Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yun Knesos


"Blasters are clumsy weapons, and everyone's got one. Now, flash some old fashioned steel, and people will start running scared."
- Yun Knesos, Atrisian Grenadier; Circa 836 ABY.

Character Information

Name: Yun Knesos.
Known Alias': None
Faction: The Carrion Company. (Atrisian Assault Corps - Formerly.)
Rank: Mercenary
Species: Human (Atrisian.)
Age: 27 (Galactic Standard)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Open for Negotiation
Height: 5' 10" (1.78m)
Weight: 176 Lbs
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Olive
Physique: Muscular
Force Sensitive: No
Homeworld: Atrisia/Kitel Phard
Languages Spoken: Galactic Basic, Atrisian, Bocce, Smuggler's Cant
Face Claim: Alex Mallari Jr.
Voice: Same as Above.

Strengths and Weaknesses
{+} Adept Blademaster
{+} Atrisian Assault Corps Training
{-} Skewed Moral Compass
{-} Scoundrel
{-} Cultured Warrior
{-} Exile and Outcast


Yun Knesos, a man with a checkered past, stood five feet and ten inches tall. His physique was muscular, though not overtly so as to hinder his instinctual reflexes, and was adorned with sun-kissed Olive skin. The swordsman's eyes were crystalline pits of tar, framed with soft ivory while his coal-blackened hair was shorn close to his scalp. His taut flesh was heavily scarred from navel to neck, each telling a tale of battles long forgotten; though curiously, he refuses to marr his body with ink - believing that his scars alone are the only tattoos a warrior should ever need. Similar to those within his chosen profession, Yun bedecks himself in plain and unassuming clothes. A skin tight shirt of charcoal gray and a pair of loose fitting trousers - lashed to his waist by tanned leather and always embellished by an oiled holster alongside an ebony sheath. While not a part of his typical attire, the Smuggler cloaks himself in an obsidian leather duster so that he may better blend in with the austere Galaxy at large.

In his youth, knowing nothing more than honour, duty and the horrors of war, Yun had developed a silent and intense personality. The losses of his comrades and those that he had once held dear turned him down the path of loose affiliations and meaningless trysts. At his core, the Smuggler believed that self-control is the highest virtue and that detachment from powerful emotions and passion would free his mind from the capricious talons of the past. Though, there were times he went against his moral code, eschewing the tenets of honour and acting in accordance with his instinct. However, those moments were few and far between, as he has yet to encounter a situation where his icy glare and mysterious allure couldn't diffuse. That being said, to those select few that could break through his uninviting veneer, Yun was a man that was fiercely loyal to his companions - be they newfound friends or former clients, and carried a massive distaste for unnecessary cruelty.

Personal Possessions:
- Damask-4 Duelist Sword (The Jade Destiny, Pseudo-Relic.)
- ARC-9965 Blaster Rifle
- DC-15s Sidearm Blaster (Refurbished)
- YX-1980 Space Transport (The Phaethon)

Character Flaws and Traits (Expanded Field):
Adept Blademaster:

From the moment Yun had been able to walk, he had lived his entire formative years by the way of the sword. With his parents schooling him in the noble arts of the Yovshin, the future Grenadier had developed, and fostered his forebearers inherent and hereditary talent in wielding edged weaponry. Though, as his skill with the blade had risen, the man's ability to handle small arms - such as slugthrower and blaster pistols - decreased to the point of hilarity. However, should he brandish a ranged weapon that requires him to wield it with two hands, Yun's training as a Soldier takes hold, allowing him to become a decent shot, as well as a proficient swordsman.

Assault Corps Training:

As the time spent in his youth as a Yovshin Adept, Yun's capabilities as a Soldier were forged upon the battlefield. First, by cutting down traitors and insurrectionists that sought to bring down the Atrisian Commonwealth; and then Secondly, by facing down the horrors of the One Sith head on, as the light of the Kitel Phard people had begun to dwindle. Overtime, Yun had garnered a superior grasp of the strategy of lightning warfare, and the various tactics required to suit every known operational theatre in which his unit might be deployed. The Assault Corps had also taught him of demolitions, the different variations of grenades, piloting both Void and Surface-based craft, enhancing his abilities as a Close Quarters Combat Specialist, basic squad level morale and leadership skills, and finally - how to deal with the rising number of Force Users growing within the known galaxy.

Brief Background:
Work in Progress

Confirmed Kills:

Bounties Collected:
None, Yun has little interest in Hunting those that haven't wronged him.

Personal Relationships and Lovers:

Allies and Acquaintances:
- Ayumi Pallopides (Acquaintance and Client.)
- Daniel Silverton (Acquaintance and Client.)
- Arlan Zy'roh (Carrion Company Commander.)
- Léon (Carrion Company Bladebrother.)
- Karma (Outside Contractor / Gunslinger.)
- Runi Verin (Outside Contractor / Combat Mechanic.)
Thread Tracker

Personal Threads:

- Risky Business (Smuggling Spice from Nar Shaddaa to Coruscant.) - Active
- Swamp Things (Transporting a Client to Dagobah.) - Active

Faction Threads:

- Nar Shaddaa Nights (A Fateful Encounter that Sees Yun Enlist within the Carrion Company.) - Active
- Raiding Above the Blood Moon (Stealing Rare Ore from Mandalorian Controlled Space.) - Active
- The Galactic Alliance Dominion of Belsavis (Assisting the Galactic Alliance bring the Belsavis Sector into Compliance.) - Active

Character Development Threads:

- None at Present.

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