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Approved Species Yuk'mar - Crawling Earth Feeders

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[*]Intent: For the purpose of implementing its strange natural venom to Vergessen Contii's arsenal.
[*]Image Credit: N/A
[*]Permissions: N/A
[*]Links: Character biography in signature.

[*]Name: Yuk'mar
[*]Designation: Non-sentient
[*]Origins: Exotic origin - born on the former planet of Gefängnis, referenced in the species profile of the Der'vergeben.
[*]Average Lifespan: 1-4 years.
[*]Estimated Population: Rare, None, though two are rumored to exist, and yet a steady supply of their "venom" is sold on multiple planets in black markets. This implies the existence of more, but that cannot be true.....?
[*]Description: The creature looks similar to an isopod, but the torso distends to reveal a thin stalk of muscle and carapace that rivet and wiggle like moving legs. This connects the two ends of the creature, with the bottom half ending in a thin tail, tipped with a fleshy stinger. Their exterior is white and dusted, giving the illusion of statue marble.

[*]Breathes: Type I
[*]Average Height of Adults: N/A
[*]Average Length of Adults: 45 cm
[*]Skin color: Grey
[*]Hair color: Small distending hairs colored brown.
[*]Distinctions: Males produced a different synthesized chemical in the stinger compared to the female. Distinction further explained in strengths below.
[*]Races: N/A
[*]Force Sensitivity: Force Dead

  • The Yuk'mar can produce two separate types of venom dependent on gender. The males release a numbing agent into the victim's bloodstream, causing the body to numb to a crawl like a zombie. The effected also experience what is described as a "visual inversion". The peripheral visions of both eyes overlap with the clear front vision of the iris', causing disorientation that can be described as like wearing drunk goggles. The suspected evolutionary intention of this venom was to divert burrowing predators away from them, causing them to tunnel away from their prey, eventually exhausting them. They would do this to ward enemies away from their nests, allowing the female to nestle in peace with its eggs. Great physical exertion is required to persist through the drug's effects, but every muscle strain feels like wading in a deep pit of tar.
    [*]The female's venom is opposite in evolutionary intention, as the "venom" is instead a powerful pheromone. When the Yuk'mar decide to reproduce, the female pierces the male with its tail, causing the male to want to mate immediately after being injected. In other creatures however, the effects of the venom manifest differently, especially in different dilutions. The venom rapidly produces more bile in the body and stimulates the pituitary gland, causing rapidly growing tumors that further bloat the body until eventually popping. With the right calculations and correct dosage of the "venom", anyone injected can be turned into a living time bomb with a calculable explosion time.
  • Near extinct race. Nobodies knows how instances appear in circulation, OR their difficult to curate venom. They're feeble above ground due to solid ground being impractical for mobility, and their senses are violated by the bright lights, sound and the lack of any comfort derived from the claustrophobic soil. Most specimens are dead, but a pair of living specimens are rumored to exist.
[*]Diet: Omnivore - they feed on smaller creatures and dead plant matter.
[*]Communication: Clicks, and touch via the small "legs" connecting the torso together.
[*]Technology level: N/A
[*]Religion/Beliefs: N/A
[*]General behavior: They burrow deep into the soil and search for safe pockets of earth to start nests. They patiently feed on whatever comes before them while they dig, only speeding up their active stalking of prey when eggs are produced. They sting anything that isn't their species.

Original populations of the race were destroyed due to the naturally forming terrestrial barrier and violent atmosphere on Gefängnis being pierced by mining entrepreneurs and explorers. They roasted inside of their own planet as it all withered away over a short period of time. Rumors of two surviving instances remain, but no practical evidence of the creatures remains. The only indication that they might have one lived is the circulation of a sort of synthesization of their venom existing in the black market. Ironically, it has a shelf life of 5 years, and the liquid venom decomposes, which makes the existence of recent iterations of the drug suspicious.
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Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

There are a few items on this to address before we can approve this:

1.. Image Credit: is a required field in the submission please add it back into the template in its appropriate location. If you are not using an image please put N/A

2. Breathes: Please use the list from the template: Type I, II, III, IV. You may expand and say they breath oxygen but please add the appropriate designation.

3. Religion/Beliefs: isopod jesus - I don’t even know what you’re trying to accomplish here but again reference the rule on no earth references. As Jesus is the iconic figure of the worlds largest religion this isn’t going to work.

Please expand on this or put N/A.

I think that covers it. Tag me when you’re ready for me to look at it again.

edited for clarity.
Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

There are a few items on this to address before we can approve this:

1.. Image Credit: is a required field in the submission please add it back into the template in its appropriate location. If you are not using an image please put N/A

2. Breathes: Please use the list from the template: Type I, II, III, IV. You may expand and say they breath oxygen but please add the appropriate designation.

3. Religion/Beliefs: isopod jesus - I don’t even know what you’re trying to accomplish here but again reference the rule on no earth references. As Jesus is the iconic figure of the worlds largest religion this isn’t going to work.

Please expand on this or put N/A.

I think that covers it. Tag me when you’re ready for me to look at it again.

edited for clarity.
Haha apologies. Isopod jesus was just a joke. Removed for clarity. Image is N/A and I've chosen type 1 for the "breathes" section.
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