Zachariah Borgia
NAME: Zachariah Cesare Borgia
ALIASES: The Exalted Master
MAJOR FACTION: The Confederacy of Independent Systems
RANK: Dark Jedi Master | Master Assassin
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
HEIGHT: 6'0" (1.82m)
WEIGHT: 175lb (79.3kg)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Light tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Friendly - For the most part despite his hopelessness towards the Galaxy unless provoked he is calm and friendly towards others.
Loyal - Zac is loyal to those who have earned his trust he is the type of darksider that stabs his allies and friends in the back.
Minimalist - Zac lives a very sparse life never hold much value in stuff.
Cold Blooded - If his contract or duty is to kill someone he does it, he doesn't question it nor does feel remorse for those he has to kill it is his job and he does it with out question.
Competitive - Zac likes to win and hates losing. He is very aggressive and unrelenting when a competition with stakes are put before him and he wills top at nothing to try and win.
Cynical - He has very little hope for sentient life in the Galaxy it's only a matter time before the galaxy obliterates itself.
Zach lives a pretty low-key life outside the brotherhood passing himself off as just a commoner. You can find him at the local cantina’s chatting up while having a few pints. You can see him mingle with the people of the poor neighborhoods he wanders in. Yet behind those brown eyes are dark secrets or murder.
Zach is a good guy so it is hard to believe he is a cold-blooded murderer and has been for most of his life. Though he passes himself off a common guy he is an assassin of the dark brotherhood. One of the highest-ranking members in the order second only to the Dread Queen of which he has served two now.
With in the order he is looked up to as a teacher and even a leader. He is liked by almost everyone who meets him because though he is firm is also fair and gives everyone in the order a chance. Though if you fail him to many times, he can be judgmental and almost unrelenting in his lack of forgiveness. He only allows so much to slide before he get’s really serious and you see his stricter side.
But in General, he is a fun and relaxed guy that most everyone gets along with. Though he is highly competitive which rubs a few people the wrong way.
Sports | Sparring | Weapons | Gambling | Drinking | Corellian Ale | Action Holovids | Steak | Eggs | Potatoes | Dares | Lumen | Artifacts | Good Food | Leather Jackets | Joking Around | Being Charming | Competitive Games | High Stakes
People knowing his Secrets | His Family | Laziness | Apathy | Complaining | Whining | Hypochondria | Needless Drama | Up Tight People | Ignorance
Adventurous | Calm | Charismatic | Charming | Confident | Contemplative | Decisive | Disciplined | Fair | Firm | Focused | Friendly | Good-natured | Hardworking | Humorous | Independent | Insightful | Intuitive | Loyal | Leaderly | Observant | Patient | Perceptive | Persuasive | Playful | Protective | Rational | Relaxed | Reliable | Serious | Skillful | Sociable | Teacherly | Wise | Witty
Amoral | Blunt | Calculating | Cold | Criminal | Competitive | Cynical | Deceitful | Dogmatic | Fanatical | Fraudulent | Insulting | Judgmental | Mawkish | Meddlesome | Nihilistic | Opinionated | Opportunistic | Predatory | Ritualistic | Secretive | Superstitious | Vindictive
Zach wears very casual clothing trained to blend into the crowds. He wears what ever nearly non descript clothing he can and where what ever is most common on the world he is is going to. Usually his style is dictated by the fashion of the day but he is also known just to wear a simple t-shirts, leather Jackets, sneakers, and jeans. Though his jackets have tendency to have many hidden pockets to conceal weapons or poisons.
For markings all he has is a simple tattoo on his left palm that marks him as a member of his former assassins guild.
His hair style he often grows it to shoulder length and keeps trimmed to that level. His hair also has a bit of curl to it that is even more noticeable when it is cropped shorter.
Zac was the born the bastard son to Nicoletta Borgia of the upper class Corellian family Borgia. The Borgia family dealt in both legal and illegal business to make their money. Zac’s Grandfather Reginald Borgia was somewhat a religious fanatic that believe the Jedi were some kind of savors despite his hypocritical life style that also dealt in Illegal business.
