I am not trying to guilt you my friend. I've been right there with you. I've been downtrodden, depressed, and downright miserable. But, I took a break, and when I came back, this place was SOOOOOO much better.

So please, if you feel a break is needed, I beg of you, go, rest, and take care of yourself. You need to worry about yourself first and foremost.

But, all I ask, is don't write off returning just yet. We will be sad to see you go, but your return will be that much sweeter.

Rest my friend. Rest is key.

Edited extra bit:

This is one of the warmest, most inviting, and compassionate communities I'd ever had the honor of being a part of. People here care. Just keep that in mind. We care. :)

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream

If you would like to leave, feel. As the good man [member="Jen"] said, take care of yourself first. If you need to leave for health reasons, feel free, no shame in that. However, if my man [member="Ryn'Dhal"] says that your ok, then... that means I am sure to agree with his seasoned opinion.

I have written with people who made me question if I am even worthy to call myself the same species as them--and then I have written with some so bad I cringe to say we are of the same Animal Kingdom. The point is we got a lot of varied people here of different skillsets. If they enjoy writing, then its for them to enjoy. I am just not for their writing circle, someone else is.

Find your niche. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't worthy to enjoy this hobby, for this is what it is and no one can tell you otherwise.

Cheers, mate.


Disney's Princess

You have to do what's best for you. :D

+ If this site helps you cope in a healthy manner and in your free-time? By all means, continue to participate.

- However. If this site just gives you drama, anxiety, and frustration? Then it would be healthiest to your mind if you left and sought better coping habits elsewhere.

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