Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yours and Mine

Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Eadu, Barabian Systems HQ
Jacen adjusted his glasses anxiously. He'd never really been this nervous before, at least he didn't think so. He checked the time, tapping his foot like a madman. Finally he saw Varik come up the stairs, that same blank look on his face as always. "Finally. What took you so long?" As he stepped forward, Ice had an answer ready. "Running a Sovereignty." Well, damn. That was a pretty good one. "You're basically the King! Just tell them to wait!"

All that got him in response was a concerned stare. Alright, maybe he couldn't just tell them to wait. He sighed, shifting nervously some more. "Whatever, then. Is there, uh...anything I should do? Adjust the room, maybe move the chairs..." He hated when he got himself worked up like this. He always worried far too much about things, especially when it came to work and responsibility. This was both of those in pretty much the maximum setting. As Jacen tried fixing up the chair and patting them down, he heard Varik from the other end of the room.

"The room is fine. You'll do fine." Jacen wasn't sure if that was real encouragement; if it was, he was going to need some smelling salts fast, because there was no way this was real. He'd doubted that ever since he was asked to run such a big company on the cusp of expanding to larger horizons. He cursed himself silently for being hard-working, possibly even reliable. If Varik just didn't trust him, he wouldn't have to do this.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Eadu, Barabian Systems HQ

"Are you sure?" Jacen didn't feel like he was. He sat down in the large chair behind the desk, which was really comfortable now that he actually had the opportunity to use it. He spun it a little bit to test how fast it could go, and to relax him a bit. The chair suddenly stopped from Varik grabbing it from behind and holding it still. "Of course I'm sure." Yeah, sure he was. The guy never got nervous about anything, had a lightsaber and a whole government. Some guys just had all the luck, huh?

Jacen looked towards the desk as he heard a nasally voice come from the communicator on it. "The guys from Lorak Mining are here. Do you want me to send them up?" Jacen turned and looked towards Varik, who only raised his eyebrows towards him, giving him a look. Hrmph. That was probably as expressive as he'd ever seen his face be before. He suddenly remembered what he should be doing, pressing on the communicator in response. "Y-Yeah, send him up, Feepo. Thanks!"

He had to work on his delivery. He didn't sound like a CEO of any sort. He cleared his throat, adjusting his tie as he saw the two figures head up. He stood up from the desk quickly to meet them, his hand extended. "Hi, I'm Jacen. You must be-" He pointed to the Twi'lek, who spoke first. "Yalna. This is Horzo. He can't speak basic, but he understands well enough. I can translate." Jacen smiled towards the Aqualish to Yalna's side, moving to shake his hand before he looked down for a moment. Oh, his...hands looked like cups, or bowls. Must be a subspecies. The hand was still extended though, so Jacen took the most appropriate grip he could and shook. Suddenly, everything felt relaxed. Maybe he could handle this.
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Eadu, Barabian Systems HQ

Jacen nodded along, still sitting at the desk. They'd been discussing this for what felt like a while now, but it wasn't so bad. Time was passing quicker than when he was usually doing negotiations - helped that Horzo had a good sense of humour, too. "So the others are fine, only the Quadranium's the issue?" He looked quizzically towards Yalna, who was listening intently to his Aqualish companion replying in his native language. "What Horzo's saying is we should still be able to get it done, but we'll need a bit more time. Especially if you want something that big, and you'll want the good quality stuff for a station."

Jacen scratched his chin, giving another nod. "That should be just fine, then. Time's not an issue." He almost instinctively looked to Varik for advice or confirmation, but held himself back as best he could. He shouldn't. He's in charge now. "Other than that, we're all good. No problems." He smiled and nodded in response, a pleased look on his face. He was almost surprised that he actually managed to do it. He never figured he could.

As he stood up, he felt Varik move over to stand next to him. He shook both hands again. "Great talking to you. Looking forward to working together, guys." Yalna returned his handshake, a grin on his face. "Same to you." Horzo made some comment, something that made Yalna laugh as they turned around to laugh. Giving a small wave, the two disappeared down the stairs. Jacen almost fell back into his chair, amazed that he even got through it.

"You did better than I thought." Jacen had a confused look on his face as he looked up towards where Varik was standing, and now walking away. That was a compliment, genuine praise. Ice simply left the same way their guests had, and Jacen didn't understand how much that meant until he was already gone. He was being left himself, in charge of the place. Varik trusted him to do this.

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