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Approved NPC Zabre Drurin

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  • Age: [ 67]
  • Force Sensitivity: [Master]
  • Species: [Kel Dor]
  • Appearance: [
  • Height: 1.8 meters
  • Weight: 180 lb
  • Eyes: Silver
  • Skin: Dark orange
  • Usually wearing dark brown robes that are easy to move in for combat]
  • Name: [Senior Combat Instructor and Sage Zabre Drurin]
  • Loyalties: [Baran Do.]
  • Wealth: [Zabre has little use of money but would be considered a little over middle class)]
  • Notable Possessions: [ None particular but a staff and robes ]
  • Skills: [ Zabre is a powerful force user and chose to practice in the force offensively and defensively rather then just as a matter of protecting against natural disasters. His abilities focus heavily on white force lightning and force barrier, learning how to apply them in combat effectively against multiple or powerful opponents. He does possess use of telekinesis and whirlwinds however using them may set him off his game unless he's facing numerous weak enemies. Zabre is one of the greater combatants in the Baran Do but doesn't make use of a staff due to his reliance on the force and aging body.]
  • Personality: [ Zabre is a determined individual. His joining of the Baran Do did little to change that. While he maintains meditation like many others and often tells his students to do the same, he is certainly one of the members who would appear to be less peaceful. This is perhaps in part due to wanting to get things done, and overcompensating his use of the force for a situation to be certain it gets done. His age has mellowed him somewhat, but he is no less quick to act in a situation.]
  • Weapon of Choice: [ The Force, particularly barrier and lightning]
  • Combat Function: [Zabre is particularly strong against enemies in masse OR a single powerful opponent, fighting two powerful enemies or a powerful enemy and weaker enemies can greatly diminish his focus and puts him at a severe disadvantage. He is used to using force barrier with one hand, and lightning or telekinesis with the other to cause massive attacks rather then focused ones, while also stopping widespread attacks from reaching him from the side of the barrier. In fights when he has allies, he usually stands at the forefront to use a barrier, and then attacks with lightning at moments while his allies work. When alone he alters the location of the barrier regularly and where he is striking with the force. Zabre is weaker against melee weapons due to his focus of the force and almost complete lack of practice with his staff. If he can't stop them with a barrier or lightning at this location he can usually only try and get away.]
  • [
  • -Considerable power in combative use of the light side of the force
  • -Precognition
  • -High White force lightning
  • -High Force barrier
  • -Moderate to high telekinesis when used on a wide scale, dust storm, many small whirlwinds, etc)
  • -Experienced
  • -Devout to the ways of the Baran Do
  • -Taught many students in physical use of the force.
  • -Fantastic against en masse groups
  • -Moderately dangerous against powerful individuals]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. -Weaker against melee weapons
  • -Can have attention almost destroyed if there is more then one powerful opponent, or one powerful opponent who has allies
  • -Determination on a goal can distract him from changing to a more efficient goal should a new one arise, or from saving others if he is not actively aware of them.
  • -Has almost zero practice in martial arts or use of the staff
  • -much weaker against melee attackers, particularly of blades or sabres.
  • -Less good at negotiations as other Sages may be]
[ Zabre joined the Baran Do a little later then usual, however he was a rather quick learner to the force and spent almost not time rising from apprentice to Master. There were some concerns on his motives, as he often leaned towards the combative side and had a greater tendency to push too hard, however there was no dark side sensed in him so he was allowed to continue.

It did not take Zabre long to join the ranks of the Sages, and as one he left many a time to help others in their efforts who were in need of more physical assistance, however he rarely stayed knowing to do so might attract the wrong people's attention. He did this for many years before he finally returned to the temple stating he wished to be a combat instructor, while most instructors for combat had practiced in the use of the staff and martial arts where Zabre had almost none, his continued proof that he could do without them allowed him the position. He served as an instructor for years and refused the position of Senior combat Instructor many times. Eventually he accepted the position a few years under Xos Drikre, but only as he knew his age was bringing him closer to being unable to as actively teach as he had been. And soon he would be able to do little but advise, he often looks for a replacement as he is but two years away from being considered Venerable for a Kel Dor, and while strong in the force he has put no effort or expectation on living much longer then any other. He no longer ventures out as he once did and hasn't even left the temple in the last six years. Most expect he will die there.]
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