NAME: Yura Fontaine
RANK: Maid; Force User
AGE: 27
SEX: Transgender; male-to-female
HEIGHT: 5’ 8”
WEIGHT: 140 Ilbs
EYES: Violet
HAIR: Dyed Green
SKIN: White
Optimistic Attitude
Loyal to those she respects
Playful Nature
Can be childish as times
Easily scared
Offended when mentioning her sexual identity
Yura prefers to where whatever makes her look more like a woman. As such she keeps her hair long and flowing, having it shaped into a bun while letting the rest hang down her back. While under the employ/ household of the Fontaines Yura wears a maid outfit that suits her position.
Originally Yura was born on Alderaan. He was the only child of a political couple known as the Shimigamis, who were among some of the upper class citizens of the planet and society. They were very liberal and often had dealings in the galactic sensate, though never acting as fulltime ambassadors or senators themselves. Being from such a privileged background meant Yura would grow up with everything he could ever want. But then again perhaps not.
When his teenage years came Yura found himself more and more attracted to the idea of being a female. His parents would often find him trying on his mother’s clothing and/or makeup before punishing him for behaving “unnaturally”. Despite his parents actions Yura continued to grow more and more convinced of what he wanted, to be a woman. When he told his parents this they were ashamed and, because they could not bear the sort of embarrassment it would mean for them, sent him away.
Yura was forced into an adoption home where, now away from his judging parents, he accepted his true calling. Yura the woman was now born. Over the years of waiting Yura hoped a more accepting family would adopt her, even though she was older than most of the children there. They, however, had accepted Yura as a friend despite her age; though she tended to keep her secret from them in order to not confuse them. The owner of the option home was grateful for Yura’s attitude and help in keeping the children in-line but knew that eventually she would have to be on her own.
Oddly during this time Yura began to develop powers in the force, though she never made the connection. She thought it was just a “neat trick” she could do when she would make things float or be able to read people’s feelings when they were distressed. Sometimes she would wake from her sleep to find herself floating a foot or two off the bed, only to fall back down and laugh at the bouncing feeling.
When she’d finally become too old the owner of the home had offered her a place to work for a family known as the Fontaines. Upon meeting them herself she found the Fontaines were among the richer families of Alderaan that, after meeting her, knew Yura would be perfect as an “employee” for them. This mainly meant she would be a housekeeper and maid to them. Accepting the offer Yura went with them where she was treated with more respect than originally thought. Even though she was basically a servant the Fontaines were generous and kind to her, even so that I time Yura wanted to adopt their last name which they accepted.
While content with where she is Yura does still wonder about her gifts and how they could possibly affect her life.