Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yukine Sumia Katar

NAME: Yukine Sumia Katar
FACTION: Mandalorian Empire

RANK: None


AGE: 33

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 6' 1"

WEIGHT: 124 lbs

EYES: black and yellow(cybernetic)

HAIR: white naturally but is dyed red

SKIN: pale



Stop me if you can: Yukine may not wear armor or use big weapons, but she uses several force power in tandem that make her super hard to kill or slow down. (Energy absorption, momentum absorption, Force speed and Energy transfer, momentum transfer). Not only that shes a master fighter in CQB, making fighting her in tight quarters a nightmare.

My eye's see all: Yukine's eyes are cybernetic, replacements for her real ones she lost as a child. these eyes have most of the visual tech that high tech helmets have.
Shoot first ask questions never: Yukine sadly is rash and prone to doing things before she has all the info, though this is sometime not a bad thing.

Two trick pony?: Yukine rarely varys from her plan of attack... which is simply attack, if a mission requires a wreckball shes your gal... if you need a fine edge utensil ... find someone else

A tall muscular woman with fiery red hair and black and yellow cybernetic eyes, rarely wears anything that would be considered "Non combat" attire and always has a mix of guns and knives on her. smells of slug thrower chems

BIOGRAPHY: Not a lot is known about Yukine, she showed up 2 years ago in a whirl of drinking, fighting and all around causing havoc. She is loud, mouthy and according to some not terribly bright, though thats simply her hiding her pain. Yukine is from 33 years in the future, a place where everyone she loves is either dead or she wishes they were. She ran from that future and came to the past in hopes of preventing it.
SHIP: nope





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