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Character Yuria Braay of Kuat

Yuria Braay


"For decades the good name of Kuat Drive Yards has been wallowing in the mud because of the actions of a mad man.
I will see that name restored, no matter the cost.
- Yuria Braay on her motivations during an interview with Chairman

Birthplace: Kuat City, Kuat
Species: Cyborg (Human)
Sex: Female
Class: Witchhunter
Kuat Drive Yards
Corporate Intelligence Committee

Galactic Alliance
Corporate Representative

Rank: Superintendent
Height: 5'10
Weight: 68 kgs
Eyes: Amber
Skin: Pale White
Hair: Blonde
Force Sensitivity: No


Employee designation 5501, Yuria Braay, joined Kuat Drive Yards' several years ago on an advanced apprenticeship. Quickly she displayed her ruthless efficiency as well as fiery attitude, earning a reputation of burning bridges to get results. Despite several 'career-ending' stunts she attracted the attention of KDY's Intelligence Committee, finding a position within it's counterintelligence team. It was in this role that the Intelligence Committee's director weaponized her seemingly undesirable traits, turning her into one of the committee's favoured hounds employees for rooting out corporate spies. As of recent, Yuria has broadened her role within KDY's Intelligence Committee, serving as a point of contact with the wider galaxy.

// Family Information //
(Disgraced) Major Vakha Braay, Kuati Security Forces - Kuati Patriotic Front Member, court martialled and executed after Lord Regent Julius Loghain's Rebellion.
Mother: Ylana Treen - Of the Treen merchant family, died young due to a hereditary disease.

// Risks // Level: Medium //
Yuria was conscripted as a child soldier at the behest of her father during Kuat's attempted secession by the Kuati Patriotic Front, a practice borne out of desperation as the walls closed in on Loghain's forces. Her cell led by KPF extremists continued insurgent activity for several months after the conflicts end. Psychological evaluation from after she was severely injured and captured indicate that she had not been indoctrinated by the KPF, instead the child followed out of fear and misplaced trust in her father who she believed was still alive. Yuria underwent extensive physical and psychological rehabilitation before being processed out. Despite this, risk level remains at medium.

// Dependency // Level: High //
1. A thermal detonator caused significant injuries during the one of the final battles of the war and saw her rebuilt extensively with crude cybernetics at Kuat City's Central Hospital. After gaining employment with Kuat Drive Yards these cybernetics were replaced by much higher grade KDY produced cyberware. She is entirely dependent on KDY technicians to maintain her elaborate cybernetics.
2. After her hospitalization and rehabilitation Yuria Braay was institutionalized in a company-run academy for war orphans. The academy groomed the orphans for careers in rebuilding Kuat Drive Yards and their subsidiaries, meaning the majority of her sub-adult life has been inside a KDY sponsored facility.

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Character Traits
"What's her problem? You ever met anyone with that level of body modification who's normal? She's
like any other 'borg, nutcases and crack jobs.
- KDY-8674 to KDY-9552

Strengths and Weaknesses
Preem CyberwareA thermal detonator destroyed Yuria's body when she was young and she has had extensive cybernetics installed since being rebuilt. At first the cybernetics were crude and basic, bulky plastoid arms, low resolution eyes and a gaping hole where a mouth and nose should be. Since joining Kuat Drive Yards she has received high quality cyberware in accordance with her station. Her cybernetics (See Appearance and Equipment) have made her faster, stronger and far more perceptive than an ordinary human.
Ruthless EfficiencyIt's a dog eat dog world out there, Yuria learned this early in life. Even after being rehabilitated and sent to a state-run orphanage things did not improve. To survive she had to be willing to do anything for herself, even sacrificing others. The Kuati is not held back by any ethics or sense of morality, to her there are those who do and those who die.
"Stand by ion control... Fire"Yuria's extensive cybernetics means she is particularly vulnerable to any form of ion weaponry, even simple deactivator pistols. A few blows from low powered ion weapons are enough to disable the women, rendering her arms, legs and eyes completely useless.
Temper TantrumAround the KDY office there was always a rumour that Yuria was not right in the head, talk of her injuries during her youth causing brain damage to manifest in a hair trigger temper. Of course don't let Yuria hear you talking about this, she'll raise absolute hell. In her bouts of rage she can often find herself blinded, whether this manifests in incessant brooding and sulking to redecorating her office by throwing her desk against the wall.
Beauty in the seaWhen the girl was young she always was fascinated by the sea and it's deep azure colour. In happier times weekends were spent at the beach playing in the ocean until she was redder than a lobster and school field trips to aquariums filled with oceanic oddities her imagination couldn't conceive. Despite the hardships of her life Yuria still clings onto her love of the water and in private she can often be found staring blissfully at the ocean or looking with wide curious eyes at all sorts of aquatic animals found across the galaxy. It is a softer side to the firebrand of KDY and one she does her best to hide.