Reginald always invited Jedi to his home and socialized with them constantly. They were always in and out of the Borgia home for events or just visits. They probably even knew of Reginald’s smuggling, piracy, and slave trade operations but turned a blind eye to them. It was no wonder his sixteen-year-old daughter fell in love with a much older Jedi knight and got Pregnant. It was something the family never talked about another dirty little secret to keep buried.
Dirty little secrets seemed to be the Borgia family’s specialty along with hypocrisy. Do as I say not as I do seemed to be the family motto along with a heavy dose of lies.
Nicolletta was unfit to be a mother because of her age, maturity level, and lack of responsibility. All she wanted to do was be a socialite and hang with her friends. She could care less about the crying baby in the crib or that it need to be feed and need a mother’s comfort. Reginald though not a great person wasn’t a bad person despite his darker dealings. He saw his daughter neglect of the baby boy and hired a caretaker named Amond Danver. Amond was an old man, heck Zac was never sure the man was ever a young man he had always been old for as long as Zac knew him.
Amond was the odd sort the Jedi that came to visit avoided him like they secretly knew who he used to be and what he used to do. Even though he always greeted them polite whenever they were around. Amond was also a stickler for details when it came to Zac’s studies, it wasn’t always about the right answer but why Zac answered some questions the way he did.
Amond was Zac’s caretaker and teacher. From walking to talking and beyond Amond was there more like family to Zac then his real family. He taught Zac many languages growing up, though Zac never realized it his education was very different from most kids.
Amond trained the boy to sneak, pickpockets, and picklocks. He taught Zac to think through his movements so he might choose the quickest way in and out of whatever objective he set for the boy. Zac at the time didn’t know much about the old man where he came from or where he learned all this stuff he taught.
He got Zac a martial arts teacher. Zac unaware at the time that Amond was building him and molding him into a certain image. Zac’s Grandfather would buy him presents but Amond would hide them away not wanting the boy to be spoiled and not to let Reginald think he could buy a child’s love. If Reginald really cared about the boy he would have spent time with him, same with the boy’s mother.
Though Reginald did try to get the Jedi to accept the boy but they refused to train him. Though Zac wasn’t aware of it his real father denied him admittance. Amond originally did try to argue with Reginald not to even try to have the boy admitted to the Jedi and he was relieved when he was denied.
At the age of Ten Amond told Reginald he had to attended to some family business. He offered to take Zac with him though it could take several years. Reginald agree so long as Amond gave weekly reports and Amond agreed.
Though it really wasn’t family business the first place Amond took Zac was to Malkii to live among the Malkite Poisoners and learn their craft of poison making. Zac lived among them for a few months full of long days studying and making poisons. After this was honed Amond to Zac to the Aing-Tii to get his first taste of force training. This took the rest of the year until he was eleven and a month.
After the Aing-Tii they joined a smuggling crew to for another six months. This where Zac learned all his smuggling and concealment skills. Also Amond Taught him some more things in the force. Then they land on Bothawui where he was tasked with using all he learned to break into a Bothan assassin’s guild and steal a contract they had. He succeeded and brought the contract to Amond who said it was time for the final test.
“One does not Kill for Revenge, revenge only blind you. A good killer, kills with a clear head.” ~ Amond Danver
The Contract was for a Jedi master on the Council. Corelian Jedi Master Bernon Sindel. Zac had heard that name in hushed whispers when he was home on Corellia. It was Zac’s father and Amond’s final task for the boy was for him to kill his father. Zac snuck into the Jedi Temple on Corellia posing as a Padawan learner. He found his father’s quarters and as the master slept the boy reached around with a Dagger and slit the man’s throat and then removed the man’s pinky as proof of the kill.
Amond was proud of the boy and he told them then had one final journey to make. In the mean time Amond got contacted by Reginald who informed him of the death of Bernon but Amond claimed the boy had run away and he was frantically searching for him. In actuality Zac was still with Amond who took him to Zeltros. He was brought into the Brotherhood of Assassins as Amonds replacement so Amond could go into full retirement. This is where Zachariah Borgia went from boy to man. This is his home now he had been trained since birth for this.
He rose to second in the order, the right hand and exalted master until it recently failed due to internal politics. Now he finds himself wondering the Galaxy in search of his new purpose surely there is need of his kind yet in this Galaxy.