Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zabrak looking for Master

Zalos just turned in a bounty on Coruscant that was to assassinate a noble . After 10 years of completing and getting rich off bounties Zalos decides that he should fiqure out this power he has dwelling inside and gets stronger when he is angry. He was told of dark master that are able to teach him how to unlock the full ability of the power. [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"]
Adan, was with [member="stardust"] coming back from their much needed vacation, they stopped on coruscant which they hated the thought of ever doing such a thing, but they needed supplies and fuel for their ship. Adan looking at stardust "hey babe while we are here we could grab something to eat at one of the bars here, we will be in and out because I know you don't like this planet anymore than I do." They landed the ship at the docking bay and started to fuel it up, while this was going on Adan invited stardust to some dinner. [member="Darth Zalos"]
Zalos needed a much needed drink to relax and spend some of the credits he got from his bounty. When the bartender gave Zalos the drink he asked the bartender if there was any well paid bounties that are out. Zalos then realized that he has not ate anything since the night of the assassination. [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"]
She nodded and smiled as she assisted in ordering the food needed for two for the ship as well as making sure everything was in place, she got onto the comm"ya know dinner sounds nice I'm heading to you right now "she said smiling as she walked till she reached him" OK do where to do ya know of Amy good bar
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Darth Zalos"]
Stardust made it to Adan "hello babe I have found this one place its quiet and nice not a lot of Jedi there either, so what do you say? [member="stardust"] [member="Darth Zalos"]
The bartender told Zalos a high paying bounty for killing senator of the Republic on his homeworld of Naboo. Zalos is going to think the bounty over a more drinks. He fiqures it is going to be at least a three person job. Maybe he could even find a teacher on the job. [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"]
Adan walking into the bar he over heard a young Zabrak was looking for a master to train him in the force he felt that he was force sensitive, power was in him the kid had potential. Adan walked up to the bar and order him a drink, and sat down next to him, [member="stardust"] was right behind him, Adan turned to him "So are you in need of a master to train you in the force?" Adan smiled at him "I can feel it in you." [member="Darth Zalos"]
Zalos turns and sees a man in his late 30's and replies " why yes are trained in this so called force?" Zalos then sees an woman right behind and guessing that they are in some kind or relationship and asks her " are you also trained in the so called force?" [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"]
She sat down and smiled a kind smile as she gently lifts his cup up then sets it down before speaking "indeed I am trained in the force" she said in a low voice not wanting any one but those two to hear her
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Darth Zalos"]
Adan looked at the young guy, "We haven't trained someone in a long time, yes we do it as a couple and it would be a good refresher to train a new face. I am willing to train you in Pyrokinesis and telekinesis, my loving wife here can teach you in saber combat and I can teach you fighting with your Pyrokinesis. Only if you're willing." [member="stardust"] [member="Darth Zalos"]
Zalos replies to Adan "Sabers? What is that it seems like that will be interesting to learn. But i will be willing to learn if you guys will take as an apprentice." [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"]
She looked his face over and nodded"I'll agree to train you as long as my husband agrees as well "she looked to adan smiling " what do tiy say dear should we train him or no"she said as she took a drink
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Darth Zalos"]
Adan thought a little, "I don't see why not, just know I will teach you about honor and respect, even though I am rogue knight I have respect for my enemies and when I fight them I show nothing but honor to them hate will not be taught and I have my faith in you that you will not hate but repsect and use your powers responsibly I will teach you this way." Adan looks at [member="stardust"] and smiles. [member="Darth Zalos"]
Zalos thinks and then smiles and replies " Alright if these are your rules then i will abide by them." Zalos then looks back at the bartender and telles him that he will not take that bounty saying it is to risky. Zalos turns back to Adan and asks " so when will my training start?" [member="Adan Jax"] [member="stardust"]
Star smiled hearing him eager to start"patience is the first lesson you shall learn"she said and smiled as she stood looking at adan"I believe we need to set him a room on the ship"she said and looked at zaloz"we travel on a frieghter most of the time *she said smiling
[member="Adan Jax"] [member="Darth Zalos"]

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