Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You've Got Mail


Disney's Princess

You've got mail.

That's what Jessica's phone blinked twice. Letting the new Jedi Master know that her request for company had finally gone through. Excellent! She thought. Jessica was new to the planet and as such, a brief tour was just what she needed right about now.

"Hold the bags Dillard. I've someone from the Temple I'm supposed to meet. Park the car around back yes? Thank you darling. We'll attend to the luggage in just a moment."

Her man servant gave a nod in reply and returned to their glossy luxury vehicle. The cruiser was a ravishing import directly from Teta and Jessica simply loved it. A pity that the Jedi of this planet didn't use such elegant vehicles. Matthews would simply have to adjust. Tsk tsk.

She smiled as the car departed the front steps and turned to look up at the grand facade of the Voss Temple,

"Ah. Welcome home I suppose. Now... let's go see who decided to show up. Hehe."

A notification popped up on my helmets' display letting me know that the message had been opened. Another notification popped up letting me know that a Tetan cruiser was parked not far from the temple. While I didn't know this person yet I couldn't help but appreciate the choice of vehicle. Pulling the cream colored hood of my robes up over my Mandalorian helmet I slung my leg over the seat of my heavily modified speeder bike and kicked the throttle into overdrive rocketing towards the temple. While the Masters seemed to have a mixed view of my activities I couldn't help but note that tying the security systems into my own personal surveillance through my helmet wasn't a terrible idea.

I kicked the stealth drives active silencing the roar of my bike's engines and saw the Tetan cruiser through the zoom filter in my HUD about two minutes out. Hopefully I wouldn't have sabers drawn against me as soon as they saw the T-visor...

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
While Celiana enjoyed the finer courtesies of Jedi Temple security down by the front gate, Jessica had entered the Great Hall of the Voss Temple. Smiling and beaming at the grand architecture. Master Matthews found a quiet repulsar couch nearby and ordered a Figarian Tea from the silver protocol droids. She sat herself down with a lady-like custom and smiled,

"Ah. Well, I suppose I'll wait then."

Her message had mentioned the Great Hall and she hoped the Jedi Knight from her text would be arriving soon. Until then? Well. Tea time of course. Yum.

Pulling in by the Tetan cruiser I snapped a quick picture of it then dismounted my bike. I had to admit whoever I was meeting had excellent taste...With a flick of thought I waved open the doors to the great hall and walked inside. Looking towards the repulsor couches I saw a woman with long blonde hair and seemingly piercing blue eyes sipping tea. Walking over towards her I pulled the hood covering my helmet back then I pulled my helmet off and clipped it to the hip side of my belt. As I approached her I cleared my throat and said "Master Matthews? My name is Celiana Drayven and I'll be your guide today. By the way before we get started I thought I'd say that I approve of the Tetan cruiser out front classy choice if you don't mind my saying."

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
"Hehe. Thank you. I'm a fan of it myself."

Jessica smiled and stood. Giving a soft bow then setting her tea aside.

"And, yes. Thank you for welcoming me to Voss, Knight Celiana Drayven. It is a pleasure. To be brief. I am Jessica Matthews of New Prosperity. A Jedi Master after the customs of the Silver Jedi and a newcomer to this fine world. A new world that I do very much hope to call home for the time being. Hehe."

She gave another look around the hall.

"Simply splendid. I admire your Order already."

Smiling I said "There's much to admire about the Silver Jedi, and Voss in general. Would you care to tour the temple first or perhaps see some of the things that lay outside the temple's walls?" I hoped she'd choose the latter while the temple was a great place for learning outside of the Temple walls was a great place for living. Plus if she was looking for a place to move into or create a home out of the Voss wilds had some excellent spaces. I had the feeling that Master Matthews might be a person to become friends with. Plus, I figured there were likely some things I could learn from her as well.

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
Jessica touched her chin in thought. Then decided to start at the beginning.

"Let's tour the Temple first. I'll need to know the general layout and facilities if I'm ever to get familiar. The basics, you know."

She nodded. Yes. That would do nicely.

"Speaking of basics? How long have you been with the Silvers, Knight Drayven?"

