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Approved NPC Yves Rivas

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Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness

  • Age: 61
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Graying with age, Yves maintains a stoic and composed persona, very rarely showing emotion to any outside of his inner circle. His poor vision requires the use of glasses - he's previously refused corrective surgery, citing a distrust in operating on such a delicate anatomical feature.
  • Name: Yves Rivas
  • Loyalties: [member="Zeradias Mant"], Coruscant First, Coruscant Security Forces
  • Wealth: Steady professional growth and smart investments have made Rivas financially independent and stable. Still, his wealth is modest in comparison to more extravagant persons.
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: Good police work is a rare thing to come by, and Rivas was one of the best the CSF has seen in recent history. Homicides, burglaries, and kidnappings, Rivas boasted a case clearance rate of 90%. Whatever precinct he served in, his superiors were happy to have him (boost their stats.)
  • Personality: Profession over person - Rivas tantamount loyalty is to his fellow police. As a young officer and detective, he was outspoken, immature, and ill-suited for responsibility. As the years passed though, he was eventually granted more responsibilities despite his wishes, which forced him to mature for the sake of his subordinates. As a leader, he was strict and by the book. Still though, he did not forget where he came from and works to serve his subordinates as he wishes his command would have done for him many years ago.
  • Weapon of Choice: A-43 Husabye Pistol
  • Combat Function: Rivas' talents are largely administrative and in command, but his combat training never left him. He forced it to become a part of his life in walking the beat for 20 odd years. Still, he's a 61 year old man and better suited to let younger, more able men and women play the more direct role on the front lines - Rivas is better suited to command anyhow.
Chief Yves Rivas began service with the Coruscant Security Forces at the rank of Probationary Peace Officer (PPO). After eight months of training and after successfully completing various academic, physical, and tactical tests, Chief Rivas graduated from the academy and was promoted to the rank of Constable, and received a corresponding pay grade increase.

He served with the CSF's Traffic Division for four years before being transferred to the Underworld Police, where he served for one year. Following his assignment with the Underworld Police, he was promoted to Sergeant and subsequently transferred to the Tactical and Operational Force, where he remained for one year before being selected to serve on a diplomatic escort team for the One Sith.

His team was ambushed on a mission in Duvoylinn, in which the One Sith diplomats were assassinated and more than half of the escort team was killed in the line of duty. With Zeradias Mant assuming the mantle of Acting Detail Commander, Rivas was to be the Acting Detail Vice Commander. Upon their return to Coruscant, the escort team was awarded the CSF Medal of Valor. He remained with the Diplomatic Protection Unit for three years.

He was then promoted to Lieutenant, where he served as the shift lieutenant for the CSF Traffic Division for two years enforcing the planet's traffic law as well as handling many aspects of routine anti-crime operations. It was here he served his first unit command. Two years later, he was promoted to Captain and commanded the Fosobi Precinct.

After seeing a continual reduction in crime in his precinct, he was shortlisted by CSF Senior Command for a post in headquarters. He was not selected to fill the vacancy. He remained the Fosobi Precinct's Captain for another year, before being tapped to serve as Deputy Chief of the Criminal Investigation Division.

Police under his command saw widespread morale increases. Veteran officers took immense pride that a "cop's cop" had made it so far in Senior Command. That pride trickled down to more junior officers, who looked at Rivas as something of an idol. Just as Rivas was loyal to the CSF, the CSF was loyal to Rivas. His professional career didn't just halt there.

Four years later, he was appointed Chief of Internal Affairs, following the retirement of his predecessor. As the head of the CSF's Internal Affairs Bureau, he was responsible for overseeing and leading efforts to prevent corruption and maintain the public's trust, ensuring that trust by detecting, investigating, and bringing to justice the the small number of CSF peace officers who engage in misconduct or corruption. Quintessential to their duties, the IAB is granted a unique degree of autonomy to effectively conduct such investigations. It is official CSF policy that IAB operate outside the departmental chain of command.

Shortly thereafter, the Galactic Alliance had sacked Coruscant and expelled the One Sith from the system. Though CSF officers fought on the side of the defenders, Rivas was in the minority of Senior Command that encouraged the Chief to surrender. With his popularity among the rank and file, even in his new position with IAB, his word carried a lot of weight with the brass. The Chief of Security subsequently surrendered to GADF field commanders and ordered his officers to resume peacekeeping and police operations. Galactic Alliance troops were to be treated as an allied military in residence.

Just as he was loyal to his officers, his officers were loyal to him. After a vicious vetting process, Rivas was allowed to keep his command. It was a move widely criticized in Alliance space, but investigators cited a catastrophic efficiency decrease in the event of his removal from office. The Alliance was not keep to implement martial law so soon after invading a planet, even if liberation was the objective.

Years after, Zeradias Mant, his former commander and comrade, returned to Coruscant and was elected Executive of the Central District. With Rivas' endorsement, his party, Coruscant First, gain widespread popularity throughout the planet. The message was spelled out in the party's name, and it was one that resonated with Rivas. Often slandered by Alliance propaganda and mislabeled as an extremist, humanocentric organization, Rivas publicly distanced himself from the party, but still retained close ties with its leader. In secret, he sympathizes with the cause.
[member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Irajah Ven"]

I always like reviewing primarily non-combat NPCs, lots of opportunity to get interesting flavor going without getting bogged down in the balance game.

This is a good example of that.

Pending secondary approval!
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