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Approved NPC Yvaine eir Maedhros

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  • Intent: Expanding my household.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Mage in service of Lunafreya's Court.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Links: Church of the Word.
  • Age: 320.
  • Force Sensitivity: Master.
  • Species: Elzeri.
  • Appearance: Blessed with what the Elzeri species calls 'kiss of fire', Yvaine is a bearer of a blazing cascade of auburn hair, and lively face, where fiery sensuality burns under the intelligent personality that this creature has. With a lean bodily physique, full lips, Yvaine has a crackling dry voice, unsettling for most due to its intensity, always lurking in lower tones, as she walks with grace and rarely smiles dressed in tempered leather armor and heavy trousers, her other ornaments show her vanity as they display the gleaming touch of pure gold.
  • Name: Yvaine Straris eir Maedhros
  • Loyalties: Lunafreya Solidor.
  • Wealth: Medium.
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills: A brilliant mind by itself, well versed in scientific wonders, Yvaine is nothing but a brilliant woman that has her domineering way over the matters of engineering, architecture, xenobiology, chemistry, and geology. For in the seas of science, the woman has acquired taste for all things fell, and soon learned the forbidden arts of Alchemy, running clandestine cloning facilities, reshaping the atoms of life into a new form, while still retaining to all the training the military past of hers had to teach. Outra of the extraordinarily peculiar by choice, Yvaine has also taught herself how to use brute force to obtain that her whims would get it done, therefore displaying experiment practice on Teräs Käsi, and the infamous Bakuuni Hand, much like the graceful Sholân Kha.
Beginner | Trained | Adept | Proficient | Expert

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  • Personality: A military woman to the bone. Maedhros has absorbed everything that military training could teach, and perverted every drop of this knowledge with her perversion for power, her greed. Bearer of small principles with other living beings that find themselves beneath her, the sense of honor and duty comes to this woman only when arguing with those found to be her equals, Still, Yvaine is an intelligent, very proud, cunning, and organized woman. Fit to her duties and services, the female carries fathomless ruptures of wonder that mingle themselves with the scientific ambition of her gifts, fueling her motivation on pressing forward on the road of perfection. A staunch believer of slavery, Yvaine despises every single alien creature.
  • Weapon of Choice: Pistol │ Whip │ Fists
  • Combat Function: Devoted solely to inflicting pain on others with her bare hands. Yvaine despises the idea of having to resort to blades and other melee weaponry for fighting, as the woman believes her two hands are the only weapons she needs for killing other creatures. If not using them, Yvaine dedicates herself to using her pistol, shooting marks ever since she was no bigger than a womp rat, and as much as she can shoot down her marks, Yvaine rarely uses her pistol against others as she prefers torturing her marks with the whip rolled against her whip to inflict massive pain on organic beings.
  • A Magician - With mastery over the arcane arts of dark magic. Yvaine is a qualified mage with horrifying powers, the dark magick of the ancient is used by her to do her bidding. Some say that a single gesture of her hands may snap a man's neck, while others claim that her presence is overwhelming and somewhat choking. Whatever truth may lie behind these rumors, one thing is for sure: she is dangerous.
  • An Alchemist - Spending years studying the ancient scrolls, Yvaine has become a qualified alchemist with the renown of her deeds running as whispers through the darkest alleys found in the most dangerous places of the galaxy. Most claim never hearing about her, while most admit that when they do know what her name means, it becomes easily perceived that a foul deed is usually involved.
  • Bare Hands - Not only she prefers to fight with her own hands, but also Yvaine lacks the proper experience in wielding a blade against seasoned foes.
  • Cruel Wench - Her ways are cruel, always resorting to blood and violence. Predicting her actions can be quite easily done.
  • Ambitious - Yvaine dreams of crafting for herself a company of engineered aberrations, in which she can fill the galaxy with its horrid snarling. For that dream, Yvaine will go where no backwashed morality code can dream of taking her, even if it means betraying her 'masters'.

Born as the youngest daughter of one of the most prestigious and richest families of Hellin Prime. As her kind had always aimed to return on the noble graces of attaining for themselves the title of 'Lord' they had lost nearly three thousand years ago due to the elzerish political schemes, Yvaine grew up in a competitive household where all of her siblings fought for attention and prestige, to decide who were to be the one that would take over the family fortune. It was perhaps due to that that forced Yvaine to prefer the science academy on Coruscant as her next destination, a place she spent the next twenty years learning all she could before disappearing. No matter how much money was spent, Yvaine could not be found, and in secret, the female was taken to be trained by the witches of Dathomir, applying their knowledge to those of her own, and through countless years she learned and perfected her arts.

By yet unknown means, Yvaine became well-versed in the arts of what some so naively call 'Sith Alchemy'. Through her long existence in this life, Maedhros combined this knowledge with those of the High Magicka of the Elzeri species, for when the stars were young, the Children were old, and their knowledge already reached far beyond the feeble ideals of star charts, aiming for greatness. Once her family had been accounted among the noblest of all bloodlines, descendants of Maedhros the Fiery Heart, an ancient hero of their kin, but due to the actions of one of her forefathers they lost their titles and most of their lands, demoted to a strengthless position between the powerful's thumbs. The dream of returning to the
Astral's good graces and achieving back their nobility was always there, but Yvaine dreamed of something else, she dreamed of having her name written in the Chronicles of her kind with fame and respect.
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Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor

Hey! This looks pretty good to me with just three things to mention.


If you don't mind, linking Ninûshwodzakut to the Wookie article would make it easier for people to reference the ability. Unlike the other Force powers/groups it's quite obscure so this would make it easier for folks to understand.


I thought it was wampa rat, you have it as wompa, and Wookiepedia says it's womp! This is minor, but if you want to fix it then feel free.

Could you link to who or what Astral is here? Just to clarify the history of the character.
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