Hannibal Oryen
Slick Fondorian

Image by Unknown
OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION- Intent: To provide customers with a high-end droid capable of fulfilling the roles of pilots and naval crewmen.
- Development Thread: Soon™
- Designer: Hannibal Oryen
- Manufacturer: Hegemonic Automaton
- Model: Zenithar-Series Work Droid
- Affiliation: Customers
- Modularity: No
- Production: Mass
- Material: Durasteel
- Classification: Second Degree
- Weight: 104 Kilograms
- Height: 1.5 Meters
- Movement: Bipedal
- [No built in armaments; programmed with an Unarmed Combat Protocol.]
- [Capable of using BlasTech, Santhe, and Brown sidearms.]
- [x1] J2 Droid Brain
- [x1] Vocabulator
- [x1] Sensorscope
- [x1] Gyroscopic Stabilizer
- [x1] Computer Probe
- [x1] Optimization Interface
- [x1] Heuristic Processor
- [x1] NeuroCoat 'Everlast' (coating over internal components)
- [x1] K-65 Targeting System
- [x1] Officer Module (Optional)
The sixth droid to be manufactured as part of the wildly successful Zenithar Series of labor droids, the Z6 Naval Droid is here to help you navigate the stars- be it at the controls of your personal shuttle, or manning the battlestations of your Star Destroyer. The Z6 is not a combat droid and is optimized for use as a pilot or naval crewman, but it does come with the means to defend itself. This also makes it a reliable low-budget bodyguard and partner for those solo-adventure types.
While capable of flying most starfighters and shuttles without incident, it would be impossible to program a droid that is capable of manning every star destroyer in the galaxy without incident. Indeed, Hegemonic Automaton could only program the droid with so much in the way of manning turbolaser batteries, tractor beams, and the other odds and ends present on large capital ships. Without proper training, Z6s can operate most capital ships without incident. It is, however, still recommended that the droids receive proper training in order to boost efficiency.
To aid in this minor caveat, the Z6 comes equipped with a heuristic processor. This allows it to learn new things quickly and without needing practice. The droid sees, does, and will need no further assistance. From there, it will be capable of making its own decisions. It comes equipped with other Hegemonic standards. A sensorscope and a gyroscopic stabilizer, for examples. It also comes with a computer probe so that it can more seamlessly interact with the internal systems of the vessel it is operating, and an optimization interface for even greater efficiency in doing so. Its internal components and electronics are augmented with a coat of Neuro-Saav's "Everlast" nanobot coating, reducing (but not completely eliminating) the need for regular maintenance.
Because piracy and hostile boarding parties are a constant threat along the space lanes of the galaxy, the Z6 has been programmed with the ability to defend itself. Despite its unassuming appearance, the Z6 is not only programmed with an impressive unarmed combat protocol, but has surprising strength to back it up. Unlike other deckhands, Z6s know no fear or apprehension, and will not hesitate to engage hostiles. For wealthier clients who wish to arm their Z6s, these droids are also programmed to be able to utilize most standard blaster and slugthrower pistols. To facilitate that, they are also the only droids in the Zenithar Series that come equipped with the latest and greatest in targeting systems- the Neuro-Saav K-65, which is specifically optimized for Julianos-Series Droid Brains. All things considered, the odds of a Z6 missing its target are slim.
Also available for purchase alongside the Z6 is an Officer Module. Z6s equipped with this unit will be identified as commanding officers by their counterparts. These units are more capable of freethinking and strategic decision-making, though not on the level of tactical droids. This module adds to the already existing programming of the Z6s, familiarizing it with the naval customs and protocols of the purchasing party. Bear in mind that Z6s with this module will develop personality traits and quirks at a much faster rate than any other Cestian droid. Frequent memory wipes are urged.
Because the Z6 is equipped with a J2 Droid Brain, it will develop personality traits at a faster rate than most droids regardless of the officer module. Z6s that achieve sapience will typically start singing sea (or rather, space) shanties and gambling when not actively engaged in a task. These sea shanties, depending on the time since the last memory wipe, will reference past battles, events, and the Z6s’ general opinion on their commanding officer. Sapient Z6s not instilled with a sense of patriotism will refuse suicidal orders and dissatisfied units may instigate mutiny.
Examples of space shanties developed by Z6 units are as follows:
- Malfunctioning Droid
- Roll The Antiquated Wheeled Transport
- The Orbit of High Lianna
- Zeltros Ladies
- Haul Away Unit 377-9B
Hegemonic Automaton is not responsible for the actions of Z6 units that achieve sapience.