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Yuuzhan Vong in The Clone Wars

  • Thread starter Baros Sal-Soren
  • Start date

Baros Sal-Soren


This has probably been brought up before, but there was a very good chance that a Vong scout could have appeared in The Clone Wars if the series had continued.

See sketch below:

Baros Sal-Soren

[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

To say the least. I would have been interested in seeing if they introduced the whole angle from Outbound Flight regarding Palpatine preparing for the Vong's invasion etc.


[member="Baros Sal-Soren"]

I'm not a huge fan of the theory, especially because it's a combination of Canon and EU, but I would have loved seeing everybody's reactions, Palpatine's included. :p Would have shaped the whole galactic timeline in a completely different way, though.

Baros Sal-Soren

[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]

It would actually make it better in my opinion. They just needed the threat to be different...I am not a fan of the Vong as a species (not opposed, just not for either). But framing Palpy as a bad guy who was only bad to do good...and the good guys as good but ultimately naive...WOW...that is real world politics right there! (I wish real world politics had lightsabers ; ; )
The Clone Wars tends to ruin 90% of the 'bad guys' though. Just look at Grievous, the entire Confederacy and its droid army. I heard they even wanted to include Durge in the series, but intended to make him human.

So I'm glad the Vong didn't make it into the series.
I never understood ya'll's dislike of the Vong. Personally they were one of my favorite threats to the galaxy. So what they were outside the force? They're not the only things, Yalsamri or whatever for example. Meetra Surik wounded the force, had it not been for the Vong, we never would have seen Jacen Solo become one with the force, and see just how powerful it really was. Lets not forget the Vong that did have the force (that was awesome). Lets complain about Palpatine's many, many come backs. I would have been disappointed to see the Vong outside their timeline though.

Oh...lets not forget...Maul has Mandalore!!!
Baros Sal-Soren said:
But framing Palpy as a bad guy who was only bad to do good...and the good guys as good but ultimately naive...WOW...that is real world politics right there!

That's not really real world politics at all. However, regardless, I always feel this cheapens Palpatine as a character. He is supposed to be evil just because he is power hungry. Like, that's everything we see in the movies and it just works. You don't need anything more than him being a massive power player who hungers for more. It also fits within the confines of how Star Wars is ultimately a morality play about good vs. evil. To try and make him out as a pragmatic villain who was trying to prepare the galaxy for a greater threat is just dumb. It "worked" for Thrawn (a character I actually dislike) because Thrawn was a different style character, but for Palpatine it is just a dumb angle.

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