Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wepons:Hand Rifle,2 blaster pistols,Grenade Launcher,Mine,Viroblade
Specialties:Hand becomes rifle viroblade and grenade launcher
Force Sensitive: Never
Strength:Has powerful core
Weakness:If too much damage is taken it will shutdown
Fun Fact: Has personality
Personality: Helps good people but slaughters any attackers is not afraid to kill good people
Ship: Powerful Sheilds,Powerful Laser Cannons,8 laser cannons,1 proton torpedo launcher,Ship is a medium size

Bio: At an unkown location this droid was built with a special design that wont be ever copied the design was then completely destroyed seeing how it was way too dangrous and the droid explores now doing what ever it wants with no precaution because part of it is made from the same material as mandelorian armor
Fact: Is one of a kind design is impossible to copy
Well-Known Member
I apologize to intrude, but you will have to fill out our template. Good start though!

You will also have to create a Factory Submission if this is a droid, which you will be capable of doing once you have reached 50 posts.

Welcome to Chaos!

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