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Approved Starship Yun-Harla

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Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!

Intent: To create a unique fighter for Qae.
Development Thread: WIP
Manufacturer: Zonama Sekot
Model: Yun-Harla yorik-et
Affiliation: Qae Shena
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Yorik coral

Classification: Starfighter
Role: Space superiority, escort
Height: 1.2 metres
Width: 4.8 metres
Length: 5.4 metres
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Dovin basal
Hyperdrive Rating: N/A
Crew: 1 pilot
Armaments: 2x starfighter-grade yaret-kor; 2x concussion missile launcher, 6 rounds each
Non-Combative Attachments: Navigation, communication & sensor package, cognition hood, backup shielding, stygium cloaking device, thrust trace dampers
Passenger Capacity: N/A
Cargo Capacity: 250 kg
Consumables: 1 week
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 1.0

Yun-Harla, unlike almost every starfighter in the Galaxy at this point, is a yorik-et - a Yuuzhan Vong coralskipper, made by the sentient world Zonama Sekot. Unlike almost every yorik-et encountered in recent times (of which there are very few), however, Yun-Harla resembles an actual starfighter. Sekotan starfighter production is rather unique in that regard, in which it has access to organoform circuitry, which allow it to integrate actual technology into organic systems on Sekotan vessels. It is this system that permits it to make use of stygium cloaking and thrust trace dampers, as well as a backup shield generator.

In terms of its production, Yun-Harla was made in a normal ship-womb on Sekot, using parts cannibalised from one of Qae's stock-standard Miy'tils as well as some components and knowledge delivered by Qae for Sekot to make use of. Thanks to Qae's personal preference for fighter design, Sekot turned Yun-Harla into a fighter in the traditional Galactic sense of the word, making it a sleek fighter painted a deep crimson in order to give it a very unique look, using engine baffles with thrust trace dampers for the dovin basal's propulsion output.

The basics of a yorik-et for the uneducated are fairly simple: its propulsion and defences are based on a living organ called a dovin basal, which functions as the 'heart' of the vessel. In essence it is a miniature black hole, which can be used to draw in laser and warhead weapons fire into it as a form of shielding. This can also be used to overload shields of enemy vessels in extremely close proximity. Its protection lessens when the ship is in motion as its energy must be directed somewhere else other than its defence - in a flash of foresight, Qae equipped the fighter with a shield generator from a Miy'til, using the organoform circuitry, giving it more protection while in motion.

The ship is protected by yorik coral, which can be easily compared to a living durasteel in terms of protection, which integrates with the entire ship and acts as its living skin. This then connects to the other systems inside the ship's hull, like the dovin basal. To control the ship, a cognition hood is utilized, which is directly integrated into the ship's organ systems. This hood responds to physical movements in the pilot's head-actions and thoughts, removing the need for physical controls almost entirely. However, some of them still are implanted into the ship for ease of familiarity. Its weaponry consists of two standard Galactic missile launchers and two yaret-kor 'lava cannons'. These weapons take in debris and materials from space around them, and superheats it to plasma levels when fired. These shots on their own are powerful enough to melt through a standard starfighter - and Yun-Harla is equipped with two of them. These weapons are also used to help with propulsion, making them extremely valuable to the fighter's design.

Needless to say, there are some weaknesses to the design that is a yorik-et; too much damage and the ship's systems will systematically fail in a similar fashion to taking nerve damage, making it comparable to an A-wing in terms of taking damage - it relies on speed and stealth to avoid damage. Its atmospheric performance is abysmal and it is not equipped with a hyperdrive, making it a short-range ship not intended to be used as a personal transport.

Yun-Harla takes her name from two sources; first, from the Yuuzhan Vong trickster goddess, that Qae was introduced to by the Warrior caste. Secondly, it is a direct reference to Spencer Jacobs who, during her tenure with the Lords of the Fringe, adopted the moniker of Yun-Harla in order to maintain her identity. In this way, Qae is always reminded of one of the most important people in his life, and can take her wherever he goes.
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