Temple first then... though I understood why too. So I turned on my heel and began walking towards the lift with a flick of The Force I opened the lift doors and walked inside the lift waiting for Master Matthews to join me. I supposed that we could start with the cafeteria level as it was the next one up from the great hall. From there the training rooms and arenas and library, then the Master's quarters and Council Chamber before the roof access and very fast ships that I shouldn't know about. There were also the archives that held some very guarded information that again I shouldn't know about. That was actually down on the hangar level right beneath the hangars actually... Best to get started then...

Hearing her question about how long I'd been with the Silvers and her mention of Knight Drayven brought a smirk to my face. "Not long actually Master, perhaps a little less than a solar year. To be quite honest I'm not sure the Masters made the right choice in promoting me to knighthood but here we are and I am giving a Master a tour of the Voss temple. Though come to think of it you'll be getting to see some things I may not have been supposed to find out about here in the temple. Just maybe don't mention that to the other Masters?"

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
Jessica entered the lift and visibly balked when Drayven mentioned secret things she probably shouldn't see. Matthews had never met a Knight who didn't respect the orders of her Council before. But then again? The Silver Order was always rumored to be wildly different than her old conclave. Perhaps being wildly independent was a more comfortable mindset here on Voss. As such, Jessica decided not to judge her guide too quickly.

Ah. Maybe she was just joking anyway,

"Oh? Well, I'm sure they wouldn't a full fledged Knight giving me a full tour of the Temple. Hehe. I suppose I'll just be our chaperone then? Permission given, perhaps?"

She shrugged. Hoping for the best.

"Um. Not to pry but, why might the Masters have hesitated to make you a Knight, Jedi Drayven? Is it because you sport the helm of a clansmen on your belt? Trophy or heritage perhaps?"

The lift closed and along they went. One step closer to the cafeteria.

Smiling a tad I tapped the button for the level of the cafeteria. Then I acknowledged her question, "no my helmet isn't exactly why they probably hesitated on making me a knight. The fact about my disregard for rules is, the fact that in the past I've willingly pursued knowledge I probably shouldn't have. In more than one occasion I've sought out ruins and found a Sith there among them and rather than igniting my sabers I went with them in search of knowledge that wasn't to be found on Voss." Pausing as we rose towards the cafeteria I organized my thoughts before continuing to speak.

"Because I've been known to use my powers in The Force with an almost flippant regard for drawing attention to myself. Also because I've been known to be...aggressive in combat scenarios. I blend more with the Mandalorian or Echani ways of handling things than that of the Jedi. All of these reasons are why they probably hesitated in Knighting me Master." Upon finishing my explanation there was a light chime and we arrived on the cafeteria level. Well best to continue the tour...

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
Celiana mentioned a life filled with personal choices and wild adventures. In truth, Jessica found herself a little jealous. She'd never done any of that before. I guess Matthews wasn't exactly what you'd call, a field agent. More of a homebody really. Which was fine.

Still. Jessica quickly understood that the Silver Jedi would take some getting used too,

"Well. We all have our moments. Hehe."

She stepped out of the lift and continued their tour. Moving down the long hallway towards the soft scents of a hungry appetite.

"Ooo. That smells lovely. Mind if we stop for a bite? If only to browse the menu, of course. Hehe."

Smiling as she said that we all have our moments I simply nodded. Best thing to do is let Master Matthews form her own opinions of me right now. Odds were that sooner or later we'd be working or fighting together and it'd be best to let her learn as things rolled on. At her mention of something smelling lovely and asking if we could maybe visit the cafeteria I nodded and said "Of course Master, I trust you had a decently long flight here anyways. I could use a cup of caf and some food to take along on the tour anyways." I secretly hoped they had Uj fruits or something that I could ferret away into my pockets for later so it was a good thing to be stopping now...

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
Jessica browsed the menu then ordered a sourbread sandwich with gabben fries. A perfectly picnic meal for a perfectly pictured temple. Then she grabbed a soda water and found them a table nearer the potted green ferns. A quick meal for a quick tour. Such as it was, thus far.

