The Voiceless

Sakadi peered through the macrobinoculars at the massive metal construct that stuck out of the cliff, before passing the unwieldy thing on to the others. "That's it." She conveyed mentally. "Czerka Arm's shipments must be coming from there." She was pleased that their three-hour hike hadn't been a waste of time. Up until just now, she had been doubting her intel. She had had good reasons to suspect Czerka Arms of an illegal mining operation in the Sumitra Sector, but no proof. With the Duchess her approval, Sakadi had tried investigating it by the books. Yet every step of the way, the Baron responsible for these territories had intervened. That was the issue with Thustra's feudal system. The Duchess, who was barely of age, hadn't yet been able to consolidate her power. As it stood, she lacked the authority to make the barons and counts submit to her requests. So she had done the most sensible thing she could think of. Call for reinforcements.
"They won't take kindly to visitors." Sakadi glanced at the persons accompanying her. She had been unfamiliar with most of them and besides now knowing their names and ranks, she hadn't learnt much more on their hike. They were Jedi though, which meant that she could trust them to do the impossible. "It might be best if we try to sneak inside." Her long ears twitched in contemplation. "I need to know their numbers, resources, and what they are mining." She feared what consequences the corporation's presence would have. She had heard the stories of Czerka Arms forced labourers. It was modern slavery that not even their descendants could escape from. Then there were the stories of them relocating oceans. Levelling mountains, if that meant easier access to the minerals they were looking for. "And if turns out that they don't have a permit-" she smirked "we've been given permission to tear the whole place down."