Character Tropes and Archetypes
  • Sir Swears-a-lot
  • The Sociopath
  • The Scheming Artisan
  • The Cynic with a Hidden Heart
  • Hair Trigger Temper
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Appearance and Equipment

<"Notice! All Kuat Drive Yards personnel are required by company policy to declare and surrender any firearms in their possession for the duration of their work day unless granted special clearance! Thank you for understanding!">
- Kuat Drive Yards firearms safety reminder
  • The Maw: A nickname given to the peculiar cybernetics fitted to her face, the 'maw' is the only piece of original cyberware fitted to her since undergoing upgrades. It is best described as a gaping maw, a hole of circuits and electronics where her mouth and nose should be. Despite it's crude look it has been upgraded by Yuria herself to be a quite sophisticated piece of equipment, including a vocoder which allows her to alter her voice at will. The maw was once a source of great embarrassment for Yuria, people would stare and point and the kids at the orphanage gave her the worst nicknames but now? It's a part of her she elects not to hide, instead 'wearing' it with pride.
  • Arms: Both of her arms up to her elbows were lost in the explosion that ended her brief but violent time as a child soldier. After her upgrade by KDY's in house technicians Yuria has been fitted with two duranium forearms. These arms are lighter and more durable than her original plastoid arms and allow her to interface with power sockets and terminals.
  • Legs: As with her arms, Yuria has two Duranium legs, her left leg up to below the knee and her right leg to her lower thigh. Both legs feature an advanced spring system allowing her to run faster and fall from greater heights with less strain on the body.
  • Eyes: Both eyes were lost during the explosion and replaced with crude cybernetics. After her acceptance on an Advanced Apprenticeship at KDY, Yuria was fitted with a pair of Cybernetic Eyes Mod III to bring her up to a more suitable standard and able to compete more fairly in the entrance examinations.
  • Organs: 45% of her lungs, both her kidneys and part of her stomach have all been replaced by synthetic versions after they took severe shrapnel damage during the insurgency on Kuat.

Clothing: Yuria is not a woman of high fashion, having spent most of her life treated differently due to her extensive cyberware, most of her body modification is hidden under a large black overcoat bearing the insignia of KDY. The slimmed down overcoat speaks to her heritage as a Kuati, with these coats originally designed for sailors travelling through the harsh north seas of Kuat, with this current version forgoing the thick wool and instead modernised, being made of smart synthweave. Underneath are more typical office garments of KDY employees, albeit without the more flashy articles of clothing typical of Kuat.


  • Gilded Blade - Reminiscent of a boucan knife once used by seaborne pirates of Kuat's ancient history, blades like this are common amongst Kuati, used symbolically to sever the tether when launching newly built starships. The blade and sheathe are worn on her left, hidden under her overcoat.
  • A-180 Blaster - Civilian variant of the A-180 blaster pistol. While theoretically a KDY employee shouldn't need to carry a blaster pistol Yuria is not fond of the idea of being reliant on others for her own defence. The blaster is holstered in a sling under her left arm.
  • Vintage SFR-58 Bozdugan Blaster Rifle (deactivated) - One of Yuria's more peculiar belongings, the vintage Bozdugan rifle is held on a stand in her office. The heavy rifle is one of the ones that were supplied to Kuati Secessionists by Imperial agents and if office gossip is to be believed this rifle is the very same one she used. The rifle is deactivated and serves as a memento.
Ships: Unlike other KDY representatives who often use spacious shuttles and luxury yachts to travel the galaxy Yuria prefers a far more pragmatic approach to transport, using a Acer-class Blastboat. This ship is the stock model and does not contain any advanced systems in accordance with the limitations put on Kuati Security Force equipment after Kuat's Civil War. The ships crew is made up primarily of pilot droids although on occasion, KDY or KSF personal will be assigned to the craft.

IG-09 - IG-09 is a stock model IG-86 sentinel droid employed by Kuat Drive Yards as a security droid for ranking members. The droid has a penchant for nihilism and numerous complaints have been brought up about his less than stellar attitude. It is perhaps no surprise the droid found itself assigned to Yuria, a controversial rising star in the Corporate Intelligence Committee. IG-09 is quick to point out any flaws and despite his constant complaining and droning always completes his tasks to the precision as expected of an IG assassin droid.
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Thread Tracker
Chapter 1: Kuat Rising
  • A New Order Rises - Diarchy Grand Declaration Ceremony - An initial tasking as Representative of Kuat Drive Yards, Yuria mingles with the high society of the Galaxy on a fact finding mission about this strange new faction. [Completed]
  • Fast Credits with KDY - Ever the savvy businessmen, the Trade Federation reaches out to Yuria to discuss a plot to subvert Si Tech and Aether Systems as the Alliance's primary defence contractors. Negotiations soon turn tense as Yuria confronts the Federation about their difficult past with Kuat. [Completed]
  • You Know the Kuati Name - After failing to establish contacts during the ceremony on Bastion, Yuria offers the designs of the Arquitens to business magnates of the Braxant Run in exchange for helping her enact nefarious plans to reacquire Kuat-Entralla Engineering. [Completed]
  • House of Spider - After classified shield generators are stolen from Kuat by Harch Industrialists, Yuria contacts the Ando Mining Collective to negotiate a deal that would see the collapse of the Harch industry. [Completed]

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