Matthews then withdrew her phone and checked her messages while Celiana remained in line to order. Alas. Jessica was a social media addict and had at least a dozen followers and family to keep up with everyday. So she took a picture of her food and then a quick selfie. #FirstDay #SourbreadSandsandwich. The silliest hashtags for her silly little mind. Ah yes. Just perfection, she giggled. Then she filed her happy post away to her favorite media networks and switched over to check the local news for Voss City. Browsing the listings with a swipe of her thumb.

"So. Knight Drayven. How fairs the social life of our fair temple here, hmm? Would you say this faction is pretty chill or, more dramatic than others perhaps?"

Still trying to get her bearings, Jessica waved the comment away with a flick of her phone. Casual lunch conversation.

While I waited in line for my food I decided to practice my pickpocketing skills to use. Snagging several nutrition bars and several handfuls of Uj fruits I slipped the food into the pockets of my robes and began moving through the line in the cafeteria. Weaving through the line I planted a piece of Uj fruit and nutrition bar in the pockets of other Jedi's robes. Grabbing a sandwich and small chicken Caesar salad I made my way to the table where Master Matthews sat. As I sat down I heard her ask me about how the social life of the temple here. Then she asked if this faction was fairly chill or more dramatic than others.

Smiling as I took a bite of my salad I pocketed the sandwich in my robes then said, "The social life here at the temple is what you make of it I suppose. As for The Silver Jedi it's a fairly chill faction depending on who you spend time around. Every faction has their own type of drama, all kinds of people come through here I just happen to be one of the more interesting ones..."

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
That made sense. Although Jessica found such a reply surprisingly brief. I guess this temple really was, just that chill.

"Fascinating. I've never spent much time in a Jedi faction where the leadership wasn't tearing at each other eyes and the love connections weren't threatening to destabilize the entire organization. Huh? I guess this place really will be different. Mm."

She nodded and ate her food. Her thoughts turning to the past and again to readjusting. Brave new world, I suppose.

"Anyway. Thank you again for the tour. I find it to be the perfect place to start. Hehe."

Matthews finished up her food and looked around the room again. Wondering just when all this 'newness' would finally settle in.

Smiling as she spoke I almost choked on my tea as she mentioned love connections threatening to destabilize the organization. Truth was was that one of the connections I'd had with another one of the padawans here had taken me down paths I should never have set foot on. Force knew where she was now... Finishing off my salad as Master Matthews thanked me for taking her on the tour I smiled. Getting up I took my dishes over and then walked back over to re-join Master Matthews saying "Shall we continue the non-traditional tour of the Temple Master? Afterwards we can decide what we shall do though I suggest a brief trip into Voss city..."

[member="Jessica Matthews"]


Disney's Princess
Matthews finished up and grabbed a few napkins for the road. Feeling much better now that she'd eaten something.

"Yes, of course. Let's find those training rooms now, shall we? Hehe."

She waved Celiana forward into the lead. Then followed shortly. Exiting the cafe with a solemn nod,

"Might I ask after galactic politics next, Knight? Does the Silver Jedi hold any current political stances towards the other factions as of late?"

Smiling as I took the lead again I listened to her questions about The Order and its political stances. Smirking slightly I said, "Master honestly I tried to stay as far away from politics as a padawan as I could so I was never really in the loop about those things. Honestly I've always found politics incredibly distasteful, though my Master once told me that my honeyed words and silver tongue might prove valuable as an ambassador to other factions. Honestly though I prefer the feel of my armor, ship, and sabers to the silken life of politics. Besides....I've never really had the opportunity to wear anything nice anyways dresses, heels, and jewelry aren't exactly something I'm accustomed to."

To be entirely honest I'd thought about looking into training for an ambassadorial position in The Order, or at the very least an honor guard for the ambassadors. I hadn't really had any reason to get dressed up since I'd last left Voss...but still that didn't mean I didn't want to or that I didn't want to be noticed by someone... Brushing away the though I continued leading Master Matthews towards the training rooms. I needed to keep my emotions in check because odds were that Master Matthews had noticed either something about my tone in my answer to her questions or she'd picked up on my mood about it. Stopping outside a training room I looked at her and asked "Master the temple facilities are very nice but these training halls aren't where all of us train and while I am required to show you the Temple I think you may actually prefer my version of this tour rather than what The Council would have me show you. If you're interested that is...."

[member="Jessica Matthews"]

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